%#!lualatex \documentclass[lualatex,a4paper,11pt]{jlreq} \usepackage{luatexja-fontspec} \newjfontfamily{\HaraMC}[ FontFace = {l}{n}{*-Light}, FontFace = {m}{n}{*-Regular}, FontFace = {b}{n}{*-Bold}, BoldFont = {*-Bold}, ]{HaranoAjiMincho} \newjfontfamily{\HaraGT}[ FontFace = {m}{n}{*-Regular}, FontFace = {b}{n}{*-Bold}, FontFace = {eb}{n}{*-Heavy}, BoldFont = {*-Bold}, ]{HaranoAjiGothic} \newjfontfamily{\HaraMG}[ FontFace = {m}{n}{*-Medium}, ]{HaranoAjiGothic} %\usepackage{luatexja-ruby}% for kenten % [TODO] https://ja.osdn.net/projects/luatex-ja/ticket/41023 % => based on okumacro.sty \makeatletter \def\kenten#1{% \setbox1=\hbox to\z@{\hbox to 1\zw{\hss ・\hss}\hss}% \ht1=.63\zw \@kenten#1\end\relax} \def\@kenten#1#2{% \ifx#1\end \let\next=\relax \else \raise.75\zw\copy1\nobreak #1\ifx#2\end\else \hskip\ltjgetparameter{kanjiskip}\relax\fi \let\next=\@kenten \fi\next#2} \makeatother %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % additional packages \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{array} \usepackage[defaultsups]{newpxtext} \usepackage[zerostyle=c,straightquotes]{newtxtt} \usepackage{newpxmath} \usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} \usepackage[hyperfootnotes=false]{hyperref} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{xspace} \def\Pkg#1{\textsf{#1}} \def\Opt#1{\texttt{#1}} \def\ClsY#1{\Pkg{\textcolor{Black}{#1}}} \def\ClsT#1{\Pkg{\textcolor{Green}{#1}}} \def\ClsYT#1{\Pkg{\textcolor{Blue}{#1}}} \def\file#1{\textsf{#1}} \def\code#1{\texttt{#1}} \def\cs#1{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \usepackage[japanese,english]{babel}% References in English \AtBeginDocument{\def\figurename{Figure~}}% add a space \usepackage{listings} \lstset{% language=[LaTeX]{TeX}, basicstyle={\small\ttfamily}, texcsstyle={*\color{blue}}, commentstyle={\color{Green}}, columns=[l]{fullflexible}, numbers=left, xrightmargin=0\zw, xleftmargin=3\zw, aboveskip=3pt, belowskip=3pt, moretexcs={setlength,setmainfont,maketitle,RequirePackage} } \usepackage{shortvrb} \MakeShortVerb*{|} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % foreign text -> italic \def\Foreign#1{\textit{#1}} % logos \def\eTeX{$\varepsilon$-\TeX} \def\pTeX{p\kern-.10em\TeX} \def\upTeX{u\pTeX} \def\epTeX{$\varepsilon$-\pTeX} \def\eupTeX{$\varepsilon$-\upTeX} \def\pLaTeX{p\LaTeX}\def\pLaTeXe{p\LaTeXe} \def\upLaTeX{u\pLaTeX}\def\upLaTeXe{u\pLaTeXe} \def\pdfTeX{\hologo{pdfTeX}} \def\pdfLaTeX{\hologo{pdfLaTeX}} \def\XeTeX{\hologo{XeTeX}} \def\XeLaTeX{\hologo{XeLaTeX}} \def\LuaTeX{\hologo{LuaTeX}} \def\LuaLaTeX{\hologo{LuaLaTeX}} \def\TL{\TeX\ Live\xspace} \def\JTDC{Japanese \TeX\ Development Community} \def\_{\leavevmode\vrule width .45em height -.2ex depth .3ex\relax} \frenchspacing \begin{document} \title{\textsf{\textbf{Guide to Japanese typesetting with \LaTeX}}} \author{\JTDC\null \thanks{\url{https://texjp.org},\ e-mail: \texttt{issue(at)texjp.org}}} \maketitle % 日本語組版は西欧言語とは全然違う Typesetting requirements of Japanese are completely different from those of Western languages, so setting parameter values and additional hyphenation patterns are not enough. \begin{itemize} % babel-japanese (japanese.ldf) は訳語を登録するだけ % 日本語組版に必要な設定は行わない \item The \Opt{japanese} option of Babel package only defines translated replacement texts for keywords and dates (e.g. ``\contentsname'' $\rightarrow$ ``{\selectlanguage{japanese}\contentsname}'', \verb+\today+ $\rightarrow$ ``{\selectlanguage{japanese}\和暦\today}''); it does not care about any Japanese typesetting requirements. % CJK パッケージも不十分 \item It may seem sufficient to use a package such as \Pkg{CJK} or \Pkg{xeCJK}, or switch to Japanese fonts with a Unicode-enabled engine; however, that's not the case. \end{itemize} % この文書の目的:ちゃんと日本語する簡単な方法の紹介 %-- 日本語を「ちゃんと」組むことが西欧言語とは全く異なることを伝える。 %-- ほんの数文字・数行の行組版だけでも組版規則が全く異なる。 %-- ページレイアウトに関わる設定値(段落字下げ,行長,行送りなど)が %-- 異なるのは,想像の範囲内と思われる。 This document describes how to get an ``acceptable'' Japanese typesetting result and the eminent differences between Western and Japanese typesetting requirements. % とりあえず LuaLaTeX + \usepackage{luatexja} オススメ %-- 対象読者が「日本語組版を全く知らない海外の人」なので %-- 資産(=解説書,周囲の経験,歴史等)の面が日本と真逆である! %-- つまり LuaTeX 最強+資産も最強 \section{Short introduction: using \LuaLaTeX} To obtain a properly formatted Japanese document, the easiest way is to use \LuaLaTeX\ with Lua\TeX-ja package. \begin{itemize} \item Using the \Pkg{jlreq} class (it loads \Pkg{luatexja} internally): \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[book]{jlreq}% loads luatexja.sty internally \begin{document} \chapter{日本語の文書}% Japanese document こんにちは,日本。% Hello, Japan. \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Save the above as \file{jp1.tex} and run the following command. \begin{verbatim} $ lualatex jp1 \end{verbatim} You will get \file{jp1.pdf} which is properly formatted and a Japanese font family ``HaranoAji Mincho/Gothic'' is embedded. \item If you prefer classes not for Japanese, you can load \Pkg{luatexja} directly: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass{book} \usepackage{luatexja} \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} * Note that using non-Japanese classes will lead to unnatural page layouts for Japanese books, especially regarding line gaps and line lengths. \end{itemize} % 他の選択肢:upLaTeX が先 \section{Relatively stable alternative: \upLaTeX} \LuaLaTeX\ is relatively new, and Lua\TeX-ja is under active development. As a more stable alternative, you can use \upLaTeX. It is a somewhat legacy implementation, which requires TFM files for typesetting Japanese characters (called JFM). The \Pkg{jlreq} class also supports \upLaTeX, but here we provide an example using an relatively old class \Pkg{jsclasses}, which has been widely used for over a decade: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[uplatex]{jsbook}% or, \documentclass{ujbook} \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} Save the above as \file{jp2.tex} and run the following command. \begin{verbatim} $ uplatex jp2 \end{verbatim} You will get \file{jp2.dvi}. \upLaTeX\ and \pLaTeX\ (explained later) are often referred to as (u)\pLaTeX. They always output DVI files. To convert DVI containing Japanese characters into PDF, the easiest way is to use dvipdfmx. If you have \file{jp2.dvi}, running the following command \begin{verbatim} $ dvipdfmx jp2 \end{verbatim} will generate \file{jp2.pdf}. If you want to simplify the procedure, you can use the command \begin{verbatim} $ ptex2pdf -l -u jp2 \end{verbatim} which runs \code{uplatex} and \code{dvipdfmx} in sequence. \bigskip Since the default DVI driver in \TL is set to \Opt{dvips},\footnote{Though dvips supports DVI with Japanese fonts, additional settings for Ghostscript are required to convert the resulting PostScript file into PDF.} it is recommended to add a global driver option to be passed to all driver-dependent packages (e.g. \Pkg{graphicx}, \Pkg{color}, \Pkg{hyperref}): \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[uplatex,dvipdfmx]{jsbook} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} % レガシーな pLaTeX は最後 \section{Using legacy \pLaTeX} Some old Japanese journal classes may require \pLaTeX. It is a legacy implementation which was born in 1980s, before the release of Unicode 1.0, and it only supports a limited character set, JIS~X~0208 (6879 characters). \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass{jsbook}% or, \documentclass{jbook} \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} Save the above as \file{jp3.tex} and run the following command. \begin{verbatim} $ platex jp3 \end{verbatim} You will get \file{jp3.dvi}. Again, the DVI file can be converted into PDF using dvipdfmx. If you want to simplify the procedure, you can use the command \begin{verbatim} $ ptex2pdf -l jp3 \end{verbatim} which runs \code{platex} and \code{dvipdfmx} in sequence. % CJK package はサポート外 \newenvironment{NOTE}{\StartNOTE\small}{\EndNOTE} \newcommand*{\NOTEline}[1]{% \par\noindent\makebox[0pt][l]{\rule[.5ex]{\linewidth}{.4pt}}% \makebox{\hspace{.05\linewidth}\rule[#1ex]{.9\linewidth}{.2pt}}\par} \newcommand*{\StartNOTE}{\NOTEline{.1}\nobreak} \newcommand*{\EndNOTE}{\nobreak\NOTEline{.9}} \begin{NOTE} Note for users who know the \Pkg{CJK} package: (u)\pLaTeX\ does \emph{not} support the \Pkg{CJK} package! The reasons are the followings: \begin{itemize} \item The input handling of (u)\pTeX\ engine is different from that of Western \TeX\ engines. Since Japanese tokens are no longer treated as active characters, the subsequent processing becomes inconsistent. \item Both the (u)\pLaTeX\ kernel and \file{CJK.sty} redefine the command \verb+\selectfont+, and those definitions are incompatible. \end{itemize} Anyway, if you use (u)\pLaTeX, which provides better Japanese support, you will not need the \Pkg{CJK} package at all. \end{NOTE} % 本書のメイン:西欧組版と日本語組版の違い;ちゃんと日本語を組むには? \section{Differences between Western and Japanese typesetting} The sections above described some practical ways to achieve ``acceptable'' Japanese typesetting results. In the Appendix, you will find more examples. So, what are the minimum requirements for ``acceptable'' results for native Japanese readers? The W3C Working Group Note ``Requirements for Japanese Text Layout'' \cite{w3c-jlreq} is one of the comprehensive documentation which describes issues of text composition in the Japanese writing system. However, they are too complicated to explain here thoroughly,\footnote{They include specification of basic page layout (\Foreign{kihon-hanmen}; 基本版面), vertical alignment of Japanese text (\Foreign{tate-gumi}; 縦組), small-sized supplementary text (\Foreign{ruby}; ルビ), inline cutting note (\Foreign{warichu}; 割注) etc.} so we focus on the main issues regarding simple and short horizontal writing within a few lines. %% 行分割と空白挿入 %-- 禁則文字を除く任意箇所での行分割が可能 %-- 和文文字直後の改行文字は空白にならない %-- 約物どうしの字間調整 %-- 和欧文間空白の挿入 \subsection{Line breaks and spacing} \newbox\JEXBOX % stores example output \newbox\JJgridbox \def\JJsq{% \hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{%  \hskip\dimexpr-.5\zw-.2pt\vrule width.4pt height.08\zw depth.12\zw% \hskip\dimexpr.5\zw-.2pt\relax}\hss}} \def\JJsb{\hbox to 1\zw{\hss\fboxsep=-.5\fboxrule\fbox{% ■\hskip\dimexpr-.5\zw-.2pt\vrule width.4pt height.08\zw depth.12\zw% \hskip\dimexpr.5\zw-.2pt\relax}\hss}} \setbox\JJgridbox=\hbox to 12\zw{% \JJsq\JJsq\JJsq\JJsq\JJsb\JJsq\JJsq\JJsq\JJsq\JJsb\JJsq\JJsq} \def\JJoutbox#1{{% \ltjsetparameter{kanjiskip=0pt plus .2\zw minus .2\zw}% \hbox{\textcolor{cyan}{\copy\JJgridbox}\hskip-12\zw% \vbox{\hsize=12\zw\noindent\leftskip0pt\rightskip0pt\parfillskip0pt#1\hss}\vrule}% }} This is the most notable aspect of Japanese typesetting, and a concept that would not be found in Western typesetting. Consider the input list, Listing \ref{list:src1}. Using \LuaLaTeX, it is allowed to include any Unicode character out-of-the-box, and they are actually displayed correctly in the output when a suitable Japanese font is declared. \begingroup \begin{figure}[tbp] \ltjsetparameter{kanjiskip=0pt,xkanjiskip=0pt} \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Example input using \LuaLaTeX},label={list:src1}] %#!lualatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{HaranoAjiMincho-Regular} \setlength{\textwidth}{250pt} \setlength{\overfullrule}{5pt} \begin{document} \noindent % first line = exactly 250pt (= 10pt x 25) ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆\\ 改行後 空白が入る。日本語が連続すると改行できず、はみ出す。\\ 句読点と、(括弧)の間隔が広い。% 日本語とLatinの間が空かない。 \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{figure} \endgroup However, the result (Figure \ref{fig:src1}) is not acceptable, especially for the following reasons: \begin{itemize} \item Japanese text has no interword spaces, but line break is allowed between any Japanese characters except before some punctuation marks (\Foreign{kinsoku}; 禁則). The overfull rules that appeared in Figure \ref{fig:src1} come from not knowing such line breaking rules. \item Similarly, it is common to insert a new line character after arbitrary Japanese characters in the input source. Such a new line character should not be treated as a blank space.\\ Wrong: \JJoutbox{改行後 空白が入る。…\hfill}\quad Correct: \JJoutbox{改行後空白が入る。…\hfill} \item Ordinary Japanese characters are designed to have virtual full-width (\Foreign{zenkaku}) bounding box. However, spacing between adjacent punctuation marks must be truncated.\\ Wrong: \JJoutbox{句読点と、\null (括弧)の間…\hfill}\quad Correct: \JJoutbox{句読点と、(括弧)の間…\hfill} \item It is preferred to insert a quarter em space (\Foreign{shibu aki}) between Japanese and Latin characters.\footnote{Such a space is often called ``xkanjiskip'' glue in Japanese \TeX\ world.}\\ Wrong: \JJoutbox{日本語と\null Latin\null の間…\hfill}\quad Correct: \JJoutbox{日本語とLatinの間…\hfill} \end{itemize} Figure \ref{fig:src1-mod} shows an acceptable output of the same text. You will see that choosing a Japanese font on Unicode-enabled engine is not enough for obtaining properly formatted result. All of the methods explained in the previous sections, namely \begin{enumerate} \item \LuaLaTeX\ with Lua\TeX-ja package, \item \upLaTeX, \item \pLaTeX, \end{enumerate} are developed to support (most of) the requirements mentioned above, and their output is most likely to be acceptable. Therefore, we recommend to use one of those platforms. %% レイアウト %-- 前節の「ベタ組で任意箇所での行分割」「xkanjiskip」などは %-- 西欧組版には相当概念が存在しないと思われる。 %-- 一方,レイアウトパラメータ(行送り・字下げ・行長)は %-- 西欧の TeX でも変更可能なパラメータ化されているので,次元が低い。 \subsection{Page layout (brief description)} % 正方形が和文書体の基本的デザイン指向であり,欧文書体と顕著に異なる % 書体のデザインの違いが,後述の字下げや行長の慣習に寄与している Also, if the main language of the document is Japanese, it is common to choose a properly designed Japanese class. Unlike Latin typefaces, most of Japanese typefaces are designed in squares with a width of \Foreign{zenkaku}. This difference greatly contributes to the overall page layout in Japanese typesetting. For example, the typesetting procedure can be simplified by setting \cs{textwidth} to a multiple of \Foreign{zenkaku}, and \cs{parindent} to 1~\Foreign{zenkaku}. Many recent Japanese classes determine margins accordingly, and adjust other layout parameters to improve readability. \begingroup \ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9}} \setmainfont{HaranoAjiMincho-Regular} \global\setbox\JEXBOX=\vbox{\hsize=250pt\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont \setlength{\overfullrule}{5pt}\noindent ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆\\ 改行後 空白が入る。日本語が連続すると改行できず、はみ出す。\\ 句読点と、(括弧)の間隔が広い。% 日本語とLatinの間が空かない。} \endgroup \begin{figure}[tbp] \centering\leavevmode\fbox{\box\JEXBOX} \caption{Output from Listing \ref{list:src1} (not acceptable)} \label{fig:src1} \end{figure} \begingroup \setmainfont{HaranoAjiMincho-Regular} \global\setbox\JEXBOX=\vbox{\hsize=250pt\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont \setlength{\overfullrule}{5pt}\noindent ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆\\ 改行後 空白が入る。日本語が連続すると改行できず、はみ出す。\\ 句読点と、(括弧)の間隔が広い。% 日本語とLatinの間が空かない。} \endgroup \begin{figure}[tbp] \centering\leavevmode\fbox{\box\JEXBOX} \caption{Acceptable output of the above text} \label{fig:src1-mod} \end{figure} %% 日本語組版における多書体化の必要性 %-- 欧文組版で「セリフ体からのイタリック化」に相当するのは %-- 和文組版では「明朝体(セリフ)からのゴシック(サンセリフ)化」 \subsection{Using multi-weight typefaces for Japanese typesetting} Latin font families used in Western typesetting consist of many typefaces: \begin{itemize} \def\FACES{Upright, \textit{Italic}, \textbf{Bold}, \textbf{\textit{BoldItalic}}} \item {\rmfamily Serif: \FACES} \item {\sffamily Sans Serif: \FACES} \item {\ttfamily Typewriter: \FACES} \end{itemize} In contrast, Japanese font families provide limited typefaces. Most Japanese font families do not provide italic or slanted shapes. Rather, these shapes look strange and have rarely been used in traditional typesetting. Also, there is no typewriter font; ordinary Japanese typefaces are inherently designed to have a fixed width. \begin{itemize} \item {\mcfamily 明朝 (\Foreign{Mincho}; Japanese Serif)} \item {\gtfamily ゴシック (\Foreign{Gothic}; Japanese Sans Serif)} \end{itemize} Therefore, the typeface used to emphasize in Japanese text is different from those often used in Western text: \begin{itemize} \item Normal text (in upright shape) and \emph{Emphasized text (in italic shape)} \item 通常の文(in \Foreign{Mincho})と, \emph{強調された文}(in \Foreign{Gothic})か \kenten{強調された文}(with \Foreign{Kenten}; 圏点) \end{itemize} Most of common Japanese classes, including those used in the previous sections, use \Foreign{Mincho} and \Foreign{Gothic} with a single weight each. Nowadays, some multi-weight Japanese fonts are available for free, so using them is a good way to overcome the situation. The \Opt{[deluxe]} option of packages \Pkg{luatexja-preset} (on \LuaLaTeX) or \Pkg{otf} (on (u)\pLaTeX) supports maximum of 7 typefaces: \begin{itemize} \item {\HaraMC \fontseries{l}\selectfont 細明朝, \fontseries{m}\selectfont 明朝, \fontseries{b}\selectfont 太明朝} (\Foreign{Mincho} Light, Medium and Bold) \item {\HaraGT \fontseries{m}\selectfont ゴシック, \fontseries{b}\selectfont 太ゴシック, \fontseries{eb}\selectfont 極太ゴシック} (\Foreign{Gothic} Medium, Bold and Extra Bold) \item {\HaraMG \fontseries{m}\selectfont 丸ゴシック} (\Foreign{Maru Gothic} Medium)\footnote{The HaranoAji family used in this documentation does not provide \Foreign{Maru Gothic} (rounded \Foreign{Gothic}) typefaces.} \end{itemize} With the help of these packages, you can emphasize Japanese text by changing to bold, instead of changing Serif to Sans Serif. \begin{itemize} \item {\HaraMC 通常の文(in \Foreign{Mincho})と, \textbf{強調された文}(in \Foreign{Mincho} Bold)} \item {\HaraGT 通常の文(in \Foreign{Gothic})と, \textbf{強調された文}(in \Foreign{Gothic} Bold)} \end{itemize} %% 各種文書への導線をはる \section{Further readings} \begin{itemize} \item ``The Lua\TeX-ja package'' (\file{luatexja-en.pdf}, in English) \begin{itemize} \item For beginners, refer to Part I ``User's manual.'' \item For more interested users, refer to Part II ``Reference.'' \item For developers, refer to Part III ``Implementations.'' \item Japanese edition: \file{luatexja-ja.pdf} \end{itemize} \item ``Guide to \pTeX\ for developers unfamiliar with Japanese'' (\file{ptex-guide-en.pdf}, in English) \begin{itemize} \item For developers who aim to support \pTeX/\pLaTeX\ and its variants \upTeX/\upLaTeX. \end{itemize} \item ``About \upLaTeXe'' (\file{uplatex-en.pdf}, in English) \begin{itemize} \item For users of \upLaTeX, but a somewhat legacy document. \item Japanese edition: \file{uplatex-en.pdf} \end{itemize} \item ``About \pLaTeXe'' (\file{platex-en.pdf}, in English) \begin{itemize} \item For users of \pLaTeX, but a somewhat legacy document. \item Japanese edition: \file{platex-en.pdf} \end{itemize} \item ``Babel-Option \Opt{japanese}'' (\file{babel-japanese.pdf}, in both English and Japanese) \begin{itemize} \item Basic introduction of \Opt{japanese} option of \Pkg{babel}. \item Provides translated replacement texts for keywords and date. \item Note: the translations provided by this package may not become effective on most of Western classes, due to lack of appropriate placeholders inside captions. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} %% 日本の成果物 \section{Japanese deliverables in \TL} There are many packages developed specially for Japanese typesetting in \TL; most of these are installed as part of \Pkg{collection-langjapanese}. Only a subset of these useful packages are shown below. For more details, please refer to individual documentation. \subsection{Document classes} Japanese text can be aligned in two directions. One is horizontal direction, called \Foreign{yoko-gumi} (横組), the other is vertical direction, called \Foreign{tate-gumi} (縦組). The list below shows \ClsT{\Foreign{tate} classes in green} and \ClsYT{\Foreign{yoko}/\Foreign{tate} classes in blue} (default is \Foreign{yoko}, and the class option \Opt{[tate]} switches to \Foreign{tate} mode). All the major frameworks for Japanese typesetting provide ``standard classes'': \begin{itemize} \item Lua\TeX-ja (\Pkg{luatexja} by Lua\TeX-ja project team) \begin{itemize} \item Bundle: \Pkg{ltjsclasses} (\ClsY{ltjsarticle}, \ClsY{ltjsbook}, \ClsY{ltjsreport}) \item Bundle: \Pkg{ltjclasses} (\ClsY{ltjarticle}, \ClsY{ltjbook}, \ClsY{ltjreport}, \ClsT{ltjtarticle}, \ClsT{ltjtbook}, \ClsT{ltjtreport}) \end{itemize} \item \upLaTeX\ (\Pkg{uplatex} by \JTDC) \begin{itemize} \item Bundle: \Pkg{ujclasses} (\ClsY{ujarticle}, \ClsY{ujbook}, \ClsY{ujreport}, \ClsT{utarticle}, \ClsT{utbook}, \ClsT{utreport})* \end{itemize} \item \pLaTeX\ (\Pkg{platex} by \JTDC) \begin{itemize} \item Bundle: \Pkg{jclasses} (\ClsY{jarticle}, \ClsY{jbook}, \ClsY{jreport}, \ClsT{tarticle}, \ClsT{tbook}, \ClsT{treport})* \end{itemize} * Due to historical reasons, \Pkg{ujclasses} and \Pkg{jclasses} are left with some inconvenient behaviors. You may need to adjust some layout parameters by hand, or use other classes mentioned below. \end{itemize} Other major classes designed for Japanese: \begin{itemize} \item Class: \ClsYT{jlreq} (by Noriyuki Abe) \begin{itemize} \item Supports \LuaLaTeX, \upLaTeX\ and \pLaTeX. \item This class aims to implement ``Requirements for Japanese Text Layout'' (JLReq, 日本語組版処理の要件, \cite{w3c-jlreq}). The class file and necessary JFM (Japanese font metric) files are included. \end{itemize} \item Bundle: \Pkg{jsclasses} (by Haruhiko Okumura \& \JTDC) \begin{itemize} \item Class: \ClsY{jsarticle}, \ClsY{jsbook}, \ClsY{jsreport} \begin{itemize} \item Supports only \upLaTeX\ (with option \Opt{[uplatex]}) and \pLaTeX. \item In addition to layout adjustments, these classes use newly developed JFM set (jis metrics) to avoid strange behaviors of standard \pTeX\ JFM set (min10 etc). For more details, please refer to \cite{ajt2008okumura}. \item Note: when font size other than 10pt is specified, the engine primitive \verb+\mag+ is employed. Conflicts with other packages can lead to inconsistent results in graphics and/or page size. To avoid this, specify \Opt{nomag} or \Opt{nomag*} option. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \subsection{Packages} \begin{itemize} \item Package: \Pkg{plautopatch} (by Hironobu Yamashita) \begin{itemize} \item Supports \upLaTeX\ and \pLaTeX, but does no harm on other \LaTeX\ (silently ignored). \item (u)\pLaTeX\ users are recommended to load this package \emph{always}, to resolve errors and incompatibilities with Western \LaTeX\ packages which are not aware of (u)\pLaTeX. \end{itemize} \item Package: \Pkg{pxchfon} (by Takayuki Yato) \begin{itemize} \item Supports \upLaTeX\ and \pLaTeX. \item Helps users to declate physical fonts embedded in dvipdfmx's PDF output. It utilizes \verb+\special{pdf:mapline}+ or \verb+\special{pdf:mapfile}+ syntaxes. \end{itemize} \item Package: \Pkg{otf} (\Pkg{japanese-otf}, \Pkg{japanese-otf-uptex} by Shuzaburo Saito \& TTK) \begin{itemize} \item Supports only \upLaTeX\ (with option \Opt{[uplatex]}) and \pLaTeX. \item Main feature 1: allows switching between seven different typefaces, compared to the standard of two typefaces. This function is realized by shipping seven ``logical fonts'' (= set of a JFM and a virtual font). \item Main feature 2: provides commands for outputting many characters by specifying Unicode (\verb+\UTF{....}+) or Adobe CID (\verb+\CID{....}+), even with \pLaTeX. This function is realized by mapping a huge real font from lots of smaller subset virtual fonts. A series of shorthand commands (\verb+\aj...+) are also available. \item Lua\TeX-ja provides \Pkg{luatexja-otf} to partially emulate feature 2 of this package. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \subsection{Other support files} \begin{itemize} \item \Pkg{ptex-fontmaps} \begin{itemize} \item Provides map files to be used with dvipdfmx and dvips. \item To customize Japanese fonts to be used in the output, please use the command \code{kanji-config-updmap}. \end{itemize} \item \Pkg{cjk-gs-integrate} \begin{itemize} \item Supports easy configuration of Ghostscript for CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) fonts, which is necessary for processing of PostScript file output from dvips. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} %% 参考文献 \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{w3c-jlreq} W3C Working Group, \newblock ``{\em Requirements for Japanese Text Layout}''.\\ \url{https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/?lang=en} \bibitem{ajt2008okumura} Haruhiko Okumura, \newblock ``{\em \pTeX\ and Japanese Typesetting}''. \newblock The Asian Journal of \TeX, Volume~2, No.~1, 2008.\\ \url{http://ajt.ktug.org/2008/0201okumura.pdf} \end{thebibliography} \clearpage \appendix \section{Code Gallery --- acceptable Japanese typesetting results} \subsection{A simple Japanese document} Using \LuaLaTeX: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[book]{jlreq}% loads luatexja.sty internally \begin{document} \chapter{日本語がメインのシンプルな文書} こんにちは,日本語に少しEnglishを含めてみます。 \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Using \upLaTeX\ (or \pLaTeX) + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[book,dvipdfmx]{jlreq}% driver option \begin{document} \chapter{日本語がメインのシンプルな文書} こんにちは,日本語に少しEnglishを含めてみます。 \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Using \pdfLaTeX\ or \XeLaTeX: though they have only limited Japanese typesetting capabilities, \ClsY{bxjsbook} (from \Pkg{bxjscls} bundle by Takayuki Yato) aims to emulate \Pkg{jsclasses} as much as possible. Due to technical constraints, manual adjustments are often required in the input.\footnote{\pdfTeX\ and \XeTeX\ cannot insert a quarter em space (\Foreign{shibu aki}) automatically, so the active character \code{\~} is redefined to a macro to insert it manually.} \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[pdflatex,ja=standard]{bxjsbook} %\documentclass[xelatex,ja=standard]{bxjsbook} \begin{document} \chapter{日本語がメインのシンプルな文書} こんにちは,日本語に少し~English~を含めてみます。 \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Changing Japanese fonts} The default Japanese font family is ``HaranoAji Mincho/Gothic'' which is derived from Source Han (or Noto) fonts. Suppose you want to switch to ``IPAex Mincho/Gothic'' ... Using \LuaLaTeX: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[book]{jlreq} \usepackage[ipaex]{luatexja-preset}% pre-defined ... \end{lstlisting} Using \upLaTeX\ (or \pLaTeX) + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[book,dvipdfmx]{jlreq}% driver option \usepackage[ipaex]{pxchfon}% pre-defined ... \end{lstlisting} \subsection{More typefaces} Using \LuaLaTeX: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[article]{jlreq} \usepackage[deluxe]{luatexja-preset}% multi weight \begin{document} \section{簡単な文章} 通常のテキストにはSerifと明朝体を使います。 \textbf{太字も使うことができます。} \textsf{Sans Serifにはゴシック体が似合います。 \textbf{太字にも対応します。}} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Using \upLaTeX\ (or \pLaTeX) + dvipdfmx with the \Pkg{jlreq} class: the package \Pkg{jlreq-deluxe} is recommended. \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[article,dvipdfmx]{jlreq}% driver option \usepackage{jlreq-deluxe}% multi weight \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} Traditionally, the \Pkg{otf} package (distributed as \Pkg{japanese-otf} on CTAN/\TL) has been widely used for over a decade on (u)\pLaTeX. Using \upLaTeX\ + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[uplatex,dvipdfmx]{jsarticle} \usepackage[deluxe]{otf}% multi weight \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} Using \pLaTeX\ + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[dvipdfmx]{jsarticle} \usepackage[deluxe]{otf}% multi weight \begin{document} ... \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Vertical writing} As a Japanese version of \Pkg{lipsum}, here we use \Pkg{bxjalipsum}. It provides several sample texts. Using \LuaLaTeX: \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[article,tate]{jlreq} \usepackage{bxjalipsum} \begin{document} \title{吾輩は猫である}% I Am A Cat \author{夏目漱石}% Natsume Soseki \maketitle \jalipsum{wagahai}% 吾輩は猫である。名前… (33 paragraphs) \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Using \upLaTeX\ (or \pLaTeX) + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% recommended \documentclass[article,tate,dvipdfmx]{jlreq}% driver option \usepackage{bxjalipsum} \begin{document} % The preamble of the Constitution of Japan \jalipsum{preamble}% 日本国民は、正当に選… (4 paragraphs) \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Beamer with Japanese} Note that the class \Pkg{beamer} is not designed for Japanese. % https://qiita.com/zr_tex8r/items/69e8cc32038ff29f5ac3 % update: \usepackage{pxjahyper} -> supported by plautopatch Using \LuaLaTeX:\footnote{Since \Pkg{hyperref} 2020-08-14 v7.00f, the option \Opt{unicode} is enabled by default, so the explicit option is already redundant.} \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[unicode,12pt]{beamer}% ensure unicode for hyperref \usepackage{luatexja}% for Japanese \renewcommand{\kanjifamilydefault}{\gtdefault}% sans-serif also for Japanese \usetheme{Copenhagen}% as you like! \begin{document} \section{日本語のサンプル} \begin{frame}{日本語でBeamerを使う} こんにちは,日本語に少しEnglishを含めてみます。 \end{frame} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} Using \upLaTeX\ + dvipdfmx: % based on pLaTeX settings \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% loads (at least) the pxjahyper package \documentclass[dvipdfmx,12pt]{beamer}% driver option \usepackage{bxdpx-beamer}% additional settings for dvipdfmx \renewcommand{\kanjifamilydefault}{\gtdefault}% sans-serif also for Japanese ... \end{lstlisting} Using \pLaTeX\ + dvipdfmx: \begin{lstlisting} \RequirePackage{plautopatch}% loads (at least) the pxjahyper package \documentclass[dvipdfmx,12pt]{beamer}% driver option \usepackage{bxdpx-beamer}% additional settings for dvipdfmx \usepackage{minijs}% avoid pTeX's standard JFM (min10 etc.) \renewcommand{\kanjifamilydefault}{\gtdefault}% sans-serif also for Japanese ... \end{lstlisting} \end{document}