%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % apatch.sty % last minute corrections % see \a@pdatum and \a@level at the end of the file % template: 22.08.2003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this is just another *.sty file % you do not have to do any manual patching % just put this file onto the TEXINPUT path %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chardef \patchatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 \chardef \patchdqcode = \catcode`\" \catcode`\" = 12 \def \a@version {3.11} % compare to arabtex::theversion \ifx \a@version \theversion \else \edef \next {\errmessage {This patch file only works with ArabTeX version \a@version }} \next \def \a@patchlevel {-undefined-} \xpa \endinput \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % presently no patches %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % two passes with LaTeX; see: alatex.sty %\iffalse % no patches yet; otherwise: delete ! \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \else \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % first patching run \let \a@@@document \a@document \a@extend \document {\setnone \input {apatch.sty}} \else % second pass after loading all modules \let \a@document \a@@@document \fi\fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % patch patterns: \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % load only the first time % patches on first pass \else % patches on second pass \fi \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %\a@message {Hebrew mode patches} \fi \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \else %\a@message {LaTeX mode patches} \fi %\fi % no patches yet; otherwise: delete ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {22.08.2003} \def \a@level {-} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aligs.sty \def \hah@end #1#2*#3#4+#5*#6{% hah, test for ligature % c1 m1 * c2 m21 + m22 * c3 \ifu@gh \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act \sk@h@u \fi \else \ifurd@ \ifm@lay \else \set@act \sk@h@s \hah@urd #3% round h? \fi \ifx #1T\else \ifx #3l\test@allah #4#6\else \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act\sk@h@u \if\is@end@char #3% \else \set@loww@act \global\a@min 1 \fi \fi\fi\fi \else \ifx #3l\test@allah #4#6\else \ifnum \chr@cls = 1 \set@chr\sk@b \put@tatwil % 1 YntCbyp \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 3 \put@tatwil % 3 GHX \else \gim@test #6\put@tatwil \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi } \def \test@allah #1#2{% special ligature \ifx #2l\ifnum #1 = \c@shadda \set@chr\sk@l@w % special short form of lam for the Name of God \fi\fi \put@tatwil } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty \def \setarabfont #1{% define font switching \def \the@arabfont {\tr@ceoff #1\tr@ceon }} \def \arab@output {\ifx \a@lang \a@arab \else \tr@ceoff % switch to Arabic output conventions \def@arabchars % define character macros for Arabic \def@arabaccent % define accent macros for Arabic \def@arabvoc % define vowel parsing routines for Arabic \def@arabstrut % define strut for Arabic \tr@zdmg % define standard transliteration \global\let \a@write \a@@write \global\let \a@write@hook \relax \def \set@arabfont {\the@arabfont }% \tr@ceon \let \a@lang \a@arab \fi } %\setnash \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebtex.sty \def \heb@output {\ifx \a@lang \a@hebr \else \tr@ceoff % switch to Hebrew output conventions \def@hebchars % define character macros for Hebrew \def@hebvoc % define vowel parsing routines for Hebrew \def@hebstrut % define strut for Hebrew \global\let \a@write \heb@write \global\let \a@write@hook \relax %\def \set@arabfont {\the@hebfont }% %\def \set@arabfont {\pheb }% \def \set@arabfont {\hebfont }% \tr@heb \tr@ceon \global\let \a@lang \a@hebr \fi } \def \sethebfont #1{% define font switching \def \hebfont {\tr@ceoff #1\tr@ceon }} \pdef \sethebrew {% switch to hebrew writing \all@false \@ssimtrue \yahd@tstrue \heb@output } \let \setheb \sethebrew \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hefonts2.sty \def \fdef #1#2#3#4{% define NFSS2 font command \pdef #1{\def \pheb {\fontencoding {U}\fontfamily {#2}% \fontseries {#3}\fontshape {#4}\selectfont }% \sethebfont \pheb }% \all@wcmd #1} \hdef \hc {m}{n} \hdef \hp {bx}{n} \hdef \Jm {m}{Jm} \hdef \jm {m}{jm} \hdef \ds {m}{ds} \hdef \oj {m}{oj} \hdef \ta {m}{ta} \hdef \shlmold {m}{so} \hdef \shlmscr {m}{sr} \hdef \shlmstk {m}{sk} \hdef \fr {m}{fr} \hdef \frbx {bx}{fr} \hdef \frsl {sl}{fr} \hdef \crml {m}{crml} \hdef \crmlsl {sl}{crml} \sethebfont \hc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % LaTeX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % Hebrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {27.08.2003} \def \a@level {a} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \LaTeX \undefined %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebtex.tex \def\smash{\relax % \relax, in case this comes first in \halign \ifmmode \xpa\mathpalette \xpa\mathsm@sh \else \xpa\makesm@sh \fi } \def \jm {\sethebfont {\jerusalem}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % Plain \hc % default Hebrew font %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % Hebrew \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % load only the first time \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alatex.tex \UsePackage {alists} % load LaTeX extensions for Arabic lists \UsePackage {asect} % load LaTeX extensions for Arabic sections \UsePackage {atabg} % load LaTeX extensions for Arabic tabbing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % LaTeX \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {08.09.2003} \def \a@level {b} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % heparse.sty \def \add@@shewa {% put shewa on final kaf \xpa\case \the\last@con \of %{ k R {\add@shewa }} { k {\add@shewa }} \endcase } \let \sv@qameslongum \sv@qamesaleph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebtex.sty \pdef \setjudarab {% switch to hebrew writing \all@false \@ssimtrue \yahd@tstrue \jud@output } \all@wcmd \setjudarab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \jud@output {\ifx \a@lang \a@juda \else \heb@output \tr@ceoff % switch to Hebrew output conventions \def@judchars % define character macros for Judeo-Arabic \tr@zdmg % standard transliteration \tr@ceon \global\let \a@lang \a@juda \fi } \def \a@juda {JUDARAB} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebchrs.sty {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \gdef \def@judchars {% define character macros for Judeo-Arabic \gdef \tc@f {\act@cd\hc@f \@finaltrue } % f \gdef \tc@C {\act@cd\hc@t \act@mod \j@d@t } % _t \gdef \tc@D {\act@cd\hc@ss \act@mod \j@d@t \@finaltrue } % .d \gdef \tc@F {\act@cd\hc@d \act@mod \j@d@t } % _d \gdef \tc@G {\act@cd\hc@j \act@mod \j@d@t } % ^g \gdef \tc@R {\act@cd\hc@j \act@mod \j@@@d@t } % .g \gdef \tc@T {\act@cd\hc@h \act@mod \j@@d@t } % T \gdef \tc@X {\act@cd\hc@k \act@mod \j@d@t \@finaltrue } % _h \gdef \tc@Z {\act@cd\hc@tt \act@mod \j@d@t } % .z }}% end of dynamic definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi %\a@hebr \ifx \setjudarab \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty \chardef \j@d@t 5 \chardef \j@@d@t 6 \chardef \j@@@d@t 7 \def \h@putmod #1{% deposit modifier \ifcase #1\relax \or \h@sindot \or \h@shindot \or \h@rdot \or \h@raphe \or \j@dot \or \j@@dot \or \j@@@dot \fi } \def \the@dots {\the@dot \kern2\h@p \the@dot } \def \the@gim {\raise \h@p \hbox {\the@dot }% \the@dot \raise \h@p \hbox {\the@dot }} \def \j@dot {\j@put@dia {.5}{1.3}{\the@dot }} \def \j@@dot {\j@put@dia {.5}{1.3}{\the@dots }} \def \j@@@dot {\j@put@dia {.5}{1.3}{\the@gim}} \def \j@put@dia #1#2#3{% put diacritic #3 at (#1,#2) \setbox0 \hbox to \z@ {\hss #3\hss}\dimen@ #2\a@ht \dimen2 \a@slant\dimen@ \advance\dimen2 #1\a@wd \global\setbox\ab@x \hbox {\rlap {\kern\dimen2 \raise\dimen@\box0 }\unhcopy\ab@x }}% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi %\setjudarab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {17.09.2003} \def \a@level {c} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % acmd.sty \let \a@c@emph \a@c@emphasize \def \arab@em #1{% overstrike group \def \next@command {\test@special}% \ifarab \setbox0 \hbox {\a@sequence {#1}}% \putwordb@x {\vbox {\hrule \kern 1pt \box0}}% \fi \ifshow {\tt \string \emphasize \ }% \if \bgroup \nxp \next@token \a@@verb {{#1}}\else \a@@verb {#1}% \fi\fi \iftrans \underbar {{\set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end }}% \fi \test@token } \def \a@c@textbf #1{\a@c@bf #1\rm } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for LyX: spacing.sty \let \a@c@noun \test@token \def \a@spacing {\let \a@@restore@spacing \restore@spacing \let \restore@spacing \a@restore@spacing } \def \a@restore@spacing {\a@par \a@@restore@spacing } \def \a@c@singlespace {\a@par \a@spacing \def \endsinglespace {\a@par \par }% \singlespace \test@token } \def \a@c@onehalfspace {\a@par \a@spacing \onehalfspace \test@token } \def \a@c@doublespace {\a@par \a@spacing \doublespace \test@token } \def \a@c@spacing #1{\a@par \a@spacing \spacing {#1}\test@token } \xpa\def \csname a@c@singlespace*\endcsname {\a@par \a@spacing \xpa\let \xpa\a@endsinglespace \csname endsinglespace*\endcsname \xpa\def \csname endsinglespace*\endcsname {\a@par \a@endsinglespace \vskip -\baselineskip }% \csname singlespace*\endcsname \test@token } \let \a@c@textsf \test@token % these are preliminary \let \a@c@textsf \a@c@textbf \let \a@c@textit \test@token \let \a@c@textit \a@c@textbf \let \a@c@textit \a@c@emph \let \a@c@textsl \test@token \let \a@c@textsl \a@c@textbf \let \a@c@texttt \test@token \let \a@c@texttt \a@c@textbf \let \a@c@underbar \test@token \let \a@c@underbar \a@c@textbf \def \a@c@underbar {% get next token \def \next@command {\arab@ub }% \futurelet \next@token \test@space } \def \arab@ub #1 {% underbar \def \next@command {\test@special}% \ifarab \setbox0 \hbox {\a@sequence {#1}}% \putwordb@x {\vtop {\box0 \kern -5pt \hrule }}% \fi \ifshow {\tt \string \underbar \ }% \if \bgroup \nxp \next@token \a@@verb {{#1}}\else \a@@verb {#1}% \fi\fi \iftrans \underbar {{\set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end }}% \fi \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % awrite.sty \def \arab@testfont {% diagnose font, look for vowels and ayin \edef \next {\the\font }% \ifx \next \a@font \else \ifnum \tracingarab > 0 \a@message{Arabic font \next selected.}\fi \global\let \a@font \next \a@testfont \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty \def \heb@testfont {% diagnose font, look for vowels and ayin \edef \next {\the\font }% \ifx \next \h@font \else \ifnum \tracingarab > 0 \a@message {Hebrew font \next selected.}\fi \global\let \h@font \next \h@testfont \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabrep.cls \at@arabtext {% \def\a@l@section{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.0em}{1.8em}}% \def\a@l@subsection{\@dottedtocline{2}{2.8em}{2.1em}}% \def\a@l@subsubsectiom{\@dottedtocline{3}{4.9}{2.8em}}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabaux.sty \def \a@gextend #1#2{% global extend command definition, no pars! \xpa\gdef \xpa#1\xpa{#1#2}} \def \a@extend #1#2{% extend command definition, no pars! \xpa\def \xpa#1\xpa{#1#2}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty \def \syl@@quote@beg #1{% start word with quote: " #1 #2 \if\is@vowel #1\def \next {\syl@wasla #1}% " v k: alif vowel % \if@wasla \v@ctrue \else \add@wasla \togglev@c \fi \if@wasla \v@ctrue \global\@waslafalse \else \global\@waslatrue \togglev@c \fi \else \put@con a\togglev@c \add@wasla \put@syl % alif implied \ifx #1"\def \next {\syl@con }% " " k: alif wasla \else \def \next {\syl@con #1}% " k: alif wasla \fi \fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % asect.sty \def \a@dottedtocline #1#2#3#4#5{% Level, Indent, Numwidth, Text, Pageno % for Arabic mode \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else \vskip \z@ plus.2\p@ \begin{arabtext} % \tocp@rs {#2}{#3}#4 {\le@ders \thep@geno {#5}} \tocp@rs {#2}{#3}#4 \le@ders \thep@geno {#5} \end{arabtext} \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aboxes.sty \def \fix@act@box {% fixup position and set tatwil \if@high@act \advance\a@disp -\a@dsp \@high@actfalse \fi %\advance\a@min@dp \a@ic \advance\a@disp \a@ic \global\advance\a@min@dp \a@ic \advance\a@disp \a@ic \if@tat \put@tat \@tatfalse \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aligs.sty \def \aw@endligs #1#2*#3#4*#5{% test for final ligatures % c1 m1 * c2 m2 * c3 \ifcase \act@cls \lam@lig #3#5% % 0 l \or % 1 YntCbyp \ifnum \act@cd = \a@yah \yah@end #1#3#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@yah@h \yah@end #1#3#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@yah@p \yah@p@end #1#3#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@yah@p@s \yah@p@end #1#3#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@nun \nun@end #1#3#5\else \bah@end #1% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \or \sin@lig #1#5% % 2 sxSD \or \gim@lig #1#3#5% % 3 GHXJ \global\a@min 0 \or \global\@highfalse \@mod@acttrue \put@tatwil % 4 cR \or \kaf@end #3#5% % 5 kgM \or \fah@end #1% % 6 fqv \or \ttah@lig #1#5% % 7 VZ \or \rah@end #1#2*#3#5% % 8 rzj \a@r \a@R \or % 9 \a@t \a@n \ifnum \act@cd = \a@yah@p@s \yah@p@end #1#3#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@nun@p \nun@end #1#3#5\else \bah@end #1% \fi\fi \else \global\@highfalse \@mod@acttrue % 10 ... \ifnum \act@cd = \a@hah \hah@end #1#2*#3#4*#5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@h@s \hah@urd #3\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim \mim@end #2*#3#5\else \put@tatwil \ifnum \act@cd = \a@dal \gim@test #5\else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@dal@p \gim@test #5\else \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi \fi \aw@lower #5} \def \act@gim #1{% deposit ligature \ifnum \act@cd = \a@khah \set@act\sk@kh@s \act@mod = 0 \else \set@act\sk@hh@s \@mod@acttrue %\fi \a@min 1 } \fi \global\a@min 1 } \def \hah@end #1#2*#3#4+#5*#6{% hah, test for ligature % c1 m1 * c2 m21 + m22 * c3 \ifu@gh \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act \sk@h@u \fi \else \ifurd@ \ifm@lay \else \set@act \sk@h@s \hah@urd #3% round h? \fi \ifx #1T\else % \ifx #3l\test@allah #4#6\else \ifx #3l\test@allah {#4}{#6}\else \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act\sk@h@u \if\is@end@char #3% \else \set@loww@act \global\a@min 1 \fi \fi\fi\fi \else %\ifx #3l\test@allah #4#6\else \ifx #3l\test@allah {#4}{#6}\else \ifnum \chr@cls = 1 \set@chr\sk@b \put@tatwil % 1 YntCbyp \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 3 \put@tatwil % 3 GHX \else \gim@test #6\put@tatwil \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aoutput.sty \def \put@ab@x {% deposit line \ifhmode \unskip {\endgraf }\penalty \clubpenalty \parindent \z@ \parskip \z@ \else \ifnum \a@prevgraf = \z@ \else \penalty \widowpenalty \fi\fi \begingroup \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fill \leftskip \z@ \rightskip \z@ \noindent \ifdim \a@leftmargin = \z@ \else \hskip \a@leftmargin \fi \box\a@tempb@x \endgraf %\endgroup \parindent \z@ \parskip \z@ \initlineb@x \endgroup \parindent \z@ \parskip \z@ plus 1pt \initlineb@x \advance \a@prevgraf \@ne \a@@prevgraf \prevgraf \advance \a@@prevgraf \@ne \prevgraf \a@@prevgraf } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {23.10.2003} \def \a@level {d} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty \newarabfont % as a side effect an Arabic font default is defined! %\setnash % wg. utfcode.sty und inputenc.sty: \long\def \test@special #1{% check for special cases \if \bgroup \nxp \next@token % arabic group \a@@putword \def \next {\arab@group {#1}}\else \if \relax \nxp #1% % command \if\is@in@set #1\a@accent % known to scanner \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token }% \else % general command \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}% \fi \else %\if \sp@ce \nxp \next@token % RTL space % \a@@putword \def \next {\get@token }\else \ifnum `#1 > 127 % inputenc command \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}\else \ifcat \nxp ~\nxp #1% % active character \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}\else \if \nxp <\nxp #1\unarab@codes % Roman insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@insert \else \ifx $#1\unarab@codes % Math insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@math \else \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}% % normal case \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } {\catcode `\< = \@other % better make sure \gdef \a@ins {% arabic insertion or 'less' \ifmmode \global\let \a@less < %\else \global\let \a@less \arab@insert \leavevmode \else \global\let \a@less \a@@insert \leavevmode \bgroup \arab@codes \set@arabfont \global\@waslafalse \@wasfalse \fi \a@less } } % catcode < \def \a@@insert #1{% check for < > \ifx #1>\egroup \unskip \else \xpa \arab@insert \xpa #1\fi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ascan.sty {\arab@codes % because of special characters \gdef \t@b@g #1{% start \ArabTeX scanner \def \next {\sc@word {#1}}\def \sc@char {@}% \ifcat a\nxp #1\else % letter \apply \set@next \tocase #1\of { \@{\sc@endscan } % finished '{\t@rquote } `{\t@lquote } *{\t@star } \default {\sc@word {#1}} }\endcase \fi \next } \gdef \t@w@rd #1{% transform input into internal notation \def \next {\sc@word }% \ifx #1\@\def \next {\sc@endscan }\else % finished \ifcat \nxp #1a% \ifx #1a\def \next {\t@aa }\else % test for aa -> A \ifx #1n\def \next {\t@nn }\else % test for ng, ny \edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }% letter \ifx \sc@char \relax \def \sc@char {#1}% undef letter \fi \ifs@nd \edef \next {\nxp \t@asp {\sc@char }}\else \sc@put \fi \fi\fi \else % other character \ifcat \nxp #1\relax \def \next {\t@cs #1}\else % control sequence \ifx #1'\def \next {\t@hamza }\else % hamza \def \sc@char {#1}% \apply \set@next \tocase #1\of {~\@ldtie{\t@tie } .{\t@dot } ,{\t@comma } -{\t@minus } `{\t@ain } "{\t@dquote } :={\t@colon } ^{\t@up } _{\t@down } |{\t@bar } *{\t@shadda } \default {\t@w@@rd {#1}} }\endcase \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } } % \arab@codes \def \t@star {\sc@dep *} \let \sc@beg \t@b@g % apatch only \let \sc@word \t@w@rd % apatch only %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aligs.sty \def \test@allah #1#2{% special ligature \ifx #2l% %\ifnum #1 = \c@shadda \set@chr\sk@l@w % special short form of lam for the Name of God %\fi \fi \put@tatwil } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty \def \set@shadda {\advance \last@mod \c@shadda } \def \add@shadda {\ifcase \last@mod % set bit 1 \set@shadda \or\or \set@shadda \or\or \set@shadda \or\or \set@shadda \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else \iffalse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebtex.sty \def \heb@output {\ifx \a@lang \a@hebr \else \tr@ceoff % switch to Hebrew output conventions \def@hebchars % define character macros for Hebrew \def@hebvoc % define vowel parsing routines for Hebrew \def@hebstrut % define strut for Hebrew \global\let \a@write \heb@write \global\let \a@write@hook \relax \def \set@arabfont {\the@hebfont }% \tr@heb \tr@ceon \global\let \a@lang \a@hebr \fi } \def \sethebfont #1{% define font switching \def \the@hebfont {\tr@ceoff #1\tr@ceon }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hefonts2.sty % apatch.sty only! \hdef \hc {m}{n} \sethebfont \hc \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \def \a@Rtobox #1{% pack the insertion into \Rinsertb@x \setbox \Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@hsize \a@Lwidth \advance \a@hsize -\leftskip \advance \a@hsize -\rightskip \a@normpen \widowpenalty \a@normpen \clubpenalty \leftskip \z@ \rightskip \z@ \parfillskip \z@ plus 1fil \relax \parskip \z@ \let \a@@kern \a@kern \let \a@@mkern \a@mkern \def \a@kern {\nobreak \a@@kern}\def \a@mkern {\nobreak \a@@mkern}% \let \end \relax \spreadtrue \vskip \a@vglue \hbadness 10000 \putlineb@x {\arab@strut \hskip \a@Llength }\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \unskip \unskip \vskip \a@vglue \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty \gdef \h@putvowel #1{% vowel mark \ifx #1\relax \relax \else \def \hadj {0}\def \vadj {0}% \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@P \let\vadj \v@adj \put@b@x{\hc@Pv }\else % vowel-ayin %\ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.85}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.75}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@r \def \hadj {.35}\else % resh \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@d \def \hadj {.2}\else % daleth \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@q \def \hadj {.1}\else % qoph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@y \def \hadj {.1}\else % yod \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@w \def \hadj {.15}\else % waw \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@si \def \hadj {-.1}\else % sin \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \setbox0 \hbox to \a@wd {\hss #1\hss}\dimen@ \vadj\a@ht \advance \dimen@ -2\h@p \dimen2 \a@slant\dimen@ \advance\dimen2 \hadj\a@wd \global\setbox\ab@x \hbox {\rlap {\kern\dimen2 \raise\dimen@\box0 }\unhcopy\ab@x }\fi } \gdef \h@putvowel #1{% vowel mark \ifx #1\relax \relax \else \def \hadj {0}\def \vadj {0}% \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@P \let\vadj \v@adj \put@b@x{\hc@Pv }\else % vowel-ayin %\ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.85}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.75}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@r \def \hadj {.35}\else % resh \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@d \def \hadj {.2}\else % daleth \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@q \def \hadj {.1}\else % qoph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@y \def \hadj {.1}\else % yod \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@w \def \hadj {.15}\else % waw \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@si \def \hadj {-.1}\else % sin \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \setbox0 \hbox to \a@wd {\hss #1\hss}\dimen@ \vadj\a@ht \advance \dimen@ -2\h@p \dimen2 \a@slant\dimen@ \advance\dimen2 \hadj\a@wd \global\setbox\ab@x \hbox {\rlap {\kern\dimen2 \raise\dimen@\box0 }\unhcopy\ab@x }\fi } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % utfcode.sty \ifx \utfatcode \undefined \else {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\^^M=13 \gdef \utf@word #1{% transform input into internal notation \ifx #1\@ \def \next {\utf@end }\else % finished \ifx #1-\def \next {\utf@minus }\else % \ifx #1/\def \next {\sc@back #1}\else % \ifnum `#1="D6 \def \next {\utf@dvi }\else % \ifnum `#1="D7 \def \next {\utf@dvii }\else % \ifnum `#1="D8 \def \next {\utf@dviii }\else % \ifnum `#1="D9 \def \next {\utf@dix }\else % \ifnum `#1="DA \def \next {\utf@da }\else % \ifnum `#1="DB \def \next {\utf@db }\else % \ifnum `#1="E2 \def \next {\utf@eii }\else % \def \next {\utf@asci #1}% \fi % \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi % \fi\fi\fi \next }% } % catcode 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \utf@eii #1#2{% segment E2 \u@lb `#1\relax \advance \u@lb -128 \u@lq `#2\relax \advance \u@lq -128 \edef \sc@char {}% \ifnum \u@lb = 0 \ifnum \u@lq = 12 % ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (U+200C) % \edef \sc@char {||}\else \edef \sc@char {\n@xp\a@ba}\else \ifnum \u@lq = 13 % ZERO WIDTH JOINER (U+200D) \edef \sc@char {-}\else % \edef \sc@char {\n@xp\a@bb}\else \fi\fi\fi \utf@next } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \utf@dix #1{% segment D9 \u@lb `#1\relax \advance \u@lb -"80 \u@lq \u@lb \divide \u@lq 8 \ifcase \u@lq \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb B\or f\or q\or k\or l\or m\or n\or h\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -8 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb w\or Y\or y\or "aN\or "uN\or "iN\or "a\or "u\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"10 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb "i\or "\n@xp\a@Ze\or ""\or "\n@xp\a@ZE\or "\n@xp\a@Za\or "\n@xp\a@Zu\or \or \or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"18 \edef \sc@char {}% \or \advance \u@lb -"20 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"28 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb 8\or 9\or \a@pc\or \f@sila\or \f@sila\or *\or \n@xp\a@b\or \n@xp\a@bq\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"30 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb "\n@xp\a@a\or "\or "\n@xp\a@ZA\or "\n@xp\a@ZU\or % N"\n@xp\a@Za\or Qa\or Qw\or Qw"u\or \fi }% N"\n@xp\a@Za\or N"\n@xp\a@Za A\or N"\n@xp\a@Za w\or N"\n@xp\a@Za w"u\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"38 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb % Qy\or \n@xp\a@t\or \n@xp\a@T\or \n@xp\a@ab\or N"\n@xp\a@Za Y\or \n@xp\a@t\or \n@xp\a@T\or \n@xp\a@ab\or \n@xp\a@v\or \n@xp\a@at\or p\or \n@xp\a@ac\or \fi }% \fi \utf@next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \utf@db #1{% segment DB \u@lb `#1\relax \advance \u@lb -"80 \u@lq \u@lb \divide \u@lq 8 \ifcase \u@lq \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb Qh\or \n@xp\a@h\or \n@xp\a@B\or \n@xp\a@j\or \n@xp\a@aU\or \n@xp\a@aV\or \n@xp\a@W\or \n@xp\a@w\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -8 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb \n@xp\a@aw\or \n@xp\a@au\or \n@xp\a@av\or \n@xp\a@X\or Y\or L\or \n@xp\a@az\or \n@xp\a@x\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"10 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb \n@xp\a@Y\or \n@xp\a@y\or E\or \n@xp\a@ay\or B\or \n@xp\a@H\or \or \or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"18 \edef \sc@char {}% \or \advance \u@lb -"20 \edef \sc@char {}% \or \advance \u@lb -"28 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb \or \or \or \or \or \or \n@xp\a@bd\or \n@xp\a@br\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"30 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -"38 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb 8\or 9\or \n@xp\a@aI\or \n@xp\a@aN\or \n@xp\a@P\or \n@xp\a@ai"\n@xp\a@Zi\or \n@xp\a@ao"\n@xp\a@Zi\or \n@xp\a@bh-\or \fi }% \fi \utf@next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtoks.sty \def \a@br {\sk@r ,25 } % rah with roof \def \a@ba {\sk@W , 0 } % ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER \def \a@bb {\sk@spc , 0 } % ZERO WIDTH JOINER \def \a@bb {\sk@N , 0 } % ZERO WIDTH JOINER \def \a@bd {\sk@d ,25 } % dal with roof \def \a@bh {\sk@h ,25 } % hah with roof \def \a@bq {\sk@q@s , 0 } % qaf without dots \def \a@br {\sk@r ,25 } % rah with roof \gdef \sk@Q {10 ,\a@hamzc ,0 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}}} % hamza char \gdef \sk@W {10 ,\a@break ,0 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}}} % small space 34 \gdef \sk@Wp {10 ,\a@break ,1 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}}} % small space 34 \gdef \sk@N {10 ,\a@break ,1 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}}} % small space 34 \gdef \sk@spc {10 ,\a@smspc ,1 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{2,0}{2,0}}} % small space 36 \gdef \sk@spcn {10 ,\a@smspc ,0 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{2,0}{2,0}}} % small space 36 \gdef \sk@skip{10 ,\a@skip ,1 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{2,0}{2,0}}} % small space 37 \gdef \sk@skipn{10 ,\a@skip ,0 ,{{0,0}{0,0}{2,0}{2,0}}} % small space 37 \def \a@bc {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %\def \a@bc {\sk@skipn , 0 } % empty \def \a@be {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %\def \a@be {\sk@spc , 0 } % empty \def \a@bf {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %\def \a@bf {\sk@spcn , 0 } % empty \def \a@bg {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %\def \a@bg {\sk@skip , 0 } % empty \def \a@bi {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %\def \a@bi {\sk@Wp , 0 } % empty \def \a@bj {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bk {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bl {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bm {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bn {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bo {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bp {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bs {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bt {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bu {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bv {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bw {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bx {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@by {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty \def \a@bz {\sk@@ , 0 } % empty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % atrans.sty \let \tr@@zdmg \tr@zdmg \iffalse % inserted in 3.11f \def \tr@zdmg {% patches for Uzbek \tr@def \a@H {\"a}% \tr@def \a@ab {\"e}% } \fi % inserted in 3.11f %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ascan.sty \def \setcode #1{% switch the input encoding \lowercase {\def \sc@code {#1}% \ifx \sc@code \sc@oldcode \else \begingroup \def \sc@lookup ##1#1##2##3\@@ {\endgroup ##2}% \xpa \sc@lookup \sc@table #1\sc@default \@@ \fi }% %\let \sc@oldcode \sc@code } \global\let \sc@oldcode \sc@code } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aligs.sty \def \hah@urd #1{% wavy hah % c2 \if\is@end@char #1\set@act\sk@h % isolated round h \fi \ifx #1\a@h \@mod@actfalse % no mark below \fi \ifnum \chr@cls = 1 \set@chr\sk@b % YntCbyp normal height \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {16.11.2003} \def \a@level {d+UCS} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % witbhs.sty \if\AND{\isx\bhscode\undefined}{\isx\buckatcode\undefined}\else \def \test@@token {\iftest@command \tracingmacros 0 \fi \futurelet \next@token \test@space } \let \test@token \test@@token % get next token \xpa\def \xpa\kill@space \space {% gobble LTR space \futurelet \next@token \test@space } \xpa\def \xpa\kill@sp@ce \sp@ce {% gobble RTL space \futurelet \next@token \test@space } \def \test@space {% check for LTR space \if \space \nxp\next@token \xpa\kill@space \else \xpa\test@sp@ce \fi } \def \test@sp@ce {% check for RTL space \if \sp@ce \nxp\next@token \xpa\kill@sp@ce \else \xpa\next@command \fi } \long\def \test@special #1{% check for special cases \ifcat \bgroup \nxp \next@token % arabic group \def \next {\arab@group {#1}}\else \if\is@in@set #1\a@first % normal case \def \next {\test@word #1}\else \if \relax \nxp #1% % command \def \next {\test@command #1}\else \ifcat \nxp ~\nxp #1% % active character \def \next {\test@command #1}\else \if \nxp <\nxp #1\unarab@codes % Roman insert \let \next \test@insert \else \ifx $#1\unarab@codes % Math insert \let \next \test@math \else \def \next {\test@word #1}% % normal case \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } {\catcode `\^^a0 12 \gdef \test@word #1 {% process next RTL word \a@test@word #1^^a0\@@ } \gdef \a@test@word #1^^a0#2\@@ {% process next RTL word \ifarab \putwordb@x {\arab@item #1\@@ }\fi \a@spacetrue \a@showinput {#1}% \ifx \relax #2\relax \def \next {\test@token }\else \def \next {\test@token #2 }\fi \next } }% catcode ^^a0 \fi % witbhs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabaux.sty \def \tr@ceoff {% suspend temporarily, local, no nesting! \edef \tr@ceon {\nxp\tracingmacros \the\tracingmacros \relax }% \tracingmacros 0 } \def \notr@ce {% suspend temporarily, for NFSS only, no nesting! \edef \dotr@ce {\nxp\tracingmacros \the\tracingmacros \relax}% \tracingmacros 0 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {08.12.2003} \def \a@level {e} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aboxes.sty \def \put@tie {% deposit ties between characters \setbox0 \hbox {\char \the\act@tie }% \setbox2 \hbox {\char \the\act@tie \/}% \ifdim \a@disp = \z@ \unhcopy0 \else \raise\a@disp \hbox {\unhcopy0 }\fi \global\advance\a@disp \wd2 \global\advance\a@disp -\wd0 } \def \set@high@act {% prepare raising of actual character \global\advance \a@disp \a@dsp \global\@high@acttrue } \def \set@low@act {% lower actual character \global\advance \a@disp -.25ex } \def \set@loww@act {% lower actual character \global\advance \a@disp -.50ex } \def \set@lowww@act {% lower actual character \global\advance \a@disp -.75ex } \def \fix@act@box {% fixup position and set tatwil \if@high@act \global\advance\a@disp -\a@dsp \global\@high@actfalse \fi \global\advance\a@min@dp \a@ic \global\advance\a@disp \a@ic \if@tat \put@tat \@tatfalse \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % load only the first time %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % atrans.sty \iffalse \def \tr@zdmg {% patches for Uzbek \tr@@zdmg \tr@def \a@H {\"a}% \tr@def \a@ab {\"e}% } \fi \let \tr@zdmg \tr@@zdmg % nullify problems in version 3.11d \gdef \tr@@aword #1{% transcribe rest of word \let \tr@old \tr@act \def \tr@act {#1}% \case #1\of { >{\@gobble } \cap {\c@ptrue \tr@aword } % |"^\a@e{\tr@aword } |"^{\tr@aword } -{-\tr@aword } % XlEeQ{\csname tr@@\string #1\endcsname } TXlEeQ{\csname tr@@\string #1\endcsname } \a@a NUW{\setc@p #1\kill@alif } P{\tr@P \tr@aword } aiu{\tr@wasla #1} \a@Ze{\xpa\tr@aword \tr@old } \default {\@vocalfalse \ifcat \nxp #1-#1\else \setc@p #1% \fi \tr@aword } }\endcase } \gdef \tr@@T #1{\@vocalfalse \ifx #1|h\let \next \tr@aword \else t\def \next {\tr@aword #1}\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebchrs.sty {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \gdef \def@judchars {% define character macros for Judeo-Arabic \gdef \tc@f {\act@cd\hc@f \@finaltrue } % f \gdef \tc@C {\act@cd\hc@t \act@mod \j@d@t } % _t \gdef \tc@D {\act@cd\hc@ss \act@mod \j@d@t \@finaltrue } % .d \gdef \tc@F {\act@cd\hc@d \act@mod \j@d@t } % _d \gdef \tc@G {\act@cd\hc@j \act@mod \j@d@t } % ^g \gdef \tc@H {\act@cd \hc@hh } % .h \gdef \tc@R {\act@cd \hc@j } % .g \gdef \tc@T {\act@cd\hc@h \act@mod \j@@d@t } % T \gdef \tc@V {\act@cd \hc@tt } % .t \gdef \tc@X {\act@cd\hc@k \act@mod \j@d@t \@finaltrue } % _h \gdef \tc@Z {\act@cd\hc@tt \act@mod \j@d@t } % .z }}% end of dynamic definitions \fi % Hebrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {12.02.2004} \def \a@level {f} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cp1256.sty \ifx \awinatcode \undefined \else \def \set@awin {% select the CP 1256 scanner \let \sc@beg \awin@beg \let \sc@word \awin@word \let \sc@back \sc@@back \let \sc@endscan \awin@endscan \global\let \a@scan \awin@scan \setawin@codes \awin@catcodes \yahdots \global \a@paren {}% \a@message {input encoding set to Windows CP 1256 conventions}} \xpa \def \xpa \sc@table \xpa {\sc@table % add the CP 1256 encoding arabwin\set@awin cp1256\set@awin } \gdef \awin@beg #1{% start CP 1256 scanner \h@mzafalse \iz@fetfalse \yahdots \@ssimfalse \novocalize % because of explicit quoting \ifx #1"\def \next {\awin@lquote}\else \ifx #1^^c7\def \next {\awin@alif}\else \def \next {\awin@word #1}\fi\fi \next } \gdef \awin@lquote {% initial quote \def \sc@char {`}\sc@put \awin@beg } \gdef \awin@dquote {% double quote, intermediate version %\def \sc@char {\a@dq}\sc@put \awin@word } \def \sc@char {\nxp\a@dq }\sc@put \awin@word } \gdef \awin@dquote {% right quote \def \sc@char {'}\sc@put \awin@word } \fi % cp1256 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty \long\def \test@special #1{% check for special cases %\if \bgroup \nxp \next@token % arabic group \ifcat \bgroup \nxp \next@token % arabic group \a@@putword \def \next {\arab@group {#1}}\else \if \relax \nxp #1% % command \if\is@in@set #1\a@accent % known to scanner \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token }% \else % general command \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}% \fi \else %\if \sp@ce \nxp \next@token % RTL space % \a@@putword \def \next {\get@token }\else \ifnum `#1 > 127 % inputenc command \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}\else \ifcat \nxp ~\nxp #1% % active character \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}\else \if \nxp <\nxp #1\unarab@codes % Roman insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@insert \else \ifx $#1\unarab@codes % Math insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@math \else \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}% % normal case \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ascan.sty {\arab@codes % because of special characters \gdef \t@b@g #1{% start \ArabTeX scanner \def \next {\sc@word {#1}}\def \sc@char {@}% \ifcat a\nxp #1\else % letter \apply \set@next \tocase #1\of { \@{\sc@endscan } % finished '{\t@rquote } `{\t@lquote } *{\t@star } +{\t@plus } ={\t@equ } \default {\sc@word {#1}} }\endcase \fi \next } \gdef \t@w@rd #1{% transform input into internal notation \def \next {\sc@word }% \ifx #1\@\def \next {\sc@endscan }\else % finished \ifcat \nxp #1a% \ifx #1a\def \next {\t@aa }\else % test for aa -> A \ifx #1n\def \next {\t@nn }\else % test for ng, ny \edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }% letter \ifx \sc@char \relax \def \sc@char {#1}% undef letter \fi \ifs@nd \edef \next {\nxp \t@asp {\sc@char }}\else \sc@put \fi \fi\fi \else % other character \ifcat \nxp #1\relax \def \next {\t@cs #1}\else % control sequence \ifx #1'\def \next {\t@hamza }\else % hamza \def \sc@char {#1}% \apply \set@next \tocase #1\of {~\@ldtie{\t@tie } .{\t@dot } ,{\t@comma } -{\t@minus } `{\t@ain } "{\t@dquote } :{\t@colon } ^{\t@up } _{\t@down } |{\t@bar } *{\t@shadda } +{\t@madda } ={\t@sukun } \default {\t@w@@rd {#1}} }\endcase \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } } % \arab@codes \def \t@star {\sc@dep *} \def \t@plus {\sc@dep +} \def \t@equ {\sc@dep =} \let \sc@beg \t@b@g % apatch only \let \sc@word \t@w@rd % apatch only %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty \def \a@parse #1>{% parse token sequence into syllables \iftest@parse \tracingmacros = 1 \iftest@scan \else \a@verb (#1)>\fi\fi \csname a@parse@hook\endcsname \last@con ={.}\last@mod = 0 \last@voc = 0 \global\@highfalse \global \sv@revwd ={}\global \a@revwd ={}\syl@beg #1<<<>% \iftest@parse \tracingmacros = 0 % \xpa \a@verb \xpa (\the\a@revwd )>\fi } \def \sv@@I #1{% long i \ifx #1N\def \next {\sv@Zi }\else \ifk@sh \put@syl \put@con y\add@kasraspec \put@syl \def \next {\syl@con #1}% \else \add@kasra \put@syl \def \next {\test@B #1\sv@Ivwl }% \fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % verses.sty \ifx \verseatcode \undefined \else % define some verse dimensions, verses will be centered \def \setversedim #1#2{% set length of half-verse, separation \a@hvlen #1\relax \a@hvsep #2\relax \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \a@hvind \hsize \else \a@hvind \textwidth \fi \advance \a@hvind -\a@hvsep \divide \a@hvind 2 \advance \a@hvind -\a@hvlen } \def \connverses #1#2#3{% first half-verse, connection, second half-verse \cond{\ifdim 0pt > \a@hvind }% {\spreadbox \a@hvlen {#1}\par \hfill }% first block {\noindent \hspace \a@hvind \spreadbox \a@hvlen {#1}}\fi \spreadbox \a@hvsep {#2}% separator \spreadbox \a@hvlen {#3}% second block \par } \fi % verses.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % awrite.sty \def \a@@write #1>{% Arabic output \iftest@write \tracingmacros 1 \iftest@parse \else \a@verb (#1 )>\fi\fi \csname a@write@hook\endcsname \ifa@@write \arab@testfont \aw@beg #1>0+0*>0+0*>\fi \iftest@write \tracingmacros 0 \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else \def \heb@write #1>{% Hebrew output routine \iftest@write \tracingmacros = 1 \iftest@parse \else \a@verb (#1)>\fi\fi \csname a@write@hook\endcsname \ifa@@write \heb@testfont \heb@beg #1>0+0*>\fi \iftest@write \tracingmacros = 0 \fi } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {26.02.2004} \def \a@level {g} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ascan.sty \def \sc@restore {% restore scanner defaults \let \vocalize \v@calize \let \fullvocalize \fullv@calize \let \sc@beg \t@b@g \let \sc@word \t@w@rd \let \sc@back \sc@@back \let \sc@endscan \sc@@endscan \global\let \a@scan \a@@scan \seta@codes \let \arab@codes \a@arab@codes \let \unarab@codes \a@unarab@codes } \def \t@comma #1{% after , \apply \set@char \tocase #1\of { a{a\nxp \a@H } A{\nxp \a@a \nxp \a@H } c{\ift@rk J\else \nxp \a@c \fi } d{\ifp@sht \nxp \a@aA \else \ifs@nd \nxp \a@D \else \nxp \a@d \fi\fi } e{e\nxp \a@H } g{\nxp \a@L } h{\nxp \a@h } % n{\ifs@nd \nxp \a@an \else \nxp \a@M \fi } n{\ifs@nd \nxp \a@an \else \nxp \a@m \fi } r{\ifp@sht \nxp \a@q \else \ifs@nd \nxp \a@ar \else \nxp \a@r \fi\fi } s{\ift@rk x\else \nxp \a@s \fi } t{\ifp@sht \nxp \a@v \else \ifs@nd \nxp \a@at \else \nxp \a@t \fi\fi } z{\ift@rk D\else \nxp \a@z \fi } }\endcase \t@tail ,#1} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % utf8.sty \ifx \utfatcode \undefined \else \gdef \set@utfc {% select the UTF-8 scanner \global\let \a@scan \utfc@scan \let \sc@beg \utf@beg \let \sc@word \utf@word \global\a@digits = {0123456789}% \global\a@first = {ϕ}% \catcode ` 11 \a@message {input encoding set to UTF-8 conventions}} \fi % utf8.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bhs.sty \ifx \bhsatcode \undefined \else % dynamic definitions for BHS Hebrew coding {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 \catcode `\"=12 \catcode `\&=12 \catcode `\$ 12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \setbhs@codes {% activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \sc@A {a} \def \sc@B {b} \def \sc@C {S} \def \sc@D {d} \def \sc@E {e} \def \sc@F {A} \def \sc@G {g} \def \sc@H {h} \def \sc@I {i} \def \sc@J {t} \def \sc@K {k} \def \sc@L {l} %\def \sc@M {m} \def \sc@N {n} \def \sc@O {O} \def \sc@P {p} \def \sc@M {m} \def \sc@N {n}\def\sc@O{\n@xp\a@o}\def \sc@P {p} \def \sc@Q {q} \def \sc@R {r} \def \sc@S {s} \def \sc@T {t} %\def \sc@U {u} \def \sc@V {D} \def \sc@W {W} \def \sc@X {X} \def \sc@U {u} \def \sc@V {D} \def \sc@W {w} \def \sc@X {X} \def \sc@Y {y} \def \sc@Z {z} \def \sc@@ {QQ} \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {[]} \a@first = {)+(##&$":.,*0123456789} \globaldefs=0 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for BHS {\arab@codes \catcode `\& 12 \catcode `\$ 12 \gdef \bhs@beg #1#2{% start BHS scanner \@ssimfalse \def \next {\bhs@word #1#2}% \ifx #1\@\def \next {\sc@endscan #2}\else % finished \ifx #2\@\def \next {\bhs@testpara #1#2}\else \ifx #2?\def \next {\bhs@testpara #1#2}\else \fi\fi\fi \next } \gdef \bhs@word #1#2{% transform input into internal notation \def \next {\bhs@word #2}% \ifx #1\@\def \next {\sc@endscan #2}\else % finished \ifx #1]\def \next {\bhs@word }\else \ifx #10\def \next {\bhs@zero #2}\else \ifx #17\def \next {\bhs@seven #2}\else % \if\is@in@set #1\a@digits \def \next {\bhs@word }\else \ifx #1?\def \next {\bhs@query #2}\else \ifx #1:\def \next {\bhs@colon #2}\else \ifx #1|\def \sc@char {|}\sc@put \else % \ifx #1.\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@Zu }\sc@put \else \ifx #1'\def \sc@char {'}\sc@put \else \ifx #1)\def \sc@char {Q}\sc@put \else \ifx #1+\def \sc@char {C}\sc@put \else % \ifx #1(\def \sc@char {P}\sc@put \else \if #1\a@hash \def \sc@char {\nxp \a@S }\sc@put \else \ifx #1&\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@s }\sc@put \else \ifx #1$\def \sc@char {x}\sc@put \else % \ifx #1"\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@E }\sc@put \else \ifx #1-\def \sc@char {B}\sc@put \else \ifx #1*\def \sc@char {*}\sc@put \else \ifcat \nxp #1a\edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }% \sc@put \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } } % arabcodes \fi % bhs.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cp1255.sty \ifx \hwinatcode \undefined \else \def \hwin@catcodes {% assignments for CP 1255 \countdef \is@m=2 \is@m = 192 \is@n = 64 \loop \catcode \is@m = 11 \global\lccode \is@m = \is@n \ifnum 255 > \is@m \advance \is@m 1 \advance \is@n 1 \repeat \is@m=0 \is@n=0 \catcode `\^^a0 12 } {\hwin@catcodes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % dynamic definitions for Hebrew {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \sethwin@codes {% activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \sc@^^c0 {"\n@xp\a@e} \def \sc@^^c1 {"\n@xp\a@I} \def \sc@^^c2 {"\n@xp\a@A} \def \sc@^^c3 {"\n@xp\a@O} \def \sc@^^c4 {"i} \def \sc@^^c5 {"\n@xp\a@E} \def \sc@^^c6 {"e} \def \sc@^^c7 {"a} \def \sc@^^c8 {"A} \def \sc@^^c9 {"\n@xp\a@o} \def \sc@^^ca {L} \def \sc@^^cb {"u} \def \sc@^^cc {"\n@xp\a@Zu} \def \sc@^^cd {|} \def \sc@^^ce {B} \def \sc@^^cf {"\n@xp\a@Zo} \def \sc@^^d0 {K} \def \sc@^^d1 {"\n@xp\a@Ze} \def \sc@^^d2 {"\n@xp\a@Za} \def \sc@^^d3 {:} \def \sc@^^d4 {"\n@xp\a@Zi} \def \sc@^^d5 {w-w} \def \sc@^^d6 {wy} \def \sc@^^d7 {y-y} \def \sc@^^d8 {@} \def \sc@^^d9 {@} \def \sc@^^da {@} \def \sc@^^db {@} \def \sc@^^dc {@} \def \sc@^^dd {@} \def \sc@^^de {@} \def \sc@^^df {@} \def \sc@M {M} %\def \sc@N {N} \def \sc@^^e0 {Q} \def \sc@^^e1 {b} \def \sc@^^e2 {g} \def \sc@^^e3 {d} \def \sc@^^e4 {h} \def \sc@^^e5 {w} \def \sc@^^e6 {z} \def \sc@^^e7 {X} \def \sc@^^e8 {C} \def \sc@^^e9 {y} \def \sc@^^ea {k} \def \sc@^^eb {k} \def \sc@^^ec {l} \def \sc@^^ed {m} \def \sc@^^ee {m} \def \sc@^^ef {n} \def \sc@^^f0 {n} \def \sc@^^f1 {s} \def \sc@^^f2 {P} \def \sc@^^f3 {p} \def \sc@^^f4 {p} \def \sc@^^f5 {S} \def \sc@^^f6 {S} \def \sc@^^f7 {q} \def \sc@^^f8 {r} \def\sc@^^f9{\n@xp\a@S} \def\sc@^^fa {t} \def \sc@^^fb {@} \def \sc@^^fc {@} \def \sc@^^fd {@} \def \sc@^^fe {@} \def \sc@^^ff {@} \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {()[]} \a@first = {"`^^e6} \globaldefs=0 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for Arabic %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % cp1255.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hescan.sty \def \hwin@catcodes {% assignments for CP 1255 \countdef \is@m=2 \is@m = 192 \is@n = 64 \loop \catcode \is@m = 11 \global\lccode \is@m = \is@n \ifnum 255 > \is@m \advance \is@m 1 \advance \is@n 1 \repeat \is@m=0 \is@n=0 \catcode `\^^a0 12 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % heparse.sty \def \sv@ay {% Yiddish ay \put@syl \put@con \a@h \v@ctrue \add@fatha \put@syl \test@patf } \def \sv@ey {% Yiddish ey \put@syl \put@con \a@h \put@syl \test@patf } \def \sv@oy {% Yiddish oy \put@syl \put@con \a@p \put@syl \test@patf } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hebchrs.sty \tc@def \a@h {\act@cd \hc@ey } % yod yod \tc@def \a@p {\act@cd \hc@oy } % waw yod %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % Hebrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % verses.sty \ifx \verseatcode \undefined \else %\newdimen \a@@hvlen \csname newdimen\endcsname \a@@hvlen % define some verse dimensions, verses will be centered \def \setversedim #1#2{% set lengths of half-verse, separation \ifx \LaTeX \undefined \a@hvind \hsize \else \a@hvind \textwidth \fi \a@hvlen #1\relax \advance \a@hvind -\a@hvlen \ifx [#2\def \next {\set@verseI [}\else \a@@hvlen \a@hvlen \def \next {\set@@verse {#2}}\fi \next } \def \set@verseI [#1]{% optional parameter \a@@hvlen #1\relax \set@@verse } \def \set@@verse #1{% separation \advance \a@hvind -\a@@hvlen \a@hvsep #1\relax \advance \a@hvind -\a@hvsep \divide \a@hvind 2 } \def \connverses #1#2#3{% first half-verse, connection, second half-verse \cond{\ifdim 0pt > \a@hvind }% {\spreadbox \a@hvlen {#1}\\ \hfill }% first block {\noindent \hskip \a@hvind \relax \spreadbox \a@hvlen {#1}}\fi \spreadbox \a@hvsep {#2}% separator \spreadbox \a@@hvlen {#3}% second block \tracingmacros 0 \par } \def \a@c@halfverses #1#2{% optional parameter? %\tracingmacros 1 \cond{\ifx [#2}{\half@verses {#1}[}% {\half@verses {#1}[\hfill]{#2}}\fi } \def \half@verses #1[#2]#3{% first[mid]second \test@token \connverses {#1}{#2}{#3}} \fi % verses.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % utfcode.sty \ifx \utfatcode \undefined \else \def \utf@dvii #1{% segment D7 \u@lb `#1\relax \advance \u@lb -128 \u@lq \u@lb \divide \u@lq 8 \ifcase \u@lq \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb K\or "\n@xp\a@Ze\or "\n@xp\a@Za\or :\or "\n@xp\a@Zi\or \or \or \or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -8 \edef \sc@char {}% \or \advance \u@lb -16 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb Q\or b\or g\or d\or h\or w\or z\or X\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -24 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb C\or y\or k\or k\or l\or m\or m\or n\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -32 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb n\or s\or P\or p\or p\or S\or S\or q\or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -40 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb r\or \n@xp\a@S \or t\or \or \or \or \or \or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -48 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb % w\n@xp\a@U w\or wy\or y\n@xp\a@U y\or '\or \n@xp\a@w \or \n@xp\a@p \or \n@xp\a@h \or '\or ''\or \or \or \or \fi }% \or \advance \u@lb -56 \edef \sc@char {\ifcase \u@lb \or \or \or \or \or \or \or "|\or \fi }% \fi \utf@next } \fi % utfcode.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % yiddish.sty \ifx \yidatcode \undefined \else \def \yid@t #1{% ts ? \ifx #1s\def \next {\yid@ts }\else \def \sc@char {C}\def \next {\yid@word #1}\sc@put \fi \next } \def \yid@ts #1{% tsh ? \ifx #1h\def \sc@char {C\nxp\a@S}\def \next {\yid@word }\else \def \sc@char {S}\def \next {\yid@word #1}% \fi \sc@put \next } \fi % yiddish.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {15.03.2004} \def \a@level {h} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % first patching run \csname newtoks\endcsname \a@oldoutput \csname newbox\endcsname \a@oldbox \csname newbox\endcsname \a@newbox \csname newdimen\endcsname \a@prevdepth \def \a@@Rinsert #1{% RL insertion inside Ltext %\tracingmacros 1 \ifshow \a@@verb {#1}\fi % verbating listing \ifarab \a@Rinsert {#1}\fi % arabic writing \iftrans \set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end \/\fi \ifnum \tracingarab > \@ne \message {>}\fi \unskip \egroup } \def \a@Rinsert #1{% put a sequence of RL words into Ltext %\leavevmode % go to hmode if not there already \ifinner \a@sequence {#1}% inside a \hbox: append \else \a@@Rsplit {#1}% splice into the current paragraph \fi } \def \a@box@aparm {% Arabic parameters for vbox \let \end \relax \def \next@command {\test@special}\transfalse \def \a@kern {\nobreak\kern.05em } \def \a@mkern {\nobreak\kern-.05em } \showfalse \spreadtrue \a@hsize \a@Lwidth \advance \a@hsize -\leftskip \advance \a@hsize -\rightskip \leftskip \z@ \rightskip \z@ %\advance \a@hsize 20pt % TENTATIVE \def \arab@space {\nobreak\hskip 5pt plus 4pt minus 1pt }% \def \tat@skip {0.04ex plus 0.5ex }} \def \a@box@rparm {% Roman parameters for vbox \hbadness 10000 \tolerance 5000 \parskip \z@ \parfillskip \z@ plus 1fil \relax \vskip \a@vglue } \def \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \tracingmacros 0 \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output $$\global\a@lines \prevgraf \global\a@Lwidth \displaywidth $${\endgraf }% \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\eject \fi \vskip -\parskip \prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \advance \a@lines -1 \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty }\fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \putlineb@x {\copy\a@oldbox }\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \unskip \unskip \vskip \a@vglue \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@lines \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \unhbox \tempb@x \else \unhbox \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \space \ins@skip \unhbox \tempb@x \fi\fi \penalty -9999 \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \fi \egroup } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \a@back@line {% skip back \dimen0 \baselineskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox \dimen2 \lastskip \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@oldbox \lastbox \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \dimen2 \lastskip \unskip \advance\dimen0 -\ht\a@oldbox \fi \advance\dimen0 -\dimen2 \global\a@prevdepth \dimen0 \unskip }% \gdef \a@newoutput {% intermediate output routine \global\output = \a@oldoutput %\showbox 255 \setbox 255 \vbox {\unvbox 255 % put back to MVL \a@back@line }\unvbox 255 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \fi % first run %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {29.04.2004} \def \a@level {i2} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % buck.sty \ifx \buckatcode \undefined \else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % dynamic definitions for Arabic {\catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \setbuck@codes {% activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \sc@@ {@} \def \sc@c {@} \def \sc@e {@} \def \sc@B {@} \def \sc@C {J} \def \sc@G {g} \def \sc@I {Qi} \def \sc@J {j} \def \sc@L {@} \def \sc@M {@} \def \sc@O {Qa} \def \sc@P {p} \def \sc@Q {@} \def \sc@R {@} \def \sc@U {Qw} \def \sc@V {v} \def \sc@W {Qw} \def \sc@X {@} \sc@def ' {Q|} \sc@def | {QA} \sc@def > {Qa} \sc@def & {Qw} \sc@def < {Qi} \sc@def ## {|} \def \sc@A {A} \def \sc@b {b} \def \sc@p {T} \def \sc@t {t} \def \sc@v {C} \def \sc@j {G} \def \sc@H {H} \def \sc@x {X} \def \sc@d {d} \sc@def * {F} \def \sc@r {r} \def \sc@z {z} \def \sc@s {s} \sc@def $ {x} \def \sc@S {S} \def \sc@D {D} \def \sc@T {V} \def \sc@Z {Z} \def \sc@E {P} \def \sc@g {R} \sc@def _ {|B} \def \sc@f {f} \def \sc@q {q} \def \sc@k {k} \def \sc@l {l} \def \sc@m {m} \def \sc@n {n} \def \sc@h {h} \def \sc@w {w} \def \sc@Y {Y} \def \sc@y {y} \def \sc@F {"aN} \def \sc@N {"uN} \def \sc@K {"iN} \def \sc@a {"a} \def \sc@u {"u} \def \sc@i {"i} %\sc@def ~ {@} \def \sc@o {""} \sc@def ` {"\n@xp \a@a} \sc@def ~ {\n@xp \a@Ze} \def \sc@o {""} \sc@def ` {"\n@xp \a@a} \sc@def ^ {"'} \sc@def = {"\n@xp \a@ZE } \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {()[]} \a@first = {"`} \setbuck@codes@hook \globaldefs=0 } \global\let \setbuck@codes@hook \relax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for Arabic %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\catcode `\[ 1 \catcode `\{ 11 \gdef \buck@beg #1[% start the TB scanner \h@mzafalse \iz@fetfalse \novocalize \@ssimfalse \def \next [\buck@word #1}% \ifx #1\@ \def \next [\sc@endscan }\else % finished \ifx #1{\def \next [\buck@lbrace }\else \ifx #1"\def \next [\buck@lquote }\else \ifx #1A\def \next [\buck@alif }\else \fi\fi\fi\fi \next } } % catcodes 1 and 11 {\catcode `\^^M=13 \catcode `\~ 11 % \gdef \buck@word #1#2{% transform input into internal notation \def \next {\buck@word #2}% \ifx #1\@ \def \next {\sc@endscan #2}\else % finished \ifx #1-\def \next {\buck@minus #2}\else % \ifx #1"\def \next {\buck@rquote #2}\else % \ifx #1y\def \next {\buck@yah #2}\else % \if \nxp ^^M\nxp #1\def \next {\buck@par #1#2}\else % active character \ifx #1#2\def \next {\buck@two #1}\else % \ifcat a\nxp #1\edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }% \else \def \sc@char {\nxp #1}% \fi % \sc@put % \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next }% } % catcodes 13 and 11 \def \buck@alif #1{% specials? \def \next {\buck@word }% \if \nxp #1=\def \sc@char {QA}\sc@put \else \if \nxp #1@\def \sc@char {"}\sc@put \else \if \nxp #1^\def \sc@char {Qa}\sc@put \else \if \nxp #1_\def \sc@char {Qi}\sc@put \else \def \sc@char {A}\def \next {\buck@word #1}\sc@put \fi\fi \fi\fi \next } \def \buck@yah #1{% hamza? \def \next {\buck@word }% \if \nxp #1^\def \sc@char {Qy}\sc@put \else \def \sc@char {y}\def \next {\buck@word #1}\sc@put \fi \next } \def \set@buck {% substitute new scanner \let \sc@beg \buck@beg \let \sc@word \buck@word \let \sc@back \sc@@back \let \sc@endscan \sc@@endscan \global\let \a@scan \a@@scan \setbuck@codes \let \arab@codes \buck@codes \let \unarab@codes \unbuck@codes \let \test@special \buck@special \message {input coding set to Tim Buckwalter's encoding conventions}} \def \buck@cat {% change catcodes \catcode `\# 11 \catcode `\= 11 \catcode `\^ 11 \catcode `\~ 11 \catcode `\' 11 \catcode `\| 11 \catcode `\> 11 \catcode `\& 11 \catcode `\< 11 \catcode `\} 11 \catcode `\* 11 \catcode `\$ 11 \catcode `\_ 11 \catcode `\~ 11 \catcode `\` 11 \catcode `\{ 11 } \def \buck@recat {% change catcodes back \catcode `\# 6 \catcode `\= 12 \catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\~ 13 \catcode `\' 12 \catcode `\| 12 \catcode `\> 12 \catcode `\& 4 \catcode `\< 12 \catcode `\} 2 \catcode `\* 12 \catcode `\$ 3 \catcode `\_ 8 \catcode `\~ 13 \catcode `\` 12 \catcode `\{ 1 } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty \def \syl@hamzaverb #1{% verbatim hamza, #1 = carrier \case #1\of { |{\put@con Q} A{\put@con a\add@madda \@sukfalse } y{\put@con Y\add@hamza \ifqur@n \add@hamzalow \fi } u{\put@con w\add@hamza } i{\put@con a\add@hamza \add@hamzalow } \default {\put@con #1\add@hamza } }\endcase \syl@voctest } \def \syl@quote@voc #1{% continue syllable with quote: " #1 #2 \case #1\of { B{\togglev@c \add@sukun \put@syl \syl@con #1} "{\togglev@c \add@sukun \put@syl \syl@beg } |{\syl@@quote@voc } '{\add@hamza \syl@voctest } \default {\togglev@c \syl@voctest #1}% vowel: sukun }\endcase } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty \ifx \a@hebr \undefined \else \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % load only the first time \else \global\let \@@set@hcls \set@hcls \gdef \set@hcls {% \@@set@hcls \global\let \h@putvowel \h@put@@vowel } \fi \gdef \h@put@@vowel #1{% vowel mark \ifx #1\relax \relax \else \def \hadj {0}\def \vadj {0}% \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@P \let\vadj \v@adj \put@b@x{\hc@Pv }\else % vowel-ayin %\ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.85}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@kf \def \hadj {-.1}\def \vadj {.80}\else % final kaph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@r \def \hadj {.35}\else % resh \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@d \def \hadj {.2}\else % daleth \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@q \def \hadj {.1}\else % qoph \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@y \def \hadj {.1}\else % yod \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@w \def \hadj {.15}\else % waw \ifnum \act@cd = \hc@si \def \hadj {-.1}\else % sin \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \setbox0 \hbox to \a@wd {\hss #1\hss}\dimen@ \vadj\a@ht \advance \dimen@ -1\h@p \dimen2 \a@slant\dimen@ \advance\dimen2 \hadj\a@wd \global\setbox\ab@x \hbox {\rlap {\kern\dimen2 \raise\dimen@\box0 }\unhcopy\ab@x }\fi } \fi % a@hebr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {17.05.2004} \def \a@level {j} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \def \a@RL {% RTL insertion inside LRtext \ifaRL \else \aRLtrue \let \a@RLpar \par % prepare for normal baselines \edef \a@lslimit {\lineskiplimit \the\lineskiplimit}% \def \par {\a@RLpar \let \par \a@RLpar \a@lslimit \aRLfalse }% \fi \ifhmode \lineskiplimit -.9\baselineskip \fi % enforce uniform baselines \bgroup \arab@codes \set@arabfont \@waslafalse \@wasfalse \a@@Rinsert } \def \a@Rinsert #1{% put a sequence of RL words into Ltext \leavevmode % go to hmode if not there already \ifinner \a@sequence {#1}% inside a \hbox: append \else \a@@Rsplit {#1}% splice into the current paragraph \fi } \def \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output $$\global\a@lines \prevgraf \global\a@Lwidth \displaywidth $${\endgraf }% \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\eject \fi \vskip -\parskip \global\prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \advance \a@lines -1 \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty }\fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \putlineb@x {\copy\a@oldbox }\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \unskip \unskip \vskip \a@vglue \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@lines \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \space \ins@skip \fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \penalty -9999 \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \fi \egroup } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alatex.sty \def \a@endx {\if@ignore \@ignorefalse \xpa\ignorespaces \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {24.05.2004} \def \a@level {k} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty \def \all@false {% reset language code to default \k@rdfalse \t@rkfalse \m@ghfalse \urd@false \p@shtfalse \s@ndfalse \m@layfalse \u@ghfalse \k@srafalse \k@shfalse \h@mzafalse \@ssimfalse \iz@fetfalse \yahd@tsfalse \k@fsfalse \f@rsnfalse \let \vocalize \v@calize \let \fullvocalize \fullv@calize \arab@output \catcode`\<=\active } \pdef \setuighur {% switch language specific processing \let \vocalize \novocalize \let \fullvocalize \novocalize \novocalize \all@false \@ssimfalse \h@mzafalse \u@ghtrue \def \a@defaultfont {\setnash }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \def \a@RL {% RTL insertion inside LRtext \ifaRL \else \aRLtrue \let \a@RLpar \par % prepare for normal baselines \edef \a@lslimit {\lineskiplimit \the\lineskiplimit}% \def \par {\a@RLpar \let \par \a@RLpar \a@lslimit \aRLfalse }% \fi \lineskiplimit -.9\baselineskip % enforce uniform baselines \bgroup \arab@codes \set@arabfont \@waslafalse \@wasfalse \a@@Rinsert } \def \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output $$\global\a@lines \prevgraf \global\a@Lwidth \displaywidth $${\endgraf }% \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\eject \fi \global\prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \advance \a@lines -1 \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \unpenalty }% \fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \putlineb@x {\hbox {\unhcopy\a@oldbox }}\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@lines \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \space \LRskip \fi\fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \fi \egroup } \gdef \a@newoutput {% intermediate output routine \global\output = \a@oldoutput %\showbox 255 \setbox 255 \vbox {\unvbox 255 % put back to MVL \a@back@line }\unvbox 255 } \def \a@Runpack {% unpack all lines from the insertion \loop \a@Rgetline \unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unskip \break \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \repeat \unpenalty \RLskip } \def \LRskip {\hskip \z@ plus 0.1em }% before RL insertion (right) \def \RLskip {\hskip \z@ plus 0.1em }% after RL insertion (left) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@Linsert #1{% splice Ltext into RL paragraph \putwordb@x {\RLskip }\a@spacefalse \a@@Linsert {#1}\a@Lunpack \putwordb@x {\LRskip }\a@spacetrue \arab@codes \tracingmacros 0 \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {22.06.2004} \def \a@level {l} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alists.sty \def \a@c@item {\@ifnextchar [{\a@@item }{\@noitemargtrue \expandafter \a@@item \expandafter [\@itemlabel ]}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % awrite.sty \let \ac@high \relax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabrep.cls \at@arabtext {% switch to Arabic terms \def\labelenumi{\theenumi\nospace-} \def\labelenumiii{\theenumiii\nospace)} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {23.01.2005} \def \a@level {m} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabext.sty \ifx \a@@figure \undefined \else \def \a@@figure {% figure within Arabic environment \let \a@endfigure \endfigure \def \endfigure {\a@par \a@endfigure }% \a@par \figure } \def \a@@table {% table within Arabic environment \let \a@endtable \endtable \def \endtable {\a@par \a@endtable }% \a@par \table } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {06.04.2005} \def \a@level {n} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty % for use with abidir.sty version 3.12a: \csname newcount\endcsname \a@lines \csname newdimen\endcsname \a@Lwidth %\newdimen \a@prevdepth %\newdimen \a@displaywidth %\newcount \a@prevgraf %\newtoks \a@oldoutput \def \RLskip {\hskip \z@ plus 0.1em }% after RL insertion (right) \def \LRskip {\hskip 1em plus 0.1em }% before RL insertion (left) \def \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output \dimen0 \vsize \advance \dimen0 100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 $$\global\a@prevgraf \prevgraf \global\a@displaywidth \displaywidth $${\endgraf }% \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\eject \fi \global\prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \advance \a@prevgraf -1 \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \unpenalty }% \fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \putlineb@x {\hbox {\unhcopy\a@oldbox }}\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@prevgraf \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \space \LRskip \fi\fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \else \RLskip \fi \egroup } \gdef \a@back@line {% skip back over empty display \dimen0 \baselineskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox \dimen2 \lastskip \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@oldbox \lastbox % last line \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \dimen2 \lastskip \unskip \advance\dimen0 -\ht\a@oldbox \fi \advance\dimen0 -\dimen2 % compute \prevdepth \global\a@prevdepth \dimen0 \unskip }% \gdef \a@newoutput {% intermediate output routine \global\output = \a@oldoutput %\ifnum \tracingmacros = 0 \else \showbox 255 \fi \setbox 255 \vbox {\unvbox 255 % put back into MVL \a@back@line }\unvbox 255 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % atrans.sty % because of an incompatible change in Plain 3.1415926 \gdef \x@s #1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \nsh@ft{34}% accent for _h \vbox to -.2ex {\hbox{\char'25}\vss}\hidewidth}} \gdef \x@x #1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \nsh@ft{29}% accent for .s in Urdu \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'177}\vss}\hidewidth}} \def \ish@ft #1{\dimen\z@.00#1ex\multiply\dimen\z@\fontdimen1\font \kern.0156\dimen\z@} % positive kern for slant \def \rsh@ft #1#2{\ish@ft{#1}#2\nsh@ft{#1}} \def \nsh@ft#1{\dimen\z@.00#1ex\multiply\dimen\z@\fontdimen1\font \kern-.0156\dimen\z@} % compensate for slant in lowered accents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {25.01.2006} \def \a@level {o} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % version 3.11i::abidir.sty %\csname newbox\endcsname for \newbox etc. (inner!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aligs.sty \def \hah@end #1#2*#3#4+#5*#6{% hah, test for ligature % c1 m1 * c2 m21 + m22 * c3 \ifu@gh \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act \sk@h@u \fi \else \ifm@lay \else \ifurd@ \set@act \sk@h@s \hah@urd #3% round h? \ifx #1T\else \ifx #3l\test@allah {#4}{#6}\else \ifx #1\a@H \else \set@act\sk@h@u \if\is@end@char #3% \else \set@loww@act \global\a@min 1 \fi \fi\fi\fi \else \ifx #3l\test@allah {#4}{#6}\else \ifnum \chr@cls = 1 \set@chr\sk@b \put@tatwil % 1 YntCbyp \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 3 \put@tatwil % 3 GHX \else \gim@test #6\put@tatwil \fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {08.02.2006} \def \a@level {p} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \csname newdimen\endcsname \a@displaywidth \def \LRskip {\hskip \z@ plus 0.1em }% before RL insertion (left) \def \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output \dimen0 \vsize \advance \dimen0 100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 $$\global\a@prevgraf \prevgraf \global\a@displaywidth \displaywidth $${\par }% \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\eject \fi \global\prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \else \advance \a@prevgraf -1 \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \unpenalty }% \fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \putlineb@x {\hbox {\unhcopy\a@oldbox }}\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@prevgraf \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \space \LRskip \fi\fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \else \RLskip \fi \egroup } \def \a@box@aparm {% Arabic parameters for vbox \let \end \relax \def \next@command {\test@special}\transfalse \def \a@kern {\nobreak\kern.05em } \def \a@mkern {\nobreak\kern-.05em } \showfalse \spreadtrue \a@hsize \a@displaywidth \advance \a@hsize -\leftskip \advance \a@hsize -\rightskip \leftskip \z@ \rightskip \z@ %\advance \a@hsize 20pt % TENTATIVE \def \arab@space {\nobreak\hskip 5pt plus 4pt minus 1pt }% \def \tat@skip {0.04ex plus 0.5ex }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aoutput.sty \def \put@ab@x {% deposit line \ifhmode \unskip {\par }\penalty \clubpenalty \parindent \z@ \parskip \z@ \else \ifnum \a@prevgraf = \z@ \else \penalty \widowpenalty \fi\fi \begingroup \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fill \leftskip \z@ \rightskip \z@ \noindent \ifdim \a@leftmargin = \z@ \else \hskip \a@leftmargin \fi \box\a@tempb@x \par \endgroup \parindent \z@ \parskip \z@ plus 1pt \initlineb@x \advance \a@prevgraf \@ne \a@@prevgraf \prevgraf \advance \a@@prevgraf \@ne \prevgraf \a@@prevgraf } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % altxext.sty \ifx \a@olddisp \undefined \let \a@olddisp \[ % for lineno.sty \ifx \linenumbers \undefined \else \def \[{\par\nobreak\noindent \a@olddisp} \all@w@ne \linelabel \fi \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for acmd.sty in version 3.11 only! \def \a@c@smallskip {\a@@par \smallskip \test@token } \def \a@c@medskip {\a@@par \medskip \test@token } \def \a@c@bigskip {\a@@par \bigskip \test@token } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty {\catcode `\< = \@other % better make sure \gdef \a@parse #1>{% parse token sequence into syllables \iftest@parse \tracingmacros = 1 \iftest@scan \else \a@verb (#1)>\fi\fi \csname a@parse@hook\endcsname \last@con ={.}\last@mod = 0 \last@voc = 0 \global\@highfalse \global \sv@revwd ={}\global \a@revwd ={}\syl@beg #1<<<>% \iftest@parse \tracingmacros = 0 % \xpa \a@verb \xpa (\the\a@revwd )>\fi } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {01.03.2006} \def \a@level {q} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alatex.sty \ifx \linenumbers \undefined \global\let \linenumbers \relax \fi \global\let \ifLineNumbers \iffalse % CAUTION: must be in \outer context! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \gdef \a@Rinsert #1{% put a sequence of RL words into Ltext \leavevmode % go to hmode if not there already \ifinner \a@sequence {#1}% inside a \hbox: append \else \a@@Rsplit {#1}% splice into the current paragraph \fi } \gdef \a@@Rinsert #1{% RL insertion inside Ltext %\tracingmacros 1 \ifshow \a@@verb {#1}\fi % verbating listing \ifarab \a@Rinsert {#1}\fi % arabic writing \iftrans \set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end \/\fi \ifnum \tracingarab > \@ne \message {>}\fi \unskip \egroup } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \a@back@line {% skip back over last line \ifLineNumbers % undo last linenumber \unskip \unkern \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox \ifvoid0 \else \global \advance \c@linenumber -1 \fi \unkern \unskip \fi \global\setbox \a@oldbox \lastbox % grab last text line \ifvoid \a@oldbox \prevdepth 0pt % start of paragraph \else \dimen0 \baselineskip \advance\dimen0 -\ht\a@oldbox \advance\dimen0 -\lastskip \prevdepth \dimen0 % compute \prevdepth \fi \unskip } \gdef \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output \dimen0 \vsize \advance \dimen0 100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 \everypar {}% \par \global\a@prevgraf \prevgraf \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\break \fi \dimen0 \pagegoal \advance \dimen0 -100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 \ifvoid \a@oldbox \global \a@displaywidth \hsize \else \advance \a@prevgraf -1 \vskip -\parskip \global \a@displaywidth \wd \a@oldbox \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \unpenalty }% \fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \let \par \endgraf \putlineb@x {\hbox {\unhcopy\a@oldbox }}\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@prevgraf \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \space \LRskip \fi\fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \else \RLskip \fi \egroup } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \a@newoutput {% intermediate output routine \global\output = \a@oldoutput %\ifnum \tracingmacros = 0 \else \showbox 255 \fi %\showbox255 \setbox 255 \vbox {\unvbox 255 % put back into MVL %\tracingmacros 1 \a@back@line }\unvbox 255 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \a@Linsert #1{% splice Ltext into RL paragraph %\tracingmacros 1 \putwordb@x {\RLskip }\a@spacefalse \a@@Linsert {#1}\a@Lunpack \putwordb@x {\LRskip }\a@spacetrue \arab@codes %\tracingmacros 0 \test@token } \gdef \a@@Linsert #1{% splice Ltext into RL paragraph \dimen0 \wd \lineb@x \setbox \Linsertb@x \vbox {\hsize \a@hsize \hangindent -\dimen0 \hangafter -\@ne \tr@ceoff \rm \tr@ceon \rightskip \z@ plus .001fil \vskip \a@vglue \everypar {}\parskip \z@ \dimen2 \fontdimen4\font \fontdimen4\font 0pt % prevent shrinking \noindent \null #1\clubpenalty 0 \widowpenalty 0 \tolerance 10000 \endgraf \fontdimen4\font \dimen2 }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabaux.sty \ifx \a@check@mathfonts \undefined \global\let \a@check@mathfonts \check@mathfonts \gdef\check@mathfonts{\tr@ceoff % dont trace fonts \a@check@mathfonts \tr@ceon } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aedpatch.sty \let \ins@skip \relax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty %\long\def \test@@special #1{% check for special cases \long\gdef \test@special #1{% check for special cases \ifcat \bgroup \nxp \next@token % arabic group \a@@putword \def \next {\arab@group {#1}}\else \if \relax \nxp #1% % command \if\is@in@set #1\a@accent % known to scanner \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token }% \else % general command \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}% \fi \else \if \sp@ce \nxp \next@token % RTL space \a@@putword \def \next {\get@token }\else \ifnum `#1 > 127 % inputenc command \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}\else \ifcat \nxp ~\nxp #1% % active character \a@@putword \def \next {\test@command #1}\else \if \nxp <\nxp #1\unarab@codes % Roman insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@insert \else \ifx $#1\unarab@codes % Math insert \a@@putword \let \next \test@math \else \a@@append {#1}\def \next {\get@token}% % normal case \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {16.04.2006} \def \a@level {r} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \gdef \a@@Rinsert #1{% RL insertion inside Ltext %\tracingmacros 1 \ifshow \a@@verb {#1}\fi % verbating listing \ifarab \a@Rinsert {#1}\fi % arabic writing \iftrans \set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end \/\fi \ifnum \tracingarab > \@ne \message {>}\fi \RLskip \egroup } \gdef \a@@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \global\a@oldoutput = \output \dimen0 \vsize \advance \dimen0 100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 \skip0 \lastskip \everypar {}\par \global\a@prevgraf \prevgraf \ifinner \a@back@line \else \global\output = {\a@newoutput }\break \fi \dimen0 \pagegoal \advance \dimen0 -100pt \pagegoal \dimen0 \global\prevdepth \a@prevdepth \ifvoid \a@oldbox \global \a@displaywidth \hsize \else \advance \a@prevgraf -1 \vskip -\parskip \global \a@displaywidth \wd \a@oldbox \setbox\a@oldbox \hbox {\hskip -\leftskip \unhbox\a@oldbox \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \unpenalty }% \fi \setbox\Rinsertb@x \vbox {\a@box@rparm \a@box@aparm \let \par \endgraf \putlineb@x {\hbox {\unhcopy\a@oldbox }}\a@spacefalse \test@token #1 \end \hbox {\box\lineb@x \hfill }}% \a@Rgetline \setbox\tempb@x \hbox {\unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unpenalty \global\setbox \a@newbox \lastbox }% \noindent \prevgraf \a@prevgraf \unhcopy \a@newbox \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = 0pt \else \ifdim \wd\a@newbox = \parindent \else \ifdim \wd\tempb@x = 0pt \else \ifdim \skip0 = 0pt \else \hskip \skip0 \fi \LRskip \fi\fi\fi \unhbox \tempb@x \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \break \a@Runpack \fi \egroup } \def \a@Runpack {% unpack all lines from the insertion \loop \a@Rgetline \unhbox \tempb@x \unskip \unskip \break \ifvbox \Rinsertb@x \repeat \unpenalty } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@pdatum {02.07.2006} \def \a@level {s} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input alocal.sty % local patches! % must be idempotent! \ifx \a@patchlevel \undefined % first patching run \a@ident {apatch.sty} {\a@version\a@level\space last minute patches } {\a@pdatum } \edef \a@patchlevel {\a@version \a@level \space (\a@pdatum )} \else \a@message {version \a@patchlevel: second phase of patching} \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \catcode`\" = \patchdqcode \catcode`\@ = \patchatcode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%