% Hebrew control sequences. \font\Jer=Jerusale \def\today{\number\day\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\year} \footline={\phantom{\rm\today}\hfil\rm\folio\hfil\rm\today} % \let\nb=\nobreak \let\q\quad \let\qq\qquad \def\bn{\bigbreak\noindent} \def\mn{\medbreak\noindent} \def\sn{\smallbreak\noindent} \def\bs{{\char'134}} \def\bs{{\char'134}} \def\ec{{\char"21}} \def\dol{{\char"24}} \def\ddol{{\dol\dol}} \def\lb{{\char"7B}} \def\rb{{\char"7D}} \def\sb{{\char"5F}} \def\sp{{\char"5E}} \def\hash{{\char"23}} \font\sc=cmcsc10 \font\rmb=cmbx12 \font\ss=cmss10 at 11pt \centerline{\rmb \hfill Hebrew control sequences of \TeX\ and LaTeX. \hfill\rm\today} \vskip0.8truecm \rm To use in tex, type~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \tt\bs input heb\_pc To use in latex, type~~~~~\tt\bs documentstyle[hebrew\_p,hebcal\_p...]\lb style.. \rb \bigskip \nopagenumbers \def\undertext#1{$\underline{\hbox{#1}}$} \settabs\+\indent&\tt\hskip5.5truecm&\cr \+&\tt\bs sethebrew&Enter hebrew mode\cr \+&\tt\bs unsethebrew&Go out of Hebrew mode\cr \+&\tt\bs hebrewpar&Starting one hebrew paragraph with indentation\cr \+&\tt\bs hebrewlines&Starting one hebrew paragraph without indentation\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\bs L\lb\dots string\dots \rb&English string within a Hebrew environment\cr \+&\tt\bs R\lb\dots{\Jer zixciq}\dots\rb &Hebrew string within an English environment\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\lb\dots\rb{\Jer ybcd}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs hadgesh\lb\dots\rb&Making bold letters - Poor man's bold --- see page 386\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer lecbswn}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs makafgadol&Like the regular -\thinspace - producing --~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer wprswn}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs makafanak&Like the regular -\thinspace -\thinspace - producing ---~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer yxb}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs geresh&Like the regular `~, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer yxbgzt}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs opengeresh&\char39\cr \+&{\Jer yxbxebq}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs closegeresh&`\cr \+&{\Jer hehivgzt}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs openquote&Like the regular '', which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&{\Jer hehivxebq}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs closequote&Like the regular ``, which doesn't work in Hebrew\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer dwqit}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs piska&Like the regular \tt\bs item, \rm modified for Hebrew ~~~~~~~~~~~Not relevant to latex.\cr \+&{\Jer dwqitdwqit}\tt\bs \ or\ \tt\bs piskapiska&Like the regular \tt\bs itemitem, \rm modified for Hebrew~~~~~Not relevant to latex.\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer meid}\tt\bs \ or \tt\bs hebday&Today's regular date in Hebrew\cr \+&\tt\bs Hebrewtoday&Hebrew date in Hebrew~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Included in hebcal.sty\cr \+&\tt\bs Hebrewdate~~~~(*)&Converting a Georgian date to a Hebrew date~~Included in hebcal.sty\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer dlecbdvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs bigskip\cr \+&{\Jer zipepiadvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs medskip\cr \+&{\Jer dphwdvitw}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs smallskip\cr \+&\cr \+&{\Jer oinidxey}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs rightline\cr \+&{\Jer l`nydxey}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs leftline\cr \+&{\Jer fkxn}\tt\bs &Like the regular \tt\bs centerline\cr \+&\cr \+&\tt\bs undertext\lb text \Jer hqwh\rb&Produces \undertext{text \Jer hqwh}\cr % \vskip 1cm \hrule \vskip 1cm (*) Usage: \def\bs{$\backslash$} \bs newcount\bs day~~~ \bs newcount\bs month~~~ \bs newcount\bs year \bs day=12 ~~~ \bs month=10 ~~~ \bs year=1884 \bs Hebrewdate$\{$\bs day$\}\{$\bs month$\}\{$\bs year$\}$ ~~~~Result: \newcount\d \newcount\m \newcount\y \d=12 \m=10 \y=1884 { } \input heb_macr \sethebrew \Hebrewdate{\d}{\m}{\y} \bye