% Test Babel-Greek with LuaTeX and 8-bit fonts % © 2022 Günter Milde % Setup for LuaTeX with 8-bit fonts \newcommand{\SETUP}{ % LGR must be defined before loading "luainputenc" (bug in luainputenc?) \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} % \usepackage[largesc]{newtxtext} % \DeclareFontFamilySubstitution{LGR}{ntxtlf}{NimbusSerif} \usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc} \newcommand*{\greekfontencoding}{LGR} % force LGR setup¹ \usepackage[greek, % greek.local-LGR-fixes, english]{babel} % Uncomment the desired language variant % \languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko} % "modern" polytonic Greek \languageattribute{greek}{ancient} % ancient Greek } \newcommand{\SETUPDOC}{% This test is \ifdefined\luatexversion compiled \else intended for but \textbf{not} compiled \fi with LuaTeX in 8-bit compatibility mode. It loads the \pkgref{luainputenc} package for UTF-8 decoding and sets \texttt{\textbackslash greekfontencoding} to LGR. Hyphenation in Greek text parts fails (would require the 8-bit hyphenation patterns, i.a., a loader fix for LuaTeX). } \input{test-greek.tex} % ¹TODO: Currently, defining \greekfontencoding must be done with % \def or \newcommand* and fails with \newcommand because % of the fragile string comparison using \ifx in greek.ldf!