%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % acmd.sty % ArabTeX command processing % 20.08.2003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Formale Methoden der Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \a@ident {acmd.sty} {3.11 Arabic command processing } {20.08.2003} \def \a@command #1{% process an internal command \iftest@command \tracingmacros 1 \fi \def@@cmd #1\xpa \ifx \the\a@@cmd \relax % no special handling? \if\is@in@set #1\a@@listreg % \def \next {\xpa \test@token #1}\else \def \next {\xpa \arab@tail #1}\else \if\is@in@set #1\a@@listzero \unarab@codes \def \next {#1\arab@tail }\else \if\is@in@set #1\a@@listone \unarab@codes \def \next ##1{#1{##1}\arab@tail }\else \if\is@in@set #1\a@@listtwo \unarab@codes \def \next ##1##2{#1{##1}{##2}\arab@tail }\else \def \next {\a@cmderr #1}% disallowed \fi\fi\fi\fi \else \def \next {\the\a@@cmd }% local routine \fi \next } \def \a@cmderr #1{% complain and substitute a dummy command \errhelp {Your command will be echoed in the output}% \ifx #1\undefined \def \next {\a@puttt #1\test@token }% \errmessage {Unknown arabic command: \nxp #1}% \else \errmessage {Illegal arabic command: \nxp #1}% \a@@cmd = {{\a@puttt #1\arab@tail }} \immediate\openout \a@@err = \jobname.err \immediate\write \a@@err {\string \gdef \string \next \space \xpa \a@@pat \meaning #1:->\pat@end \the\a@@cmd }% substitution \immediate\closeout \a@@err {\catcode `\@=11 \input \jobname.err }% \fi \next } \def \def@@cmd #1{% define \a@@cmd as \a@c@#1 \ifcat \nxp #1\nxp ~% \global\a@@cmd = \xpa {\csname a@c@\string #1\endcsname }\else \global\a@@cmd = \xpa {\csname a@c@\xpa \@gobble \string #1\endcsname }\fi } \def \arab@tail {\arab@codes \set@arabfont \test@token } \def \a@@pat #1:#2->#3\pat@end {#2} \def \a@puttt #1{\putwordb@x {\tt \string #1}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% enable internal commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newtoks \a@@listzero \newtoks \a@@listone \newtoks \a@@listtwo \newtoks \a@@listreg \long\def \a@@addcmd #1#2{% #1 cmd, #2 list \global #2 = \xpa {\the #2#1}} \long\def \all@wcmd #1{% enable parameterless command in arabic environment \a@@addcmd #1\a@@listzero } \long\def \all@w@ne #1{% enable command with 1 param in arabic environment \a@@addcmd #1\a@@listone } \long\def \all@wtw@ #1{% enable command with 2 params in arabic environment \a@@addcmd #1\a@@listtwo } \long\def \all@wif #1{% enable \#1true, \#1false \a@@name = \xpa \xpa \xpa {\xpa \@gobble \string #1}% \xpa \all@wcmd \csname \the\a@@name true\endcsname \xpa \all@wcmd \csname \the\a@@name false\endcsname } \long\def \all@whcmd #1{% enable command for horizontal mode \def@@cmd #1\all@wcmd #1% \xpa \def \the\a@@cmd {\putwordb@x {\leavevmode #1}\test@token }} \long\def \all@wvcmd #1{% enable command for vertical mode \def@@cmd #1\all@wcmd #1% \xpa \def \the\a@@cmd {\a@@par #1\test@token }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% enable command definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \long\def \allowarab #1{% enable new command in arabic environment \a@@addcmd #1\a@@listreg } \def \a@@def #1#2#3#4{% define command in RL mode \allowarab #2#1#2#3{#4}\test@token } \def \a@c@def #1#2#{\a@@def \def {#1}{#2}} \def \a@c@edef #1#2#{\a@@def \edef {#1}{#2}} \def \a@c@gdef #1#2#{\a@@def \gdef {#1}{#2}} \def \a@c@xdef #1#2#{\a@@def \xdef {#1}{#2}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% enable ArabTeX commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \all@wcmd \novocalize \all@wcmd \vocalize \all@wcmd \fullvocalize \all@wcmd \setnash \all@wcmd \setnashbf \all@wcmd \setnastaliq \all@wcmd \setarab \all@wcmd \setmaghribi \all@wcmd \setfarsi \all@wcmd \setturk \all@wcmd \setkurdish \all@wcmd \setbalut \all@wcmd \seturdu \all@wcmd \setpashto \all@wcmd \setverb \all@wcmd \yahdots \all@wcmd \yahnodots \all@wcmd \oldtanwin \all@wcmd \newtanwin \all@wcmd \accentshigh \all@wcmd \accentslow \all@wcmd \oldhamza \all@wcmd \newhamza \all@w@ne \setarabfont \all@w@ne \setcode \all@wcmd \endsetcode \all@wcmd \setuighur \iffalse \all@w@ne \input \all@w@ne \end \all@wcmd \relax \all@wcmd \indent \all@wcmd \noindent \all@w@ne \emphasize \all@wtw@ \footnote \all@w@ne \marginpar \all@w@ne \docommand \all@wtw@ \doassign \all@w@ne \mbox \all@w@ne \centerline \all@w@ne \spreadline \all@wtw@ \spreadbox \all@wcmd \nospace \all@w@ne \hspace \all@w@ne \tracingmacros \fi \all@wif \arab \all@wif \trans \all@wif \show \all@wif \spread \all@wif \ligs \all@wif \RL \all@whcmd \bigskip \all@whcmd \medskip \all@whcmd \smallskip \all@whcmd \hfill \all@whcmd \hfil \all@whcmd \space \all@whcmd \hss \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \all@wvcmd \bigskip \all@wvcmd \medskip \all@wvcmd \smallskip \fi \all@wvcmd \newpage \all@wvcmd \clearpage \all@wvcmd \vfil \all@wvcmd \vfill %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% special characters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@spec@def #1#2{% define routine for special character \def@@cmd #1\xpa \gdef \the\a@@cmd {#2}} \def \a@@chardef #1{\begingroup \lccode `\0 #1\lowercase {\endgroup \ifarab \putwordb@x {\a@rabwrite {0}}\fi \a@showinput {0}}\obey@space } \a@spec@def \#{\a@@chardef {`\#}} \a@spec@def \${\a@@chardef {`\$}} \a@spec@def \%{\a@@chardef {`\%}} \a@spec@def \&{\a@@chardef {`\&}} \a@spec@def \^{\a@@chardef {`\^}} \a@spec@def \_{\a@@chardef {`\_}} \a@spec@def \ {\a@spacefalse \putwordb@x {\arab@space }\test@token } \def \a@c@arabchar #1{% single character in the font \ifarab \putwordb@x {\char #1}\fi \a@showinput {\arabchar #1}\obey@space } \def \a@c@char {% read char number \begingroup \afterassignment \a@@char \count0=} \def \a@@char {% deposit character \edef \a@ch@r {\noexpand\a@c@arabchar {\the\count0}}% \xpa\endgroup \a@ch@r } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% miscellaneous commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@end {\end } \def \a@c@relax {\test@token } \def \a@c@par {\a@@par \test@token } \def \a@c@indent {\arab@indent \test@token } \def \a@c@noindent {\arab@noindent \test@token } \def \a@c@input {% \input inside arabic environment, Plain version \xpa \test@token \input } \def \a@c@doassign #1#2{% execute assignment #1#2\relax \test@token } \def \a@c@docommand #1{% expand and process user command \xpa \test@token \xpa {#1} } \def \a@c@bf {\setnashbf \arab@tail } \def \a@c@rm {\setnash \arab@tail } \def \a@c@today {\xpa \a@c@mbox \xpa {\a@@today }} \edef \a@@today {\number\day \space \ifcase\month\or yanAyir \or febrAyir \or mAris \or 'abrIl \or mAyU \or yUniyU \or yUliyU \or 'a.gus.tus \or sibtambar \or 'uktUbar \or nUfambar \or disambar \fi , \number\year} \def \a@c@protect {\test@token } \long\def \a@c@cond #1#2#3\fi {% call conditional #1\ReturnElseFi {\test@token #2}% \else \ReturnFi {\test@token #3}\fi } \def \a@c@endinput {\endinput \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin ... \end {romantext} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@romantext {% end Arabic mode and switch down (!) to Roman \endgroup \endarabtext \endgroup \def \@currenvir {romantext}\let \end \a@r@end \ignorespaces } \def \endromantext {% switch up (!) to Arabic mode \endgraf \def \@currenvir {document}\begingroup \def \@currenvir {arabtext}\arabtext } \let \a@l@end \end % save current meaning of \end \def \a@r@end #1{% new \end for the base level \def \@romantext {romantext}\def \@tempa {#1}% \ifx \@tempa \@romantext \let \@tempa \endromantext \else \def \@tempa {\a@l@end {#1}}% \fi \@tempa } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% boxes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@centerline #1{% new line, centered \a@@par \centerline {\a@showinput {#1}}% \ifarab \putwordb@x {\hss \a@sequence {#1}\hss }\a@put@line \fi \test@token } \def \a@c@spreadline #1{% new line, spread out \a@@par \initlineb@x \centerline {\a@showinput {#1}}% \ifarab \putwordb@x {\spreadtrue \a@sequence {#1}\setbox0 \lastbox \unhbox0 }\a@put@line \fi \test@token } \def \a@c@mbox #1{% put the argument into a box \ifarab \putwordb@x {\a@sequence {#1}}\fi \a@spacefalse \a@showinput {#1}\test@token } \def \a@c@spreadbox {% {width}{text} put the text into a box \unarab@codes \a@@spreadbox } \def \a@@spreadbox #1{% {width}{text} get the width \def \a@bwidth {#1}\arab@codes \a@spreadbox } \def \a@spreadbox #1{% {width}{text} get the text \ifarab \putwordb@x {\spreadtrue \setspace {3pt plus .3fil}% \a@sequence {#1}% \setbox0 \lastbox \hbox to \a@bwidth {\unhbox0 }}\fi \a@spacefalse \a@showinput {#1}\test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% spacing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@nospace {% concatenate neighboring items \a@spacefalse \test@token } \let \nospace \relax \def \a@c@hspace {% horizontal space \unarab@codes \a@@hspace } \def \a@@hspace #1{% get argument \a@spacefalse \ifarab \putwordb@x {\hskip #1\relax }\fi \arab@codes \test@token } \def \a@c@pagebreak {\a@@par \@ifnextchar [{\a@@pagebreak }{\a@@pagebreak [4]}} \def \a@@pagebreak [#1]{\pagebreak [#1]\test@token } \def \a@c@hskip {\afterassignment \a@hskip \dimen0=} \def \a@hskip {\putwordb@x {\hskip \dimen0 }\test@token } \def \a@c@vskip {\afterassignment \a@vskip \dimen0=} \def \a@vskip {\a@@par \vskip \dimen0 \test@token } \def \a@c@vspace {% vertical space \unarab@codes \a@@vspace } \def \a@@vspace #1{% get argument \ifarab \a@@par \vskip #1\relax \fi \arab@codes \test@token } \def \a@c@break {\a@put@line \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% emphasis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@emphasize {% get next token \def \next@command {\arab@em}% \futurelet \next@token \test@space } \def \arab@em #1 {% overstrike group \def \next@command {\test@special}% \ifarab \setbox0 \hbox {\a@sequence {#1}}% \putwordb@x {\vbox {\hrule \kern 1pt \box0}}% \fi \ifshow {\tt \string \emphasize \ }% \if \bgroup \nxp \next@token \a@@verb {{#1}}\else \a@@verb {#1}% \fi\fi \iftrans \underbar {{\set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end }}% \fi \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \footnote in an arabic environment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@footnote #1{% Plain TeX arabic footnote \rm \parindent \a@parindent \unarab@codes \def \@foot {\unskip \strut \egroup \arab@codes \set@arabfont \test@token }% \putwordb@x {#1}\a@spacetrue \vfootnote {#1}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \marginpar in an arabic environment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@marginpar {% for Arabic environments only \setbox0 \vtop \bgroup \unarab@codes \a@@marginpar } \long \def \a@@marginpar #1{% get text of note \hsize \marginparwidth \parskip 0pt \raggedright \noindent \rm \strut #1\vss \egroup \dp0 \z@ \setbox\lineb@x \hbox {\unhbox\lineb@x \rlap {\hskip \marginparsep \box0 \hss }}\test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \all@w@ne \settrans \def \a@c@tracingmacros {\afterassignment \test@token \tracingmacros=} \def \a@c@test #1{\csname test@#1true\endcsname \test@token } \def \a@c@untest #1{\csname test@#1false\endcsname \test@token } \a@spec@def \<{\a@get@ins } \def \a@get@ins #1>{\test@token #1 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%