%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: montex.tex % Author: Oliver Corff % Date: \VersionDate July 1st, 2002 % Version: \VersionRelease % Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin % % Description: MonTeX -- Mongolian for LaTeX2e % Implementation Level \ImplementationLevel % System Documentation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ----------------- identification ends here ------------------- % \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{longtable} %\usepackage{pslatex} % Buggy for Cyrillic and Special Characters \IfFileExists{ctib}{% \usepackage{ctib} }{} \usepackage[latin1]{mls} \input{mtdocmac.tex} \usepackage{hyperref} % % If emtex goofs with printer-related memory overflow % when attempting to print this document then set the % following number to "1", recompile and increase the % number step by step until all examples are printed. % The maximum value is 6. % % It is safe to set the FontSamples value to 4 on % emtex systems. % \newcounter{FontSamples} \setcounter{FontSamples}{6} % <--- Modify this number! % % Make sure your installation includes ec sources % for Dunhill and Funny typefaces otherwise LaTeX % will complain about font files not found. % %\nonstopmode %% %% Meaningful text of document montex.tex begins here %% \title{% \ifthenelse{\value{PostScriptAvailable}=1} {\mabosoo{manju}\mabosoo{bithe,}\quad \mbosoo{mongGol}\mbosoo{bicig tai}\mbosoo{lateh}\\[0.75cm] }{% \textit{manju bithe, mong\g ol bicig-täi lateh}\protect\footnote{% Instead of the transliterated text, the same text should appear in vertical Mongolian writing. Since \MonTeX\ did not find PostScript support on your system, it decided to print this text horizontally and in transliteration. It is suggested that you update your \LaTeX\ system by adding PostScript support (see section~\ref{PostScriptSupport}).}\\} \xalx{Kirill "Us"agt"a"i La\TeX}\\\bigskip \MonTeX\\ Mongolian and Manju\\ for\\\LaTeXe\\\bigskip Implementation Level \ImplementationLevel\\ v.~\VersionRelease} \author{Oliver Corff\protect\thanks{The author received a DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) postdoctoral grant (Habilitationsstipendium) while developing the first version of \MonTeX\ and expresses his sincere gratitude.} \and Dorjpalam Dorj\protect\thanks{Institute for Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar.}} \date{\VersionDate} \begin{document} %\onecolumn %\layout \maketitle \begin{abstract} \MonTeX\ is now released in Implementation Level \ImplementationLevel\ implying that there is not only Cyrillic Support for Modern Mongolian (Xalx dialect), Buryat and Russian; this version also includes comprehensive support for Mongolian Script (also known as Uighur Script) and Manju. All writings can be mixed freely within the same document, and within the same page. The present release (\VersionRelease) is still very early; expect bugs and irregular behaviour. Especially the Mongolian full page mode still shows occasional quirks, depending on the document class loaded. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \listoftables \listoffigures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part{\MonTeX: System Overview} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{How to read and use the \MonTeX\ documentation} According to your specific needs, you can read various parts of this documentation separately. \begin{description} \item [First-time] users interested in generating \emph{Cyrillic-only} documents can confine themselves to the sections beginning on part~\ref{GeneralSettingsCyrillicInput}, page~\pageref{GeneralSettingsCyrillicInput}. \item [First-time] users primarily interested in creating \emph{Mongol Bicig} and \emph{Manju} documents or text insertions in these languages can directly jump to section~\ref{part:BicigandBithe}, page~\pageref{part:BicigandBithe}. \item [Advanced] users interested in improved \emph{Mongolian} and \emph{Manju} display functions should directly go to section~\ref{chapter:DisplayCommands}, page~\pageref{chapter:DisplayCommands}. \item [Advanced] users already familiar with the majority of \MonTeX\ functions can refer to the Alphabetic Command Reference beginning on page~\pageref{CommandReference}. \end{description} \textbf{Nota Bene:} Please note that \MonTeX\ includes the complete functionality of Manju\TeX\ which is hereby declared obsolete. Manju\TeX\ will not longer be supported. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{System Features} \section{Scope of \MonTeX} \MonTeX\ is a package which offers support for writing documents in Mongolian, Manju, Buryat and Russian. Mongolian can be represented in traditional Uighur script (also known as Classical or Traditional Script) and Cyrillic. Manju resembles the Traditional Mongolian script (from which it is derived) but uses a rich choice of diacritics in order to eliminate numerous ambiguities of the Mongolian script ancestor. Modern Buryat, like Mongolian in its present form, is written with a Cyrillic alphabet, but both Mongolian (35 letters) and Buryat (36 letters) use more letters than Russian (33 letters). \subsection{Mongolian} The word \emph{Mongolian} is actually an umbrella term for several languages rather than the precise name of a single language. Things become more complicated when names of ethnic groups, languages and writing systems are mixed. \begin{description} \item [Xalx] or Khalkha is the name of the Mongolian nationality residing in Mongolia proper. Their dialect forms the basis of Mongolian written with Cyrillic letters. Throughout this text, \emph{Modern Mongolian} is used as a synonym. \item [Buryat] is the name of the Mongolian nationality residing in Buryatia, north of Mongolia, east of Lake Baikal, being a part of the Russian Federation. The Buryat call themselves \emph{Buryaad} while Xalx Mongolians call them \emph{Buriad}. The English name follows the Russian orthography. Linguistically, Xalx and Buryat Mongol are fairly close languages; Buryat has a slightly different sound system in which the phoneme /s/ partially shifted to /h/; the modern Buryat Cyrillic alphabet (virtually identical with the Cyrillic alphabet used for writing Modern Mongolian) has one additional letter (H/h, \xalx{H/h}) for marking the difference to /s/. \enlargethispage*{1ex} \item [Bicig] (literally \emph{script} in Mongolian) denotes text written in the traditional Mongolian script which is also referred to as Uighur. Throughout this document, the term \emph{Bicig} will be used on an equal footing with \emph{Classical} and \emph{Traditional} Mongolian. The latter term is used in the name of the Unicode/ISO10646 character plane U1800 which contains Mongolian, Manju, Sibe and sets of special characters called Ali Gali or Galig. In order to identify Mongolian script related commands distinct for Mongolian and Manju, the Mongolian commands have the name root \texttt{bicig} whereas the Manju commands have the name root \texttt{bithe}. \end{description} Xalx Mongolian, or Modern Colloquial Mongolian, is about as different from the form written in Classical script as modern English in phonetical spelling (assume it be written in Shavian letters) from the highly historical orthography of Standard English. Beyond these differences, Mongolian written in Classical Script usually preserves a substantial amount of historical grammatical features which make it look a bit like Elizabethan English. \subsection{Manju} Manju is a Tungusic language closely related to Mongolian. Though Manju is virtually not spoken anymore, it has been the official language during 300 years of Manju government in Qing Dynasty China. Vast amounts of official documents survive, as well as some of the finest multilingual dictionaries ever compiled, e.\,g. the Pentaglot, or Mirror in Five Languages, a dictionary with 18671 entries in five languages (Manju, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur and Chinese). Manju writing is derived from Uighur Mongolian by adding diacritics in the form of dots and circles. \section{\MonTeX\ Implementation Levels} During several years of developing \MonTeX, the desired capabilities of a software package serving the described scope were classified and implemented along four Implementation Levels which have the following, well-defined properties: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{rl} Implementation& Features\\ Level & \\\hline I & Modern Mongolian in Cyrillic Script and Buryat\\ II & I and Mongolian script in LR mode horizontal\\ IIa & II and Mongolian script portions in LR mode vertical\\ III & II and Mongolian script text in horizontal RL mode\\ IV & III and Mongolian script text printed vertically \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} Implementation Level I is good for producing documents in Modern Mongolian; Implementation Level II adds support for words and lines of Classical Mongolian embedded in other (Cyrillic and Latin) scripts which is essentially useful for dictionaries etc.; Implementation Level IIa allows single words to be placed in vertical capsules; Implementation Level III allows the composition of purely Classical Mongolian documents while Implementation Level IV finally allows the combination of both scripts in freely assignable quantities and locations within the document. Mongolian linguistic culture provides a perplexing richness of writing systems of varying regional, historical and socio-political importance. Developing a Mongolian system which covers \emph{all} documented writing systems is tantamount to writing a Mongolian Babel system and cannot be done in a truly elegant manner with respect to the current \LaTeXe\ limitations. % Full ISO 10646/Unicode character set support is one desideratum, the % free switching of all sorts of writing directions in the document is % another cornerstone of success. \section{Requirements and Limitations} In order to run \MonTeX\ a recent version of \LaTeXe\ is necessary. \MonTeX\ relies on the NFSS font selection mechanism and the ligature capacities of Metafont. This package has not been tested under \LaTeX2.09 and will most certainly not function satisfactorily under that environment. Depending on the implementation level, further software support becomes necessary since not all features can be realized smoothly in \LaTeXe\ alone. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{r|l} Implementation Level & Requirements \\\hline I & A working \LaTeXe\ system\\ II & A working \LaTeXe\ system\\ IIa & like II, plus PostScript support\\ III & like II, plus functional \texttt{TeX--XeT} system\\ IV & like III, plus PostScript support \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} The e\TeX\ (available for DOS and UNIX based computers alike) system provides full Right-to-Left writing support; e\TeX\ and e\LaTeXe\ are part of all modern \TeX\ implementations for the majority of operating systems\footnote{% It is also possible to build an e\TeX\ system from scratch using the \texttt{web2c} (or teTeX) sources, replacing \texttt{tex.web} with \texttt{tex--xet.web} and \texttt{tex.ch} with \texttt{tex--xet.ch}.}. Post\-Script support is a standard feature of most UNIX installations and is also supplied with most of the available \TeX\ for Windows distributions% \footnote{The authors used Linux (Red Hat 4.2 through 7.1) systems for the developing work; on the same hardware, PostScript under Windows\emph{xx} is significantly slower than under Linux; this holds true for document and font compilation as well.}. A word of warning is necessary here. \MonTeX\ is not a small, convenient system which can be used without any effort. Much like its very foundation \LaTeX\ it requires some willingness to study a few (and indeed simple) rules; occasionally one or the other old habit has to be overcome. The reward is text typeset in excellent quality so that scholarly achievement no longer disappears in badly typeset documents. \section{PostScript Support\label{PostScriptSupport}} PostScript is used for creating vertical capsules of text within horizontal text for \MonTeX\ implementation levels IIa as well as for complete pages with implementation level IV. This requires the presence of the \texttt{rotating} package for \LaTeX\ which itself relies on the \texttt{graphics} package. The \texttt{rotating} and \texttt{graphics} packages come with teTeX but do not come with emtex. They can be found at CTAN. Besides the above-mentioned packages it is necessary that the generated \texttt{.dvi} files can be processed further, e.\,g. by \texttt{dvips} which generates a PostScript file out of a \texttt{.dvi} file. If there is no PostScript printer at your site, PostScript emulation is necessary which is usually provided by GhostScript and GhostView. Implementations of these systems are available for a large number of operating systems and can also be found at CTAN. Linux, a free UNIX system, comes which GhostScript, and the \texttt{winemtex} distribution of \LaTeX\ includes GhostScript as well. A sample command sequence to produce and preview a document with these utilities can be found in illustration~\ref{figure:RunExampleTeTeX}. \begin{figure} \begin{verbatim} $ elatex montex.tex # Compile document $ dvips montex.dvi # Create PostScript out of DVI $ gv montex.ps # Preview document \end{verbatim} \caption{PostScript Compilation and Preview Cycle}\label{figure:RunExampleTeTeX} \end{figure} Without PostScript support, only implementation level II can be realized (instead of IIa and IV): Mongolian script can be printed horizontally but not vertically. It must be noted here that most DVI viewers are \emph{not} capable of presenting vertical text correctly; the conversion step from DVI to PostScript is virtually always necessary. \section{PDF Support\label{PDFScriptSupport}} With the arrival of PDF\TeX\ it is possible to generate a PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format, that is) directly from the \texttt{.tex} sources without going through the \texttt{.dvi} stage. All systems offering \texttt{pdfelatex} can be used to compile a \MonTeX\ Implementation Level IV document. provided the necessary PostScript is installed. PDF is the recommended form of output on systems without PostScript views and printers (like, unfortunately, most of the Windows\textit{xx} world). PDF documents reproduce everything \MonTeX\ generates as is, and with Type1 fonts for Classical Mongolian, the on-screen display of Classical Mongolian and Manju material is fast and pleasant. A sample command sequence to produce and preview a document with PDF output can be found in illustration~\ref{figure:RunExamplePDF}. \begin{figure} \begin{verbatim} $ pdfelatex montex.tex # Compile document $ acroread montex.pdf # View PDF Document with Acrobat Reader \end{verbatim} \caption{PDF Compilation and Preview Cycle}\label{figure:RunExamplePDF} \end{figure} It is recommended to users with menu-driven environments (WinEdt, TeXnicCenter, TeXshell etc.) to set the compilation commands to the effect that \texttt{pdfelatex} is invoked as the default compilation engine, and the Acrobat Reader is invoked as the default viewer. Please consult the software documentation of these products for the necessary steps and procedures. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Acknowledgements} The authors wish to thank the creators of \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ as well as the designers of the existing fonts for their generosity of providing the world with such inspiring pieces of software. The packages from which pieces of code originated by inspiration or blunt copy are far too numerous; the Russian captions were taken from the file \texttt{russian.sty} (as were the English captions), most of the Cyrillic letters were produced with fonts by Nana Glonti and Alexander Samarin; additional letters were taken from J.~Knappen's font files. Special thanks go to David Carlisle who offered the solution for a serious problem with the ligature mechanism in \TeX. During the development of Implementation Level IV, important suggestions came from David Kastrup, Robin Fairbairns, Dan Luecking, e.\,a. Intensive communications about Cyrillic fonts and integrating \MonTeX\ with the LH fonts took place with Vladimir Volovich, and other problems were discussed with Werner Lemberg. Among the friends and colleagues in Mongolia and Germany who offered information, support and encouragement the authors wish to name B.~Nerguy, Urgamal, M.~Balk, Q.~\"Anxzayaa and K.~Maezono (without implication of any particular order or precedence). They contributed test data as well as their ideas for encoding, font shapes, user interfaces, and, last but not least, were patient alpha testers who helped the authors with numerous problem reports. Many of the improvements between version 0.1 and the present version are not actually improvements; they are simply eliminations of partially awful bugs as well as ugly hacks (rather than \emph{code}) and aim to make this package simply usable (if not useful). \section{Sources of Code and Inspiration} Some Cyrillic packages have been available for a few years. All Cyrillic packages available for \TeX/\LaTeX\ stem from one of two lines of ancestry: \begin{itemize} \item Fonts developed at the University of Washington \item Fonts by Nana Glonti and Alexander Samarin \end{itemize} The two lines differ substantially in scope of characters and printing quality. The University of Washington series in \textsf{OT2} encoding has a broad support for East European languages, but the praise for printing quality is given to the characters designed by Nana Glonti and Alexander Samarin. The Glonti/Samarin line of characters has undergone numerous minor modifications, not so much in glyph shapes but basically in determining encoding slots. Fortunately, the fonts are set up in a way that allows for convenient redefining of individual code positions. Only in 1999, a comprehensive set of Cyrillic glyphs in various encodings called LH was finally implemented as standard Cyrillic support for \LaTeXe, but at that time it was decided that for the time being \MonTeX\ will continue to offer its own Cyrillic font set, for which there are mainly three reasons: \begin{enumerate} \item The \MonTeX\ set has a seven-bit basis and allows for the all-Latin, all-ASCII communication of Mongolian texts, while Mongolian hyphenation is active---a matching LH encoding is not yet established; \item \MonTeX\ offers a Mongolian currency sign \Togrog\ which is not yet included in the LH fonts; \item Mongolia, on of the prime markets for \MonTeX, continues to use partially outdated \LaTeXe\ installations. \end{enumerate} Neither original line of Cyrillic characters offers the additional characters necessary for writing non-Slavic languages like Mongolian; already in the beginning of the 1990s, J\"org Knappen filled the gap and designed additional letters which were intended to be used with Bashkir, a Turkic language. In fact, most of the letter forms employed there can also be used in other non-Slavic languages used throughout Central Asia since these letters are not specific to Bashkir. Some of J.~Knappen's letter forms (accidentally mostly those which are not necessary for writing Modern Mongolian) do need some refinement, and are then immediately suitable for a range of languages including Kasakh, Tuvinian etc. In the present stage of the system, only those letters used in Mongolian and Buryat are incorporated from J.~Knappen's files. \begin{sloppypar} After discussing the typeface issues with Mongolian specialists, the Glonti/Samarin letter forms were chosen for their superior appearance in volume text. The fonts had to be renamed; failing to do so would have resulted in unpermissible ambiguity. \end{sloppypar} One feature of the traditional Cyrillic font packages for \TeX\ (besides their lacking support for non-Slavic languages) is the intimate relationship between input encoding and output encoding. The first step in building Mongolian support was to separate these two spheres as numerous Mongolian encodings exist which should all be supported by the Mongolian package. A new encoding was then defined (\LMC\ --- Local Mongolian Cyrillic) which is a close approximation of a transliteration based on Latin1 encoding, notably with front vowels \"a, \"o, \"u (\xalx{"a, "o, "u}) and \"i\ (\xalx{"i}) in matching positions. The encoding is completely detached from the existing Cyrillic codepages of which there are too many; in addition it should be possible to produce Mongolian documents in 7-bit environments so as to assure maximum document portability. An additional ligature table for Metafont was then supplied which takes care of most of the two-letter combinations necessary for entering Cyrillic since the Cyrillic alphabet has more letters (36 in the present version) than the Latin alphabet which prohibited any 1:1-mapping scheme. The used transliteration is very closely modelled after the MLS system yet provides enough transparency for accepting alternative spellings in some cases. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Input and Output Encodings} \section{The Need for Encodings} Any Mongolian text system has to deal with the issues of how to store, transmit, process and represent the following entities: \begin{itemize} \item Normal Latin letters, numbers and punctuation marks: a, b, c, etc.; \item Cyrillic letters, including those not present in basic Cyrillic but needed by Mongolian: \xalx{a, b, w, \"o, \"u}; \item Special symbols like the Mongolian Currency sign: \Togrog; \item Classical Mongolian script; \item Special symbols used in Latin scripts for purposes of transliterating Mongolian scripts: \"a, \"o, \"u, \g\ e.\,a. \end{itemize} All these sets of symbols, alphabets and characters have their own unique properties, especially when it comes to non-Latin writings like Mongolian or Tibetan. Unfortunately, prior to the arrival of Unicode, all computer systems based on 8-bit encodings (with a maximum character set of 256 characters) can only represent subsets of the above-mentioned entities as basic characters. All computer systems with 8-bit character encodings must either switch between several character sets (or code pages) or use non-standard commands to invoke individual character entities. It is important to understand that the issue of how to enter all these characters is more or less completely detached from the issue of how to represent these characters on screen or in a document. Misleadingly, the usage of Latin characters in modern computers seems to suggest that there is a simple, 1:1 relationship (or mapping) between input and output, but for a number of languages, including Mongolian, this is simply not the case. While, due to the origin and history of computers, simple-minded systems do not make any difference between the two realms, \TeX\ separates these two domains clearly, allowing for the amazing flexibility \TeX\ shows when treating languages and writing systems. It must also be understood that even though Unicode allows for the unambiguous representation of the characters and symbols of the world's major languages, it does not define any output conventions, and thus, input and output domains should still be treated as separate areas. \section{Input Encodings} \MonTeX\ is flexible enough to deal with several kinds of input encodings including code pages with Cyrillic letters and Unicode. Input encodings are declared as an option to the main package in the document preample. E.\,g., a user working on an IBM compatible DOS platform is likely to specify the option \cmda{mls}: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[mls]{mls} \end{verbatim} \subsection{7-bit ASCII and Mongolian} Basically it is possible to use \MonTeX\ without anything else but the plain 7-bit ASCII Latin character set since internal and external mechanisms are available which can render transliterated texts (both Cyrillic and Traditional Mongolian) into their appropriate script presentations. \subsection{The MLS Codepage} The MLS codepage was the ancestor of all comprehensive, IBM-compatible Mongolian systems which intended to cover both Cyrillic and Classical Mongolian. Developed in the early 1990s, the MLS system tried to offer full Mongolian support for existing hardware and software as it was available then. While modern technological developments have confined the original approach to history, it is preserved here for preserving backward compatibility. The MLS codepage is compatible with the IBM 437 codepage as far as the front vowels are concerned but features additional Cyrillic letters and Classical Mongolian. \subsection{8-bit Encodings} Most available 8-bit input encodings support either front vowels or Cyrillic letters or Classical Mongolian but usually not several of them at the same time. If a local environment supports Cyrillic and Script codepages then texts can be composed using these codepages. Table \ref{inputenc} shows which codepages are supported. Those codepage names which are followed by a `(+)' are supplied by \MonTeX\ whereas the other codepage declarations are recognized and passed through to the system assuming that the appropriate table exists. The column ``Front Vowels'' indicates whether the vowels \"o and \"u (and their Mongolian counterparts \xalx{"o, "u}) are available in that particular codepage. \MonTeX\ recognizes both numbers and numbers preceded by \texttt{cp}, like \texttt{1250} and \texttt{cp1250} as names of codepages which are known by their number. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c} Enc. Option&\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{Latin Transliteration Symbols}% &Cyrillic&\multicolumn{2}{|c}{Front Vowels}\\\hline \rule{0mm}{2.25ex}% &\"A/\"a&\"O/\"o&\"U/\"u&\"E/\"e&\"I/\"i &\v C/\v c&\v S/\v s & &\xalx{"O/"o}&\xalx{"U/"u}\\ \hline \texttt{mls} (+) &+ &+ &+ &\"e&\"\i &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{ncc} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{mos} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{mnk} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{dbk} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{ctt} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &+ &+ \\ \texttt{ibmrus}(+)&- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &- &- \\ \texttt{koi} (+) &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &+ &- &- \\ \texttt{437} &+ &+ &+ &\"e&\"\i&-&-&- &- &- \\ \texttt{437de} &+ &+ &+ &\"e&\"\i&-&-&- &- &- \\ \texttt{850} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{852} &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{865} &+ &+ &+ &\"e&\"\i&-&-&- &- &- \\ \texttt{1250} &\"A &+ &\"u &+ &- &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{1252} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{applemac}&+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{mac} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{ansinew}&+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &+ &- &- &- \\ \texttt{ascii} &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{atari} &+ &+ &+ &+ &\"I&-&- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{decmulti}&+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{isolatin}&+ &+ &+ &+ &\"I&-&- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{latin1} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{latin2} &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &+ &+ &- &- &- \\ \texttt{latin3} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{latin5} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{next} &+ &+ &+ &+ &+ &- &- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{pc850} &+ &+ &+ &+ &\"I&-&- &- &- &- \\ \texttt{roman8} &+ &+ &+ &+ &\"I&-&- &- &- &- \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\MonTeX\ Input Encodings}\label{inputenc} \end{center} \end{table} % \subsection{utf-8 Unicode} In summer of 2002, a new input encoding was made available for existing \LaTeXe\ installations which allows the processing of utf8-encoded Unicode material. This package can be invoked with the option \cmda{utf8}: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[utf8]{mls} \end{verbatim} There are some caveats, however. The relevant code is still under development, and at present, \MonTeX\ only deals with the Mongolian, Manju and Sibe subsets of the Traditional Mongolian Character Plane beginning at U1800; a Todo character set remains to be implemented, and some of the more arcane special characters present in Unicode are as yet unavailable in \MonTeX. The resulting constraints do not affect the work with contemporary text material and are only felt when dealing with frequently bilingual, mostly Tibetan and Sanskrit, religious texts of earlier centuries. Consult chapter~\ref{Unicode} on page~\pageref{Unicode} and table~\ref{table:UnicodeMongolian} for details. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Output Encodings} Several output encodings are defined for \MonTeX: \begin{description} \item [\LMC] Local Mongolian Cyrillic: This encoding was defined in order to avoid collisions with existing Cyrillic encodings for \TeX\ and \LaTeX. \LMC\ is a 7-bit encoding which implies that most of its characters are addressed in the range of ordinary ASCII characters; when this encoding is active, all text typed in ASCII Latin characters will automatically appear in Cyrillic. Unlike some other available 7-bit encodings (like WN Cyrillic) it provides characters used in Mongolian. \item [\LMA] Local Manju: Manju in Ligature Mode. Any text typed in romanized Manju is automatically converted into Manju characters. \LMA\ acts thus like a typical 7-bit encoding. \item [\LMO] Local Mongolian: Similar to Manju in Ligature Mode, Mongolian in Ligature Mode is typed in a special romanized form and is then automatically converted into Uighur Mongolian characters. \LMO, too, acts thus like a typical 7-bit encoding. \item [\LMS] Local Mongolian Script: The system's original encoding for the Mongolian script. Mongolian is represented by a Latin transliteration the letters of which are essentially treated as future Mongolian canonical code positions. Once Mongolian Unicode will be available, the Latin transliteration can be seamlessly replaced by Mongolian canonical characters. The arrangement of code positions in this encoding does not reflect Unicode but follows the MLS system's keyboard support. \item [\LMT] Local Mongolian-Tibetan: This encoding is reserved to ensure access to the characters in the future \Zanabazar\ package: \Soyombo\footnote{% It is possible to use the Soyombo package available since 1996 as long as \Zanabazar\ is not available.} and \XD. It is designed to comprise Tibetan as well, and Sirlin's Tibetan fonts can be directly used with this encoding. \item [\LMX] Local Mongolian \XD: This encoding is used for the \XD\ Script (available on CTAN) but is not frozen yet. Individual code positions are still subject to change. \item [\LMU] Local Mongolian Superset (\textsf{U} stands for `Umbrella'', ``Unknown'', or whatever you like to pick): This encoding is used to access all glyphs of the \texttt{bxg} glyph container, but is not frozen yet. Individual code positions are still subject to change. \end{description} \section{\MonTeX\ and Recent \TeX\ Trends} As soon as the LH Cyrillic fonts support the Mongolian currency sign, \MonTeX\ will switch to this font set. At the moment the private encoding \LMC\ is favoured over LH; future implementations of \MonTeX\ will provide a smooth transition for the user: documents developed with older versions of \MonTeX\ will be upward compatible. The \texttt{babel} package will, perhaps, also be supported in due course; at the moment, \texttt{babel} support is lacking mainly due to font encoding questions and a private RL setup. At present, \MonTeX\ is \emph{not} built with \texttt{babel} compatibility in mind. It must be seen as a stand-alone extension similar to \texttt{german.sty} or the \textsf{CJK} package. The future belongs to 16-bit character sets; the first \TeX\ development supporting larger character sets is $\Omega$mega of which experimental versions exist. One of the great features of $\Omega$mega is the capability to process canonical input encodings in order to generate glyph variants for document presentation. These so-called translation processes are far more powerful than anything Metafont can offer via ligatures, and they are the only feasible way to avoid external preprocessors or internal retransliteration engines coded in \TeX\ needed to process Mongolian script.\footnote{% The retransliteration engine provided with the \LMS\ encoding of \MonTeX\ has a rather `combined' approach; basic letter forms are selected in the retransliteration section while typical ligatures are composed with the ligature tables of Metafont. The authors express their sincerest gratitude to David Carlisle who contributed the missing link between characters in the output list and \TeX/Metafont's ligature mechanism.} Prof.~Lagally's Arab\TeX\ is the only \LaTeX\ package known to the authors where an extensive retransliteration engine is realized as pure \TeX\ code; it is an impressive piece of work defying any simple-minded imitation. So far, $\Omega$mega translation processes exist for Tibetan and Arabic (paragons of complex relations between original script and any attempted romanization). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Installation} Before this latest version of \MonTeX\ is installed please make sure that old installations of \MonTeX\ \emph{and} Manju\TeX\ are purged from disk as there are file name conflicts between earlier and recent versions of this software. In addition, Manju\TeX\ \emph{is not required} any more as its functionality is now completely covered by \MonTeX. \section{Hyphenation Patterns} \MonTeX\ provides hyphenation rules for Modern Mongolian (Xalx). Hyphenation patterns for English are activated with English as selected language; hyphenation patterns for Russian exist at CTAN but they are unfortunately not suited for \MonTeX\ withour prior work. Hyphenation patterns for Buryat have not been developed yet. Due to the very nature of \TeX, hyphenation patterns for a given language cannot easily be loaded at run-time but must be compiled into a so-called format file which gets loaded by \TeX\ whenever the command \texttt{latex} is executed. A format file is usually created when a new \TeX\ or \LaTeXe\ system is installed, but creating a new format can be done at any later time again. A special variant of \TeX\ called \texttt{initex} is used for this purpose. The procedure sounds more intimidating than it actually is. Since there are many different types of \TeX\ installations, the procedure is somewhat system-dependent. There is detailed on-line documentation available for performing this task, either in form of a text file for emtex, or in form of a FAQ file which can be displayed using the command \texttt{texconfig faq} on teTeX systems. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part [General Settings and Cyrillic Input] {User Commands I\\General Settings\\Cyrillic Input% \label{GeneralSettingsCyrillicInput}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Introduction} With regard to the substantial differences between Latin-like scripts (including Cyrillic) and Mongolian scripts, the user documentation of \MonTeX\ is divided into two parts. This part deals with general settings, like language choices and input encoding definitions, whereas the commands specific to Mongolian and Manju are dealt with in part~III, ``Mongol Bicig and Manju Bithe''. An alphabetic command reference covering \emph{all} commands is presented in part~IV. \section{General Settings} In order to access the commands of \MonTeX\ the package must be loaded in the document preamble by saying \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[,]{mls} \end{verbatim} The options include choices for the basic document language and input encodings. \subsection{Document Language} The document language can be set with one of \verb"bicig", \verb"bithe", \verb"buryat", \verb"english", \verb"russian" or \verb"xalx" like in \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[xalx]{mls} \end{verbatim} which issues all captions and the date in Modern Mongolian. The options \refcmda{bicig} and \refcmda{bithe} are discussed extensively in part~\ref{part:BicigandBithe}, ``Mongol Bicig and Manju Bithe''. The options \cmda{buryat} (see table~\ref{Buryatcaptions}), \cmda{russian} (see table~\ref{Russiancaptions}) and \cmda{xalx} (see table~\ref{Xalxcaptions}) produce captions in Buryat, Russian and Modern Mongolian. The option \cmda{english}, at least as a \verb"\usepackage" option, is essentially a do-nothing: it sets captions to English (which is the default of this package anyway). \begin{table}[h] {\captionsburyat \CaptionsList{Buryat}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h] {\captionsrussian \CaptionsList{Russian}} \end{table} \begin{table}[h] {\captionsxalx \CaptionsList{Xalx}} \end{table} The date form follows \TeX\ conventions and is thus a mixture of numbers and words. Thus for \cmd{today} (\today) we get% \footnote{The actual date at compilation time is used for the examples.} what is shown in table~\ref{caption:BXRDates}. The Uighur Mongolian and Manju dates are presented in section~\ref{section:UMMDates}, page~\pageref{section:UMMDates}. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{Buryat} &\BuryatToday\\\label{BuryatToday} \textbf{Xalx} &\XalxToday\\\label{XalxToday} \textbf{Russian} &\RussianToday\\\label{RussianToday} \end{tabular} \caption{Dates in Buryat, Xalx and Russian}\label{caption:BXRDates} \end{center} \end{figure} The language specifiers \verb"buryat", \verb"english", \verb"russian" and \verb"xalx" can also be used anywhere in the document as arguments to the \verb"\selectlanguage" command. Instead of stating an argument to \verb"\usepackage[...]{mls}" it is possible to say in your document \begin{quote} \verb"\selectlanguange{xalx}" \end{quote} which would set captions to Xalx Mongolian. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Cyrillic Text -- \xalx{Kirill "us"ag}} \section{Cyrillic Text in Transliteration (\LMC) Mode% \label{section:CyrillicTransliterationMode}} \MonTeX\ provides two basic modes of operation: in \begin{itemize}\label{SetDocumentEncoding} \item Transliteration Mode (intimately linked to the \LMC\ encoding) all incoming text is regarded as transliterated Cyrillic. This allows users to compose Cyrillic documents on pure ASCII machines. In contrast, the \item Immediate Mode does nothing and waits for explicit Cyrillic characters in the input in order to generate Cyrillic output. \end{itemize} Two commands are used to switch between these modes: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \SetDocumentEncodingLMC \SetDocumentEncodingNeutral \end{verbatim} \end{quote} The first command switches to Transliteration Mode, the second command deactivates the transliteration and thus, by definition, activates Immediate Mode. In the \LMC\ encoding, most Cyrillic characters are mapped directly to a single Latin character but for some characters there is a text command which became necessary since there are more Cyrillic than Latin characters. For convenience, a few ligatures were defined, too. Details are given in table~\ref{cyralpha}. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|r|cc|cc|ll|} \hline %\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{Cyrillic Alphabet Input Methods} \\\hline &\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Cyrillic Letter}&\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\LMC\ Input}&\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Generic Command}\\\hline 1 &\mnr A &\mnr a &\verb"A" &\verb"a" &\verb"\CYRA" &\verb"\cyra" \\\hline 2 &\mnr B &\mnr b &\verb"B" &\verb"b" &\verb"\CYRB" &\verb"\cyrb" \\\hline 3 &\mnr W &\mnr w &\verb"W" &\verb"w" &\verb"\CYRV" &\verb"\cyrw" \\\hline 4 &\mnr G &\mnr g &\verb"G" &\verb"g" &\verb"\CYRG" &\verb"\cyrg" \\\hline 5 &\mnr D &\mnr d &\verb"D" &\verb"d" &\verb"\CYRD" &\verb"\cyrd" \\\hline 6 &\mnr E &\mnr e &\verb"E" &\verb"e" &\verb"\CYRE"&\verb"\cyre" \\\hline 7 &\CYRYO &\cyryo &\texttt{\"E}/\verb'"E'&\texttt{\"e}/\verb'"e'&% \verb"\CYRYO"&\verb"\cyryo"\rule{0mm}{2.25ex}\\ & & &\{\verb"\"\}\verb"YO"&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"yo"& & \\\hline 8 &\mnr J &\mnr j &\verb"J" &\verb"j" &\verb"\CYRZH" &\verb"\cyrzh" \\\hline 9 &\mnr Z &\mnr z &\verb"Z" &\verb"z" &\verb"\CYRZ" &\verb"\cyrz" \\\hline 10 &\mnr I &\mnr i &\verb"I" &\verb"i" &\verb"\CYRI" &\verb"\cyri" \\\hline 11 &\CYRISHRT &\cyrishrt &\texttt{\"I}/\verb'"I'&\texttt{\"i}/\verb'"i'&% \verb"\CYRISHRT"&\verb"\cyrishrt"\rule{0mm}{2.25ex} \\ & & &\{\verb"\"\}\verb"YI"&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"yi"& & \\\hline 12 &\mnr K &\mnr k &\verb"K" &\verb"k" &\verb"\CYRK" &\verb"\cyrk" \\\hline 13 &\mnr L &\mnr l &\verb"L" &\verb"l" &\verb"\CYRL" &\verb"\cyrl" \\\hline 14 &\mnr M &\mnr m &\verb"M" &\verb"m" &\verb"\CYRM" &\verb"\cyrm" \\\hline 15 &\mnr N &\mnr n &\verb"N" &\verb"n" &\verb"\CYRN" &\verb"\cyrn" \\\hline 16 &\mnr O &\mnr o &\verb"O" &\verb"o" &\verb"\CYRO" &\verb"\cyro" \\\hline 17 &\CYROTLD &\cyrotld &\texttt{\"O}/\verb'"O'&\texttt{\"o}/\verb'"o'&% \verb"\CYROTLD"&\verb"\cyrotld" \rule{0mm}{2.25ex}\\\hline 18 &\mnr P &\mnr p &\verb"P" &\verb"p" &\verb"\CYRP" &\verb"\cyrp" \\\hline 19 &\mnr R &\mnr r &\verb"R" &\verb"r" &\verb"\CYRR" &\verb"\cyrr" \\\hline 20 &\mnr S &\mnr s &\verb"S" &\verb"s" &\verb"\CYRS" &\verb"\cyrs" \\\hline 21 &\mnr T &\mnr t &\verb"T" &\verb"t" &\verb"\CYRT" &\verb"\cyrt" \\\hline 22 &\mnr U &\mnr u &\verb"U" &\verb"u" &\verb"\CYRU" &\verb"\cyru" \\\hline 23 &\mnr "U &\mnr "u &\texttt{\"U}/\verb'"U'&\texttt{\"u}/\verb'"u'&% \verb"\CYRY"&\verb"\cyry" \rule{0mm}{2.25ex}\\\hline 24 &\mnr F &\mnr f &\verb"F" &\verb"f" &\verb"\CYRF" &\verb"\cyrf" \\\hline 25 &\mnr X &\mnr x &\verb"X" &\verb"x" &\verb"\CYRH" &\verb"\cyrh" \\\hline 26 &\mnr H &\mnr h &\verb"H" &\verb"h" &\verb"\CYRHSHA" &\verb"cyrhsha" \\\hline 27 &\mnr C &\mnr c &\verb"C" &\verb"c" &\verb"\CYRC" &\verb"\cyrc" \\\hline 28 &\mnr Q &\mnr q &\verb"Q" &\verb"q" &\verb"\CYRCH" &\verb"\cyrch" \\ & & &\verb"\Ch"&\verb"\ch"& & \\\hline 29 &\mnr\Sh&\mnr\sh&\verb"\Sh"&\verb"\sh"&\verb"\CYRSH"&\verb"\cyrsh"\\ & & & &\verb"sh" & & \\\hline 30 &\mnr\Sc&\mnr\sc&\verb"\Sc"&\verb"\sc"&\verb"\CYRSHCH"&\verb"\cyrshch"\\ & & &\verb"\Qh"&\verb"\qh"& & \\\hline 31 &\mnr \CYRHRDSN &\mnr \cyrsftsn &\verb"\Y" &\verb"\y" &% \verb"\CYRHRDSN" &\verb"\cyrhrdsn" \\\hline 32 &\mnr Y &\mnr y &\verb"Y" &\verb"y" &\verb"\CYRERY" &\verb"\cyrery" \\\hline 33 &\mnr \CYRSFTSN &\mnr \cyrsftsn &\verb"\I" &\verb"\i" &% \verb"\CYRSFTSN" &\verb"\cyrsftsn" \\\hline 34 &\CYREREV &\cyrerev &\texttt{\"A}/\verb'"A'&\texttt{\"a}/\verb'"a'&% \verb"\CYREREV"&\verb"\cyrerev" \rule{0mm}{2.25ex}\\\hline 35 &\mnr YU&\mnr yu&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"YU"&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"yu"&% \verb"\CYRYU"&\verb"\cyryu"\\\hline 36 &\mnr YA&\mnr ya&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"YA"&\{\verb"\"\}\verb"ya"&% \verb"\CYRYA"&\verb"\cyrya"\\\hline \end{tabular} \caption{Cyrillic Alphabet Input Methods}\label{cyralpha} \end{center} \end{table} Front vowels can be entered directly using the encoding slot of a valid and active input encoding, or they can be expressed via an abbreviated \verb'"'\emph{v} notation where \emph{v} stands for any desired vowel. In the \LMC\ encoding used by \MonTeX, \verb'"' is not an active character; selecting the proper letter is done by ligature statements in the Metafont sources. Some letters can be entered with or without a preceding \verb"\", like \cyryu\ and \cyrya. Both \verb"\yu" and \verb"yu" will produce a \cyryu. While \verb"yu" is interpreted as a ligature, \verb"\yu" allows for the character \cyryu\ to be combined with accents. Accents are not commonly used in Mongolian since there are precise rules for word stress. This feature is taken from the \textsf{OT2} encoding and is included mainly for the sake of completeness, convenience and compatibility\footnote{The magic triple-C!}. Here now a sample of Mongolian text: \begin{figure}[h] \exa {\mnr<> x"am"a"an aldarshsan, Z"u"un xyazgaaryg toxinuulax sa"id N.~Dugarjaw ardyn xuw\i sgalyn b"u"ur "ax"an "ue"as xamgi"in "agz"agt"a"i am\i\ d"u"is"an alband tomilogdox c"ar"ag da"iny olon quxal daalgawryg xiq"a"ang"u"il"an biel"u"ulj yawsan t"u"uxt"a"i x"un.}% \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr<> x"am"a"an aldarshsan, Z"u"un xyazgaaryg toxinuulax sa"id N.~Dugarjaw ardyn xuw\i sgalyn b"u"ur "ax"an "ue"as xamgi"in "agz"agt"a"i am\i\ d"u"is"an alband tomilogdox c"ar"ag da"iny olon quxal daalgawryg xiq"a"ang"u"il"an biel"u"ulj yawsan t"u"uxt"a"i x"un.}% \end{verbatim}% \exc \caption{Romanized Cyrillic Input Example}\label{figure:CyrInputExample} \end{figure} In order to make the document you are reading at the moment truly portable, the somewhat more clumsy \verb'"'\emph{v} notation was used in this example; if your environments supports an 8-bit codepage (what it usually does), all front vowels can be entered as \texttt{\"a}, \texttt{\"o} and \texttt{\"u} etc. using the slots of those vowels in the particular active codepage.\footnote{% Looking at the source code of this document the astute reader will discover that all front vowels are indeed produced using the \tttt{ "a} (etc.) notation; thus the document source can be viewn and manipulated on any 7-bit ASCII platform; it can also safely be transmitted via e-mail.} \section{Entering Cyrillic Text in Immediate Mode} For freely combining Latin and Cyrillic characters without using any explicite commands it is necessary that the codepage in use supports some Cyrillic encoding. It should be noted, however that these documents are not easily portable between different platforms anymore since they need recoding; some of the Cyrillic codepages are defective in one or the other way thus individual characters can get lost. \begin{sloppypar} The user simply specifies the desired input encoding as a \verb:\usepackage[:\emph{}\verb:]{mls}: option, and \MonTeX\ takes care of the rest. It is a feature and not a bug that input encoding and document language are chosen independently. It is well possible that a user working on a computer with default Mongolian codepage wants to create a document in Russian, English or any other language yet wants to include Mongolian fragments in her text without explicitely issuing any command. \end{sloppypar} In case a need arises for switching from Transliteration Mode to Immediate Mode the command \label{cmd:SetDocumentEncodingNeutral} can be issued anywhere in the preamble or the document itself; like \verb"\SetDocumentEncodingLMC"\label{cmd:SetDocumentEncodingLMC} it affects the Cyrillic transliteration only and leaves the document language in its chosen state. \section{Entering Cyrillic Characters by Name} Outside the Cyrillic environments, individual Cyrillic characters can be entered by using the commands beginning with \verb"\cyr"\textit{x} from the two right columns of table \ref{cyralpha} where \textit{x} stands for the letter name. This command works in any encoding. \section{Entering Special Cyrillic Characters\label{section:SpecialCyrCharacters}} A few special characters are available, notably the guillemots frequently used for quoting text, the currency symbol, the ordinal number symbol and the currency sign. See table~\ref{table:SpecialCyrCharacters}. \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cll} Symbol & Command & Alternative\\ \mnr\lgu& \verb|\lgu| & \verb|<<|\\ \mnr\rgu& \verb|\rgu| & \verb|>>|\\ \No & \verb|\No| & \\ \Togrog & \verb|\Togrog| & \\ \togrog & \verb|\togrog| & \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\MonTeX\ Special Cyrillic Characters}\label{table:SpecialCyrCharacters} \end{center} \end{table} The command producing the guillemots (\verb|\lgu|, \verb|\rgu|) \emph{only} works in a Cyrillic environment --- it is not a generic command. There are actually two versions of the \cmd{togrog} command. While \cmd{Togrog} produces a sans serif \Togrog\ (considered standard) with any font selected it is also possible to print serif (\MyTogrog), italic (\textit{\MyTogrog}) and typewriter (\texttt{\MyTogrog}) versions of this symbol.\footnote{The currency symbol is not limited to these three typefaces; all typefaces can be selected.} For achieving this result the commands \cmd{MyTogrog} and \cmd{mytogrog} are available. Unlike the standard command they simply pick the current font style of the surrounding letters for the currency symbol. \section{Running Text with Embedded Words in Different Encodings} Independently of the document language it is possible to produce portions of Cyrillic text within Latin text and vice versa. The two commands \cmd{mnr} and \cmd{rnm} switch from ordinary Latin text to transliterated Cyrillic text and back to Latin text. The command stands for \emph{m}ongolian \emph{n}ew \emph{r}omanization and its reversal (which can, by accident, also be read as \emph{r}eturn to \emph{n}or\emph{m}al). They can be used as stream commands or for initializing groups:\label{mnrnm} \exa \mnr mongol x"al ba \rnm english text with a {\mnr mongol} word inserted \exb \begin{verbatim} \mnr mongol x"al ba \rnm english text with a {\mnr mongol} word inserted \end{verbatim} \exc For enhanced convenience, portions of text can also be encapsulated into the commands \cmd{xalx}\verb"{...}" for Cyrillic text and \cmd{lat}\verb"{...}" for neutral (i.~e. Latin) texts.\label{capsules} The commands \verb"\mnr", \verb"\rnm", \verb"\xalx{...}" and \verb"\lat{...}" do \emph{not} switch the default encoding; this shows up when a construct like \verb:\lat{\verb|article|}: is placed in Transliteration Mode; the result will be \texttt{\xalx{article}} rather than \texttt{article}; in order to generate the desired form, the mode switching commands must be used. \section{Font Selection Commands} The Cyrillic fonts are set up in a manner which allows for seamless switching between Roman and Cyrillic typefaces. The font switching commands used for modifying typefaces (by \verb"\text..") are completely transparent to the encoding; no precaution whatsoever has to be taken. Most of the typefaces supplied with the traditional \textsf{OT1} encoding are also available for \MonTeX; Dunhill and Funny Roman are included.\footnote{% A complete overview of the NFSS classification of the Computer Modern fonts can be found in The \LaTeX\ Companion, by Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin, Addison-Wesley 1994, p.~181.} \MonTeX\ offers the following font families as shown in table~\ref{MonTeXFontFamilies}: \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{p{3cm}|l} \verb'\fontfamily{...}' Parameter & Family Description \\ \hline cmr & Computer Modern Serif\\ cmss & Computer Modern Sans Serif\\ cmtt & computer Modern Typewriter\\ cmvtt& Computer Modern Variable Width Typewriter\\ cmfr & Computer Modern Funny\\ cmfib& Computer Modern Fibonacci\\ cmdh & Computer Modern Dunhill\\ cmssq& Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation Style 8pt\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Font Families Supported by \MonTeX}\label{MonTeXFontFamilies} \end{table} The word ``Roman'' was avoided since in \MonTeX\ these families also cover matching typefaces in Cyrillic script. The first three families have support for combinations of different weights and shapes (e.\,g. bold and italic) whereas the other series usually only offer an italic variant. The Sans Serif Quotation Style 8pt typeface is not by default installed in standard \LaTeX\ distributions hence it cannot be guaranteed that switching to and from Cyrillic letters maintains the typeface. The fonts (upright and slanted) can be accessed via the \verb|\fontfamily{cmssq}| command but are not shown in table~\ref{table:typeface}. See table~\ref{table:typeface} for a therefore incomplete list of available typeface examples. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Family and Command Example}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Typeface Examples} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Serif}&& \\ cmr & (default) & {\Tw}& {\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textbf\{...\}}& \textbf{\Tw}&\textbf{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textsl\{...\}}& \textsl{\Tw}&\textsl{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textsc\{...\}}& \textsc{\Tw}&\textsc{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textit\{...\}}& \textit{\Tw}&\textit{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ fontseries\{bx\}\char92 textit\{...\}}& \fs{bx}\textit{\Tw}&\fs{bx}\textit{\WtSh}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \ifthenelse{\value{FontSamples}>1}{% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Typewriter}&& \\ cmtt & \tttt{texttt\{...}\}& \texttt{\Tw}&\texttt{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{texttt\{\char92textit\{...\}\}}& \texttt{\textit{\Tw}}&\texttt{\textit{\WtSh}}\\ & \tttt{texttt\{\char92textsl\{...\}\}}& \texttt{\textsl{\Tw}}&\texttt{\textsl{\WtSh}}\\ & \tttt{texttt\{\char92textsc\{...\}\}}& \texttt{\textsc{\Tw}}&\texttt{\textsc{\WtSh}}\\ \hline \end{tabular}}{\rule{0mm}{4ex}Computer Modern Typewriter example suspended\dots} \ifthenelse{\value{FontSamples}>2}{% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Variable Width Typewriter}&& \\ cmvtt & \tttt{ fontfamily\{cmvtt\}...}& \ff{cmvtt}\Tw&\ff{cmvtt}\Wt\\ & \tttt{ fontfamily\{cmvtt\}\char92 textit\{...\}}& \ff{cmvtt}\textit{\Tw}&\ff{cmvtt}\textit{\Wt}\\ \hline \end{tabular}}{\rule{0mm}{4ex}Computer Modern Variable Width Typewriter example suspended\dots} \ifthenelse{\value{FontSamples}>3}{% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Sans}&& \\ cmss & \tttt{ textsf\{...\}} & \textsf{\Tw}&\textsf{\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textsf\{\char92 textsl\{...\}\}}& \textsf{\textsl{\Tw}}&\textsf{\textsl{\WtSh}}\\ & \tttt{ textsf\{\char92 fontseries\{bx\}...\}}& \textsf{\fs{bx}\Tw}&\textsf{\fs{bx}\WtSh}\\ & \tttt{ textsf\{\char92 fontseries\{sbc\}...\}}& \textsf{\fs{sbc}\Tw}&\textsf{\fs{sbc}\WtSh}\\ \hline \end{tabular}}{\rule{0mm}{4ex}Computer Modern Sans example suspended\dots} \ifthenelse{\value{FontSamples}>4}{% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Funny}&& \\ cmfr & \tttt{ fontfamily\{cmfr\}...}& \ff{cmfr}\Tw&\ff{cmfr}\Wt\\ \hline \end{tabular}}{\rule{0mm}{4ex}Computer Modern Funny example suspended\dots% For printing the Modern Funny example the user is required to edit this file (\texttt{montex.tex}) at line 26 and set the value of \texttt{fontSamples} to ``5''.} \ifthenelse{\value{FontSamples}>5}{% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.75cm}p{7cm}|p{1.5cm}p{1.5cm}|} \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Computer Modern Dunhill}&& \\ cmdh & \tttt{ fontfamily\{cmdh\}...}& \ff{cmdh}\TW&\ff{cmdh}\WT\\ \hline \end{tabular}}{\rule{0mm}{4ex}Computer Modern Dunhill example suspended\dots% For printing the Modern Dunhill example the user is required to edit this file (\texttt{montex.tex}) at line 26 and set the value of \texttt{fontSamples} to ``6''.} \caption{Typeface Consistency for Cyrillic and Latin}\label{table:typeface} \end{center} \end{table} Besides these transparent commands for scalable fonts \MonTeX\ also offers two inch-high variants of bold Computer Modern Sans typefaces for Latin and Cyrillic: \cmd{cminch} and \cmd{kminch}. These commands bypass the NFSS font setup and should only be used for book titles etc. The command sequence \verb|{\cminch AB} {\kminch AB}| produces the output shown in figure~\ref{cminchkminch}. \begin{figure} \vspace{5mm} \begin{center} {\cminch AB} {\kminch AB} \end{center} \vspace{5mm} \caption{\texttt{inch} Font Examples}\label{cminchkminch} \end{figure} \section{Shorthands for Embedding Words in a Different Typeface}\label{typefacecapsules} Sometimes it may be necessary to give short portions of text not only in a different encoding (for which the \refcmd{lat}\verb:{...}: and \refcmd{mnr}\verb:{...}: commands are useful) but it may also be necessary to switch the typeface temporarily. Usually capsules using \verb'\text'\emph{xx} do the work if only the typeface is concerned, and building nested commands like \verb'\textsf{\lat{...}}' is cumbersome if these changes have to be applied very often. \MonTeX\ provides an abbreviated style following the rule \begin{quote} \texttt{[k|l]}\emph{two letter font style code}\verb'{...}' \end{quote} where the font style code is one of \verb'rm', \verb'bf', \verb'it', \verb'sl', \verb'sf', \verb'sc' and \verb'tt', like \verb'\ksl{...}', \verb'\lsc{...}', etc. \section{Shorthands for Writing Transliterated Texts} \MonTeX\ provides shortcuts for writing certain accented symbols used in conventional transliterating of Mongolian by haceks, the nasal and the gamma. These shortcuts are essentially mnemonics replacing the somewhat more tedious accent notation (see table~\ref{table:shortcuts}). \begin{table} \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ll|ll} %\hline Letter & Input & Letter & Input \\ & & &\\ \hline & & &\\ \ch & \verb"\ch" & \Ch & \verb"\Ch" \\ \jh & \verb"\jh" & \Jh & \verb"\Jh" \\ \sh & \verb"\sh" & \Sh & \verb"\Sh" \\ \zh & \verb"\zh" & \Zh & \verb"\Zh" \\ \ng & \verb"\ng" & \Ng & \verb"\Ng" \\ \g & \verb"\g" & \G & \verb"\G" \\ %\hline \end{tabular}\end{center} \caption{Shortcuts for Mongolian Transliteration Symbols}\label{table:shortcuts} \end{table} It must be observed that these commands are by default dependent on the environment they are used in. \verb"\Sh" yields a \Sh\ when used in a Latin environment but results in a \mnr\Sh\rnm\ when used in a Cyrillic context\footnote{The authors wish to thank J.~Knappen for resolving one instability in the original code for these letters.}: \exa \emph{\Sh agdar} and \emph{\Ch adraa} are transliterations for {\mnr\Sh agdar} and {\mnr\Ch adraa}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{\Sh agdar} and \emph{\Ch adraa} are transliterations for {\mnr\Sh agdar} and {\mnr\Ch adraa}. \end{verbatim} \exc \section{Gamma Typeface} If modern Greek is supported by your \LaTeXe\ installation then the shape of the gamma will match the neighbouring typeface as closely as possible% \ifthenelse{\value{GreekGammaAvailable}=1}{ \space as can be seen from table~\ref{table:typeface}% }% {}; \cmd{g} otherwise, the selection of gamma shapes and styles is limited to the gamma math typeface supplied by standard \TeX\ installations. %% \ifthenelse{\value{GreekGammaAvailable}=1}{ %% \begin{table} %% \begin{center} %% \begin{tabular}{rl} %% & \ {\Sh a\g dur}\\ %% \end{tabular} %% \end{center} %% \caption{Available Gamma Typefaces\label{greekgamma}} %% \end{table}}{}% %% \section{Oirat Double Accents} All accented characters which are contained in the \textsf{T1} encoding or can be generated out of these via accents can be produced. This comes in conveniently for transliterating Oirat texts which need vowels with double diacritics, like \rule{0mm}{2.5ex}\={\"a} which can be entered as any combination of two nested accent commands (like \verb:\={\"a}:) or one accent command and a vowel with diacritics (provided an 8-bit input codepage is available). \section{Numbering by Cyrillic Letters} Analogous to the \verb:\Alpha: command which provides an alphabetical counter in English, \MonTeX\ features counters for Buryat, Modern Mongolian, and Russian. \begin{description} \item [Buryat]\label{Uzeg} The counter for Buryat is invoked with \cmd{Uzeg}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" or \cmd{uzeg}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" and is valid for $1\le n\le32$. \def\NR #1{$^{#1}$\Uzeg{#1}/\uzeg{#1}} \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \NR{1} &\NR{2} &\NR{3} &\NR{4} & \NR{5}&\NR{6} \\ \NR{7} &\NR{8} &\NR{9} &\NR{10}&\NR{11}&\NR{12}\\ \NR{13}&\NR{14}&\NR{15}&\NR{16}&\NR{17}&\NR{18}\\ \NR{19}&\NR{20}&\NR{21}&\NR{22}&\NR{23}&\NR{24}\\ \NR{25}&\NR{26}&\NR{27}&\NR{28}&\NR{29}&\NR{30}\\ \NR{31}&\NR{32}\\ \end{tabular} \item [Modern, or Xalx Mongolian]\label{Useg} The counter for Modern Mongolian is invoked with \cmd{Useg}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" or \cmd{useg}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" and is valid for $1\le n\le31$. \def\NR #1{$^{#1}$\Useg{#1}/\useg{#1}} \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \NR{1} &\NR{2} &\NR{3} &\NR{4} & \NR{5}&\NR{6} \\ \NR{7} &\NR{8} &\NR{9} &\NR{10}&\NR{11}&\NR{12}\\ \NR{13}&\NR{14}&\NR{15}&\NR{16}&\NR{17}&\NR{18}\\ \NR{19}&\NR{20}&\NR{21}&\NR{22}&\NR{23}&\NR{24}\\ \NR{25}&\NR{26}&\NR{27}&\NR{28}&\NR{29}&\NR{30}\\ \NR{31}\\ \end{tabular} \item [Russian]\label{Asbuk} The counter for Russian is invoked with \cmd{Asbuk}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" or \cmd{asbuk}\verb"{"\emph{n}\verb"}" and is valid for $1\le n\le28$. \def\NR #1{$^{#1}$\Asbuk{#1}/\asbuk{#1}} \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \NR{1} &\NR{2} &\NR{3} &\NR{4} & \NR{5}&\NR{6} \\ \NR{7} &\NR{8} &\NR{9} &\NR{10}&\NR{11}&\NR{12}\\ \NR{13}&\NR{14}&\NR{15}&\NR{16}&\NR{17}&\NR{18}\\ \NR{19}&\NR{20}&\NR{21}&\NR{22}&\NR{23}&\NR{24}\\ \NR{25}&\NR{26}&\NR{27}&\NR{28}\\ \end{tabular} \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part [Mongol Bicig and Manju Bithe]% {Mongol Bicig and Manju Bithe\\ \mobosoo{munggul}\mbosoo{bicik,}\ \mabosoo{manju}\mabosoo{bithe.}% \label{part:BicigandBithe}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Introduction} This part describes in detail all aspects of typesetting Mongolian and Manju with \MonTeX. The following sections cover the various input methods for these languages, the commands for presenting small snippets, big portions and whole documents composed in Mongolian and Manju, as well as the relationship between input notations and script-related commands. \section{Mongolian and Manju Script Fundamentals} Mongolian Script, or \emph{bicig}, is a writing with an intriguing and complex relationship between the canonical letters of the alphabet and their presentations in context. Virtually any canonical letter can assume several shapes. As a rule of thumb, there are three or four basic shapes: the letter in isolated form, the letter in initial, medial and final position of a word. Only a few letters stay the same, and in rare cases there are up to ten possibilities for representing a single letter. On the other hand, some letters share the same shape in different contexts; one so-called \emph{glyph} can represent more than one letter, sometimes three or four different letters. The Manju writing, or \emph{bithe} system is a close relative of the Mongolian system; the basical letter shapes are the same. Yet for Manju, a set of diacritics (\emph{dots und circles}) was designed to the effect that all the ambiguities of Mongolian are eliminated. Decomposing the writing system and using glyphs as the atoms of writing is one of several conceivable methods of writing Mongolian script. In \MonTeX, Mongolian script can be entered in three ways, either by writing transliterated Mongolian in one of two different romanization systems, by an approximated symbol for every glyph or by generic name. There are certain constraints concerning the possible combinations of Mongolian input methods and Mongolian writing display commands. Since Manju has only one input method, these constraints do not apply to Manju. The possible combinations are listed in table~\ref{table:Combinations}. A complete guide to the principles of glyph analysis can be found in the MLS Report by one of the authors.\footnote{Oliver Corff: MLS Report. UNU/IIST Report No.~8, Macau 1993} Due to technical constraints of \MonTeX, there is an intimate relationship between various script-related commands and Mongolian input methods. \section{General Settings\label{section:UMMDates}} As for Modern (Xalx) Mongolian, Buryat and Russian documents, it is possible to set the document language to Uighur Mongolian or Manju with a language option: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[,]{mls} \end{verbatim} The two language options are \cmda{bicig} for Uighur Mongolian and \cmda{bithe} for Manju documents. Among other things, they set the document encoding, the captions and the date in either Uighur Mongolian or Manju. The date form follows \TeX\ conventions and is thus a mixture of numbers and words. Thus for \cmd{today} (\today) we get% \footnote{The actual date at compilation time is used for the examples.} what is shown in table~\ref{caption:UMMDates}. \enlargethispage*{1ex} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cc} \textbf{Mongolian}% \mobosoo{\BicigToday} \label{cmd:BicigToday} &\textbf{Manju} \mabosoo{\BitheToday} \label{cmd:BitheToday}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{Dates in Uighur Mongolian and Manju}\label{caption:UMMDates} \end{center} \end{figure} The document language option \verb'bicig' can only be used with the Mongolian input method named ``Simplified Transliteration'' (see the following chapter and table~\ref{table:Combinations}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Mongolian Input} It has been mentioned before that each Mongolian input method provided by \MonTeX\ has a slightly different application scope. The next sections cover \begin{itemize} \item \emph{Simplified Transliteration Mode} which is the mode of choice for bulk text due to its availability as document encoding; the associated font encoding is labelled \LMO\label{a:LMO} and internally activated by the command \refcmd{SetDocumentEncodingBicig}. \item \emph{MLS Transliteration Mode} which is most suitable for short portions of text, like dictionary entries, quotations, etc. \item \emph{Immediate Mode} is the mode accepting Mongolian characters encoded in the MLS codepage. Together with this mode, the input encoding \refcmda{mls} should be specified, ideally combined with the command \refcmd{SetDocumentEncodingNeutral}. \item \emph{Glyph Input} which is useful mainly for rendering individual words in unorthodox or incorrect spellings, e.\,g. for reproducing idiosyncrasies found in old books. \end{itemize} A comprehensive table of the Mongolian alphabet and its MLS transliteration, the input conventions of the MLS transliteration in \MonTeX\ and the Simplified Transliteration is given in table~\ref{table:bcgcagan}. \newcommand{\bcgcagan}[4]{% \mbosoo{#1} & \texttt{#2} & \texttt{#3} & \texttt{#4} %\\ } \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cccc|cccc} %\hline Uighur&\multicolumn{2}{c}{MLS} &Simplified &Uighur&\multicolumn{2}{c}{MLS}&Simplified\\ Script&Transl.& Input &Input &Script&Transl.& Input&Input\\ \hline \bcgcagan{a}{a}{a}{a} & \bcgcagan{s}{s}{s}{s} \\ \bcgcagan{E}{\"a}{\"a, E}{e} & \bcgcagan{S}{sh}{S}{sh}\\ \bcgcagan{e}{e}{e}{v} & \bcgcagan{t}{t}{t}{t} \\ \bcgcagan{i}{i}{i}{i} & \bcgcagan{d}{d}{d}{d, t}\\ \bcgcagan{o}{o}{o}{u} & \bcgcagan{l}{l}{l}{l} \\ \bcgcagan{u}{u}{u}{u} & \bcgcagan{m}{m}{m}{m} \\ \bcgcagan{O}{\"o}{\"o, O}{ui, u}& \bcgcagan{c}{c}{c}{c} \\ \bcgcagan{U}{\"u}{\"u, U}{ui, u}& \bcgcagan{z}{z}{z}{z} \\ \bcgcagan{n}{n}{n}{n} & \bcgcagan{y}{y}{y}{y} \\ \bcgcagan{|ng}{*ng}{ng}{ng} & \bcgcagan{r}{r}{r}{r} \\ \bcgcagan{x}{x}{x}{x} & \bcgcagan{v}{v}{v}{v} \\ \bcgcagan{G}{\g}{G}{g} & \bcgcagan{h}{h}{h}{h} \\ \bcgcagan{k}{k}{k}{k} & \bcgcagan{j}{j}{j}{j} \\ \bcgcagan{g}{g}{g}{g, k} & \bcgcagan{K}{K}{K}{K} \\ \bcgcagan{b}{b}{b}{b} & \bcgcagan{Q}{[--]}{Q}{q}\\ \bcgcagan{p}{p}{p}{p} & \bcgcagan{C}{C}{C}{C} \\ \bcgcagan{f}{f}{f}{f} & \bcgcagan{Z}{Z}{Z}{Z} \\ %\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Mongolian Script Transliterations}\label{table:bcgcagan} \end{table} The possible combinations of Mongolian writing input methods and display commands are listed in table~\ref{table:Combinations}. The columns stand for each possible input encoding, the rows contain the display command types. Each table cell at the contains the command that is available for a given combination of input method and command. \newcommand{\ComparisonTable}[4]{% #1 &% % Command Type #2 &% % MLS Command #3 &% % Simplified Command #4 \\% % Manju Command } \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}|p{3.25cm}|p{3.25cm}|p{3.25cm}} Command & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Mongolian}& Manju \\ Type & MLS & Simplified & \\ \hline \ComparisonTable{Document Encoding} {only available as font encoding \LMS, not as document encoding} {\refcmda{LMO}} {\refcmda{LMA}} \hline \ComparisonTable{Horizontal Capsules} {\refcmd{bcg}} {\refcmd{bicig}} {\refcmd{bithe}} \hline \ComparisonTable{Horizontal Paragraphs} {not available} {\refcmda{bicigtext}} {\refcmda{bithetext}} \hline \ComparisonTable{Vertical Capsules} {\refcmd{mbosoo}} {\refcmd{mobosoo}} {\refcmd{mabosoo}} \hline \ComparisonTable{Vertical Paragraph Boxes} {not available} {\refcmd{mobox}} {\refcmd{mabox}} \hline \ComparisonTable{Vertical Pages} {not available} {\refcmda{bicigpage}} {\refcmda{bithepage}} %\hline \end{tabular} \caption{Mongolian Input and Display Commands}\label{table:Combinations} \end{center} \end{table} \section{Simplified Transliteration Mode} The broad romanization of the Mongolian script as realized in the MLS system focuses on lexical properties (the \emph{information layer}) rather than graphical properties (the \emph{presentation layer}). The obvious advantage of such a method is the possibility to store and transmit Mongolian language information in and between systems without devices for displaying Mongolian writing. With the ambiguities of the Mongolian script (the consonants \emph{t/d}, the vowels \emph{a/e}, and many other ambiguous shapes give vivid evidence hereof) it is however possible to enter misleading or wrong romanizations which lead to a desired yet semantically misleading \emph{display} of Mongolian in which case the underlying information is not suitable for further processing. Another aspect is the retrieval of information from e.\,g. library catalogues when only the display of potentially unknown words like in book titles is available. It must be possible to enter Mongolian script into an information processing system without knowing at every moment which underlying letter generates a given shape. This implies that glyph analysis does not decompose complex glyph shapes into atoms if the shape transformation is purely dictated by graphical rather than linguistical context. Notwithstanding this fact, an obvious \emph{n} appearing as \suul\ following a vowel should be entered as \texttt{n} while an \emph{a} following a consonant which also appears as \suul\ should certainly entered as vowel, not as consonant. Anything going deeper in glyph analysis can only be considered as atomic coding which may be highly useful in special cases but renders the input process more than cumbersome in general cases. The Mongolian Simplified Transliteration proposed here is based on principles laid out by Dr.\,Michael Balk of the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. During its development, various proposals were discussed at DIN, MNISM and ISO standardization meetings during 1994 to 1997. The most important principle of this simplified input method is the consequent elimination of ambiguities in the relation between romanized input (as performed on an ordinary computer keyboard) and its Mongolian script target. If the Mongolian language provides several readings for certain vowels, then only one vowel is available in the simplified method; if alternating consonants (like \emph{k/g} can swap shapes, then each input letter is associated with one and only one output shape. Furthermore, the \emph{input alphabet} (speaking in terms of computer theory) is limited to the basic Latin alphabet. It uses only \texttt{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n p q r s t u v x y z C K Z} and the following characters with special meanings: \texttt{- = ' "}. The first symbol is used to separate grammatical endings from preceding words, the second separates floating vowels from word stems, and the third and fourth character act as Variant Selectors. At present, the second Variant Selector is not yet assigned. %\enlargethispage*{4ex} Unlike a purely atomic rendering, the resulting romanization as shown in table~\ref{table:bcgcagan} is easy to learn, much easier to read than atomic code, and yet acceptably close to conventional Mongolian transliterations, as can be seen from table~\ref{table:SimplifiedExamples}. Each row contains one or more instances of every letter listed in the first column. From left to right, these are the beginning of a word, the middle of a word and the end of a word. Every single cell features three elements: the \emph{example} in MLS romanization appears in italics; the correct Simplified Transliteration \texttt{input} appears in typewriter style, and the word in Uighur Mongolian letters appears in the right half of the cell. \newcommand{\mytextit}{\bgroup\mdoublehyphenon\moretextit}% \newcommand{\moretextit}[1]{\textit{#1}\egroup}% % \newcommand{\rr}{\phantom{;}} % \newcommand{\T}[7]{% %\hline #1 &% % Zeichen / useg \mytextit{#2}\newline\texttt{#3}&\mobosoo{#3\rr}&%% Anfang/exen \mytextit{#4}\newline\texttt{#5}&\mobosoo{#5\rr}&%% Mitte /dund \mytextit{#6}\newline\texttt{#7}&\mobosoo{#7\rr} %% Ende /adag \\% } {%\mdoublehyphenon \begin{longtable}{c|p{2.0cm}l|p{2.0cm}l|p{2.0cm}l} %\hline Letter &\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Beginning} &\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Middle} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{End}\\ \hline % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{a} % Zeichen : useg {arad} {arad} % Anfang / exen {ba\g atur} {bagadur} % Mitte / dund {la} {la} % Ende / adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang / exen {} {} % Mitte / dund {sana\g =a} {sanag=a} % Ende / adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{ä} % Zeichen : useg {ärkä} {erke} % Anfang : exen {cäcäg} {cecek} % Mitte : dund {sükä} {suike} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{e} % Zeichen : useg {eKs} {evKs} % Anfang : exen {geologi} {kvuluki} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{i} % Zeichen : useg {iza\g ur} {izagur} % Anfang : exen {minu} {minu} % Mitte : dund {bandi} {bandi} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{o} % Zeichen : useg {olan} {ulan} % Anfang : exen {a\g ul=a} {agul=a} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{u} % Zeichen : useg {ulus} {ulus} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {\g arxu} {garxu} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{ö} % Zeichen : useg {öndür} {uindur} % Anfang : exen {cöm=ä} {cuim=e} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{ü} % Zeichen : useg {üsüg} {uisuk} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{n + \{V\}} % Zeichen : useg {nam} {nam} % Anfang : exen {onol} {unul} % Mitte : dund {bayin=a} {baiin=a} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{n + \{C\}} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang : exen {bandi} {bandi} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \T{n' + \{V\}} % Zeichen : useg {n'am} {n'am} % Anfang : exen {on'ol} {un'ul} % Mitte : dund {bayin'=a} {baiin'=a} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{n' + \{C\}} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang : exen {KoNTor} {Kun'tur} % Mitte : dund {ban'di} {ban'di} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{ng} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang : exen {mong\g ol} {munggul} % Mitte : dund {vang} {vang} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{x} % Zeichen : useg {xota} {xuda} % Anfang : exen {abxu} {abxu} % Mitte : dund {mix=a} {mix=a} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{\g} % Zeichen : useg {\g azar} {gazar} % Anfang : exen {ba\g atur} {bagadur} % Mitte : dund {tu\g} {tug} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{\g'} % Zeichen : useg {\g'azar} {g'azar} % Anfang : exen {ba\g'atur} {bag'adur} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{k} % Zeichen : useg {käräg} {kerek} % Anfang : exen {ärkiläkü} {erkileku} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{g} % Zeichen : useg {gär} {ger} % Anfang : exen {ügäi} {uigei} % Mitte : dund {bicig} {bicik} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{b} % Zeichen : useg {ba\g =a} {bag=a} % Anfang : exen {däbtär} {tebder} % Mitte : dund {äb} {eb} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{p} % Zeichen : useg {pangsa} {pangsa} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{f} % Zeichen : useg {feodal} {fvudal} % Anfang : exen {Cifr} {Cifr} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{s} % Zeichen : useg {saxal} {saxal} % Anfang : exen {basa} {basa} % Mitte : dund {nas} {nas} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{sh} % Zeichen : useg {sha\g dur} {shagdur} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \hline \T{t} % Zeichen : useg {tomu} {tumu} % Anfang : exen {ba\g atur} {bagadur} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{d} % Zeichen : useg {dumdadu} {dumdadu} % Anfang : exen {odu} {udu} % Mitte : dund {arad} {arad} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang : exen {sädgil} {sedkil} % Mitte : dund {äD} {ed'} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{l} % Zeichen : useg {la} {la} % Anfang : exen {aldar} {aldar} % Mitte : dund {onul} {unul} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \T{} % Zeichen : useg {} {} % Anfang : exen {blam=a} {blam=a} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{m} % Zeichen : useg {mong\g ol} {munggul} % Anfang : exen {nomin} {numin} % Mitte : dund {nom} {num} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{c} % Zeichen : useg {ca\g an} {cagan} % Anfang : exen {äcän} {ecen} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{z} % Zeichen : useg {zam} {zam} % Anfang : exen {\g azar} {gazar} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{y} % Zeichen : useg {yondan} {yundan} % Anfang : exen {bayar} {bayar} % Mitte : dund {xoriy=a} {xuriy=a} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{r} % Zeichen : useg {rashan} {rashan} % Anfang : exen {oros} {urus} % Mitte : dund {bolor} {bulur} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{v} % Zeichen : useg {vang} {vang} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{h} % Zeichen : useg {heze} {hvzv} % Anfang : exen {lhas} {lhas} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{j} % Zeichen : useg {j} {j} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{K} % Zeichen : useg {KoNTor} {Kun'tur} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{gh} % Zeichen : useg {ghombo} {qumbu} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{C} % Zeichen : useg {Cifr} {Cifr} % Anfang : exen {} {} % Mitte : dund {sTan'C} {stan'C} % Ende : adag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hline \T{Z} % Zeichen : useg {Zambu} {Zambu} % Anfang : exen {aZi} {aZi} % Mitte : dund {} {} % Ende : adag % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %\hline \caption{Mongolian Simplified Transliteration by Example% }\label{table:SimplifiedExamples}\\ \end{longtable}} While the input method for the majority of characters matches the transliteration conventions, some letters require a slightly different treatment: \begin{enumerate} \item Although the diphtong \mobosoo{*aii*} is usually rendered as \textit{ayi}, it must be entered as \texttt{aii} in order to produce the desired effect. \item The back vowels \emph{o} and \emph{u} are both rendered as \texttt{u}. \item The front vowels \emph{\"o} and \emph{\"u} are both rendered as \texttt{ui} in first syllables and as \texttt{u} in later syllables. \item Since \mobosoo{t} means both \emph{t} and \emph{d}, it is necessary to spell this letter as \texttt{t} in the beginning of words, and \texttt{d} in the middle of words, regardless of the actual meaning. \item The four consonants \emph{\g}, \emph{g}, \emph{x} and \emph{k} are constrained with regard to the following vowels. The Simplified Transliteration renders these as \texttt{g} (before \emph{a} and \emph{u} only), \texttt{g} (before \emph{a} and \emph{u} only), \texttt{x} and \texttt{k}. \end{enumerate} As it was demonstrated in section~\ref{section:CyrillicTransliterationMode}, it is technically possible to choose between an automatic document encoding and the neutral mode. In the case of Uighur Mongolian, the mode of choice activates the Simplified Transliteration Mode and is called with \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \SetDocumentEncodingBicig \end{verbatim} \end{quote} With \verb"\SetDocumentEncodingBicig"\label{cmd:SetDocumentEncodingBicig} set, it is possible to switch to the Simplified Transliteration Mode anywhere in the document, not only in the preamble. \textit{Caveat:} Since switching to Uighur Mongolian text requires a lot of settings to be effected at the same time, there are high-level commands available (see below, chapter~\ref{chapter:DisplayCommands}: Mongolian and Manju Display Commands) which do all the work, including the definition of the document encoding. Thus, while \verb|\SetDocumentEncodingBicig| is indeed classified as a user-level command, it is certainly not necessary for everyday work. \subsection{Character Variants} With the assistance of special, non-printing characters like the Form Variant Selectors, the appearance of certain characters can be modified in order to display typographical and orthographical variants. Notably, the \emph{n} will loose its dot before vowels, as will \emph{\g}. Let's assume the word ``place'' is written in an old book as \bicig{g'azar}. It should be understood that this is a variant of \bicig{gazar} and should be spelled \emph{\g'azar}, not \emph{xazar}. With vowels, the Form Variant Selectors can change the shape that is usually required by graphical context. At present, only the first of two Form Variant Selectors actually does something, the exact behaviour of the second Form Variant Selector waits to be implemented. The following short example shows a concrete application of this method. It renders the six syllable mantra \emph{om ma ni padme hum} \ifx\tib\undefined\relax \else(tib. {\tib \om, ma nxi pa\V{de}{ma} \hung.}) \fi also featuring the special syllable \cmd{om} as it is displayed on a huge bronze incense burner in front of the Gandan Monastery in Ulaanbaatar: \begin{figure}[h] \exa \mobox{3cm}{\noindent\sffamily \om uva\\ \ ma'=a\\ \ n'i\\ \ badmi'\\ \om huu} \exb \begin{verbatim} \mobox{3cm}{\noindent\sffamily \om uva\\ \ ma'=a\\ \ n'i\\ \ badmi'\\ \om huu} \end{verbatim} \exc \caption{Mongolian Character Variants Example}\label{figure:MongCharVarExample} \end{figure} \section{MLS Transliteration Mode} \begin{sloppypar} In Transliteration Mode (activated with the commands \cmd{bcg}\verb|{...}| or \cmd{mbosoo}\verb|{...}|) Mongolian text portions can be entered using a transliteration which is a rough approximation to the MLS system. The major difference is that only pure Latin alphabetical symbols can be used for virtually all letters. Front vowels are either entered via the traditional vowels with diacritics (\emph{\"a, \"o, \"u}) or can be entered with capitalized versions of the normal vowels. Capitalized letters have to be used for entering {\g} and {\sh} which are entered as \textit{G} and \textit{S}. Special variants for certain letters can be selected with Form Variant Selectors. %Examples are given in section~\ref{bicig-examples}.% \footnote{% The suggested solution has the advantage that it can be used on computers featuring codepages without umlaut symbols as most of the Cyrillic code pages are `defective' in this point.} \end{sloppypar} The available Mongolian characters (\emph{ca\g an tolu\g ai}) are shown in table~\ref{table:bcgcagan}.\footnote{The alphabetical arrangement follows large that given on p.~17 of N.~Poppe's \textit{Grammar of Written Mongolian}, Wiesbaden 1954, 1964, 1974 (third printing). Letters not given there are appended to Poppe's list.} \section{Immediate Mode} For freely combining Mongolian Script with other characters without using any explicite commands it is necessary that the codepage in use supports Mongolian Script glyphs; currently this is the MLS codepage. The MLS input encoding is specified like \verb:\usepackage[mls]{mls}:. As with Cyrillic codepages it should be noted that these documents are not easily portable between different platforms anymore since they cannot be recoded at ease. See table~\ref{table:glyphnames} for a list of available symbols. \section{Glyphs by Symbol} Without MLS codepage support, Mongolian words can also be entered using the \cmd{glyphbcg}\verb"{...}" command in running text. Within these groups, Mongolian Script glyphs are entered in the form of approximated symbols; sometimes these symbols reflect the underlying canonical letter, sometimes functional equivalents (for punctuation marks etc.) are chosen; sometimes there is no evident relation between glyph and input symbol simply because a free slot within the ASCII range $c\ge32\le127$ was chosen. Please consult table~\ref{table:glyphchars} of available glyphs and their input equivalents. \section{Glyphs by Name} Without any preparations on the side of the text environment it is possible to enter individual Mongolian glyphs by name in a way similar for that of entering Cyrillic characters; the Mongolian glyph names can be found in table~\ref{table:glyphnames}. Thus, \verb|\shilbe| produces a \shilbe. A number in the MLS column indicates the encoding position of the MLS codepage; a missing number in this column indicates that the glyph is part of extended \MonTeX\ glyph set without being part of the original MLS. %\newpage \newcommand{\glyphtabledata}{% \bge{"C2}{\titem} {@}&\bge{"EB}{\matgarshilbe} {v}\\ \bge{"C3}{\shud} {a}&\bge{"EC}{\bituushilbe} {h}\\ \bge{"C5}{\secondaryshud} {A}&\bge{"ED}{\secondaryqagt} {K}\\ \bge{"C6}{\shilbe} {i}&\bge{"EE}{\qagt} {k}\\ \bge{"C7}{\gedes} {o}&\bge{"EF}{\secnumtdelbenqix}{P}\\ \bge{"CF}{\secondarygedes} {O}&\bge{"F0}{\numtdelbenqix} {p}\\ \bge{"D0}{\cegteishud} {n}&\bge{"F1}{\secsertenqixtnum}{F}\\ \bge{"D1}{\lewer} {l}&\bge{"F2}{\sertenqixtnum} {f}\\ \bge{"D2}{\suuliinlewer} {L}&\bge{"F3}{\zadgaizardigt} {Z}\\ \bge{"D3}{\tertiarylewer} {Q}&\bge{"F4}{\bituuzardigt} {C}\\ \bge{"D4}{\mewer} {m}&\bge{"F5}{\malgaitaititem} {j}\\ \bge{"D5}{\suuliinmewer} {M}&\bge{"F6}{\suul} {e}\\ \bge{"D6}{\xewteeqix} {x}&\bge{"F7}{\orxic} {E}\\ \bge{"D7}{\dawxarcegtxewteeqix}{X}&\bge{"F8}{\biodoisuul} {Y}\\ \bge{"D8}{\halfnum} {g}&\bge{"F9}{\bagodoisuul} {G}\\ \bge{"DB}{\num} {I}&\bge{"FA}{\nceg} {-}\\ \bge{"DC}{\halfnumtgedes} {B}&\bge{"FB}{\gceg} {=}\\ \bge{"DD}{\numtaigedes} {b}&\bge{"FC}{\ceg} {,}\\ \bge{"DE}{\buruuxarsangedes}{t}&\bge{"FD}{\dorwoljin} {;}\\ \bge{"DF}{\gedesteishilbe} {d}&\bge{ }{ - } {V}\\ \bge{"E0}{\erweeljinshilbe} {r}&\bge{ }{ - } {u}\\ \bge{"E3}{\secerweeljin} {R}&\bge{ }{ - } {T}\\ \bge{"E4}{\bosooshilbe} {z}&\bge{ }{ - } {U}\\ \bge{"E5}{\etgershilbe} {y}&\bge{ }{ - } {W}\\ \bge{"E6}{\zawj} {s}&\bge{ }{ - } {w}\\ \bge{"E8}{\suuliinzawj} {S}&\bge{ }{ - } {ml}\\ \bge{"E9}{\dawxarcegtzawj} {q}&\bge{ }{ - } {ll}\\ \bge{"EA}{\sereeewer} {c}& \\} \newcommand{\bge}[3]{% \bosoo{\glyphbcg{#3}} % Glyph &\texttt{\string#2} % Generic Name &\texttt{#3} % Input Letter or Symbol % & \texttt{#1} % MLS Code Position } \begin{center} \begin{longtable}{clc|clc} %\hline Glyph&Generic &Input &Glyph&Generic &Input \\ &Name &Char. & &Name &Char. \\ \hline \glyphtabledata %\hline \caption{MLS Named Basic Glyphs}\label{table:glyphnames} \end{longtable} \end{center} \clearpage \renewcommand{\bge}[3]{% \bosoo{\glyphbcg{#3}} % Glyph &\texttt{\string#2} % Generic Name % &\texttt{#3} % Input Letter or Symbol & \texttt{#1} % MLS Code Position } \begin{center} \begin{longtable}{clc|clc} %\hline Glyph&Generic &MLS &Glyph&Generic &MLS\\ &Name &Code & &Name &Code\\ \hline \glyphtabledata %\hline \caption{MLS Basic Glyph Positions}\label{table:glyphchars} \end{longtable} \end{center} \section{Special Characters\label{section:SpecialMLSCharacters}} For the correct operation of retransliterating systems processing Mongolian script additional symbols are needed. These include Form Variant Selectors (\textsf{FVS}), the Vowel Separator, and other symbols like the Mongolian Positional Indicator. As can be seen from its usage in table~\ref{table:bcgcagan}, entering \verb|*ng| tells the system to consider this \emph{ng} to be in non-initial position.\footnote{Unfortunately, though it is now commonly agreed in the scientific community that these symbols are needed, their definition is still in a state of flux, and thus the symbols given here are presented on a preliminary basis.} Besides these symbols, table~\ref{table:SpecialMLSCharacters} includes also some useful punctuation marks etc.\ as they are used in Mongolian Script. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|l|l} %\hline Symbol & Name & Input \\ \hline \bosoo{\glyphbcg{!}} & Exclamation Mark & \verb|!| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{?}} & Question Mark & \verb|?| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{!?}} & Exclamation Question Mark& \verb|!?| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{?!}} & Question Exclamation Mark& \verb|?!| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{*}} & Mong. Positional Indicator& \verb|*| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{\char32}} & Mongolian Space & \verb*|-| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{(}} & Opening Bracket & \verb|(| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{)}} & Closing Bracket & \verb|)| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{<}} & Opening Angle Bracket & \verb|<| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{>}} & Closing Angle Bracket & \verb|>| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{<<}} & Opening Guillemot & \verb|<<| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{>>}} & Closing Guillemot & \verb|>>| \\ % \bosoo{\glyphbcg{\{}} & Opening Parenthesis & \verb|{| \\ % \bosoo{\glyphbcg{\}}} & Closing Parenthesis & \verb|}| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{'}} & Form Variant Selector 1& \verb|'| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{"}} & Form Variant Selector 2& \verb|"| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{\char43}}& Mong. Vowel Separator & \verb|=| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{|}} & Mongolian Nuruu & \verb'|' \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{.}} & Period & \verb|.| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{,}} & Comma & \verb|,| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{:}} & Colon & \verb|:| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{;}} & D\"orw\"oljin & \verb|;| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{..}} & Ellipsis & \verb|..| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{0}} & Digit zero & \verb|0| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{1}} & Digit one & \verb|1| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{2}} & Digit two & \verb|2| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{3}} & Digit three & \verb|3| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{4}} & Digit four & \verb|4| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{5}} & Digit five & \verb|5| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{6}} & Digit six & \verb|6| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{7}} & Digit seven & \verb|7| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{8}} & Digit eight & \verb|8| \\ \bosoo{\glyphbcg{9}} & Digit nine & \verb|9| \\ % \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Mongolian Script Special Symbols and Punctuation Marks}\label{table:SpecialMLSCharacters} \end{table} \section{Displaying Transliterations} For huge word lists and similar material it is convenient to enter the transliteration only once and use it as input both for the Mongolian retransliteration engine and the presentation of the transliteration. A construct like \exa \vspace{8mm} \newcommand{\Keyword}[1]{#1 \bcg{#1}} \Keyword{anda} / \emph{Looks nice.} \Keyword{SaGdur} / \emph{Not as nice.} \exb \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\Keyword}[1]{#1 \bcg{#1}} \Keyword{anda} / \emph{Looks nice.} \Keyword{SaGdur} / \emph{Not as nice.} \end{verbatim} \exc is helpful as long as no capitalized single-letter entity is used. Capitalized entities look less pleasing in conventional texts; for these purposes, the command \verb|\PrettyMLS| is provided which takes input with single-letters entities and converts it to a more traditional representation.\label{cmd:PrettyMLS} \exa \vspace{5mm} \newcommand{\Keyword}[1]{% \PrettyMLS{#1} \bcg{#1}} \Keyword{anda} / \emph{Good.}\par \Keyword{SaGdur} / \emph{Good again.} \exb \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\Keyword}[1]{% \PrettyMLS{#1} \bcg{#1}} \Keyword{anda} / \emph{Good.}\par \Keyword{SaGdur} / \emph{Good again.} \end{verbatim} \exc Two additional flags, \verb|\ShowSpecialMLStrue| and \verb|\ShowSpecialMLSfalse|, can be used to activate canonical identifiers instead of the conventional notation for the special characters of table~\ref{table:SpecialMLSCharacters}.\label{ShowSpecialMLS} \exa \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \vspace{8mm} \ShowSpecialMLStrue \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \vspace{8mm} \ShowSpecialMLSfalse \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \exb \begin{verbatim} \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \ShowSpecialMLStrue \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \ShowSpecialMLSfalse \PrettyMLS{SaGdur blam=a} \end{verbatim} \exc The complete set of characters covered by \verb|\PrettyMLS| is shown in table~\ref{table:PrettyMLS}. \newcommand{\PrettyCodes}[1]{% {#1} & \ShowSpecialMLStrue\PrettyMLS{#1} & \ShowSpecialMLSfalse\PrettyMLS{#1}\\ } \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \MonTeX &\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\texttt{\char92ShowSpecialMLS}}\\ Input &true & false\\ \hline \PrettyCodes{E} \PrettyCodes{O} \PrettyCodes{U} \PrettyCodes{G} \PrettyCodes{S} \PrettyCodes{-} \PrettyCodes{=} \PrettyCodes{'} \PrettyCodes{"} \PrettyCodes{*} \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{MLS transliteration restauration}\label{table:PrettyMLS} \end{table} %% \section{Mongolian Script Input Examples}\label{bicig-examples} %% %% \textbf{Nota bene}: The following examples are all given in horizontal %% mode. It is visible that grammatical endings are always separated by %% \verb|-| whereas final vowels are separated from the stem by \verb|=|. %% Form Variant Selectors are used for differentiating between various %% forms of the same letter in similar environments; \verb|Ed'| \bcg{Ed'} %% and \verb|sayid| \bcg{sayid} will show you the difference. Without %% the Form Variant Selector, *\verb|Ed| and \verb|on| will be the same: %% \bcg{on}. %% %% \exa %% \raggedright %% \bcg{mongGol bicig. ulaGanbaGatur %% xota bol mongGol ulus-un nEyislEl. %% Ed'-Un zasaG, sayid. EngkEbayar. %% %% 1999 on. %% %% 40 tOgOrOg 20 mOnggU. bUri. %% %% blam=a badm=a. %% %% utasu: 00976,11,321654} %% \exb %% \begin{verbatim} %% \raggedright %% \bcg{mongGol bicig. ulaGanbaGatur %% xota bol mongGol ulus-un nEyislEl. %% Ed'-Un zasaG, sayid. EngkEbayar. %% %% 1999 on. %% %% 40 tOgOrOg 20 mOnggU. bUri. %% %% blam=a badm=a. %% %% utasu: 00976,1,321654} %% \end{verbatim} %% \exc %% %% \exa %% \mobox{8cm}{% %% \noindent munggul bicik. ulaganbagadur %% xuda bul munggul ulus-un neyislel. %% ed'-un zasag, sayid. engkebayar. %% %% 1999 un. %% %% 40 tuikurug 20 muingku. buiri. %% %% blam=a badm=a. %% %% udasu: 00976,1,321654 %% } %% \exb %% %\vskip-8cm %% \begin{verbatim} %% \mobox{8cm}{% %% \noindent munggul bicik. ulaganbagadur %% xuda bul munggul ulus-un neyislel. %% ed'-un zasag, sayid. engkebayar. %% %% 1999 on. %% %% 40 tuigurug 20 muingku. buiri. %% %% blam=a badm=a. %% %% udasu: 00976,1,321654 %% } %% \end{verbatim} %% \exc %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Manju Input} Manju documents can be compiled with the \refcmda{bithe} option to the \verb|\usepackage| command, which will create complete documents in Manju. Anywhere in the document, it is possible to switch to Manju input (transliteration mode) with \verb"\SetDocumentEncodingBithe"\label{cmd:SetDocumentEncodingBithe} which internally activates the \LMA\label{a:LMA} encoding. \textit{Caveat:} Since switching to Manju text requires a lot of settings to be effected at the same time, there are high-level commands available (see below, chapter~\ref{chapter:DisplayCommands}) which do all the work, including the definition of the document encoding. Thus, while \verb|\SetDocumentEncodingBithe| is indeed classified as a user-level command, it is certainly not necessary for everyday work. \section{Basic Character Set and Romanization} Given by dictionary order, the system provides a basic character set as shown in table~\ref{table:ManjuBasicChars}. \newcommand{\MaEntry}[3]{\mabosoo{#1}& #2 & #3 } \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc|ccc|ccc} Manju&Input&Latin&Manju&Input&Latin&Manju&Input&Latin\\ \hline \MaEntry{a}{a}{a} & \MaEntry{h}{h}{h} & \MaEntry{c}{c}{c} \\ \MaEntry{e}{e}{e} & \MaEntry{b}{b}{b} & \MaEntry{j}{j}{j} \\ \MaEntry{i}{i}{i} & \MaEntry{p}{p}{p} & \MaEntry{y}{y}{y} \\ \MaEntry{o*}{o}{o} & \MaEntry{s}{s}{s} & \MaEntry{k'}{k'}{k'} \\ \MaEntry{u*}{u}{u} & \MaEntry{s'}{s'}{\v s} & \MaEntry{g'}{g'}{g'} \\ \MaEntry{v}{v}{\={u}} & \MaEntry{t}{t}{t} & \MaEntry{h'}{h'}{h'} \\ \MaEntry{n}{n}{n} & \MaEntry{d}{d}{d} & \MaEntry{r}{r}{r} \\ \MaEntry{k}{k}{k} & \MaEntry{l}{l}{l} & \MaEntry{f}{f}{f} \\ \MaEntry{g}{g}{g} & \MaEntry{m}{m}{m} & \MaEntry{w}{w}{w} \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Manju Basic Character Set}\label{table:ManjuBasicChars} \end{center} \end{table} While the input method for the majority of characters matches the transliteration conventions, some letters require a slightly different treatment: \begin{enumerate} \item Although the diphtong \mabosoo{*aii*} is usually rendered as \textit{ai}, it must be entered as \texttt{aii} in order to produce the desired effect. \item The vowel which is conventionally rendered as \textit{\^u} or \textit{\=u} \mabosoo{v} can be entered as \texttt{v} or as \verb|\={u}| due to the fact that a character \textit{\^u} is not readily available on most systems. \item The consonant \textit{\v s} \mabosoo{s'} can be entered as \texttt{s'} or as \verb|\v{s}|, but not as *\texttt{sh} as to avoid undesired mergers of \textit{s} and \textit{h} like in \textit{ishun} \mabosoo{ishun} which should not be *\textit{i\v{s}un} \mabosoo{is'un}! \end{enumerate} \section{Extended Character Set} The following special characters listed in major dictionaries are provided: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} Manju & Input &Latin\\ \MaEntry{sy}{sy}{sy} \\ \MaEntry{cy}{cy}{cy} \\ \MaEntry{j'}{j'}{jy} \\ \MaEntry{dz}{dz}{dz} \\ \MaEntry{tsh}{tsh}{tsh} \\ \MaEntry{tshy}{tshy}{tshy} \\ \MaEntry{zr}{zr}{zr} \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} Please note that due to internal limitations of the retransliteration engine, \textit{jy} \mabosoo{j'} has to be entered as \texttt{j'}. \section{Tibetan Transliteration Character Set} Besides these characters, an additional small set of special characters is provided for rendering Tibetan and Uighur transliterations: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} Manju & Input &Latin \\ \MaEntry{z}{z}{z} \\ \MaEntry{zh}{zh}{zh} \\ \MaEntry{ts}{ts}{ts} \\ \MaEntry{ng'}{ng'}{ng'} \\ \MaEntry{l'}{l'}{l'} \\ \MaEntry{p'}{p'}{p'} \\ \MaEntry{t'}{t'}{t'} \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \newcommand{\MT}[2]{{\tib #1} \textit{#1} \mabosoo{#2}} \ifx\tib\undefined \def\tib{\ttfamily} \fi \newcommand{\MTibetan}[8]{% \tib #1 & \mabosoo{#2}& \tib #3 & \mabosoo{#4}& \tib #5 & \mabosoo{#6}& \tib #7 & \mabosoo{#8}\\ \tt #1 & \tt #2 & \tt #3 & \tt #4 & \tt #5 & \tt #6 & \tt #7 & \tt #8\\ } \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cc|cc|cc|cc} \MTibetan{ka}{g'a} {kha}{k'a} {ga}{ga} {nga}{ng'a} \hline \MTibetan{ca}{jiya} {cha}{cia} {ja}{ja} {nya}{niya} \hline \MTibetan{ta}{t'a} {tha}{ta} {da}{da} {na}{na} \hline \MTibetan{pa}{ba} {pha}{pa} {ba}{wa} {ma}{ma} \hline \MTibetan{tsa}{tsa} {tsha}{tsha} {dza}{dza} {wa}{wa} \hline \MTibetan{zha}{zha} {za}{za} {'}{ea} {ya}{ya} \hline \MTibetan{ra}{ra} {la}{la} {sha}{s'a} {sa}{sa} \hline \MTibetan{ha}{h|a} {a}{a} {}{} {}{} \end{tabular} \caption{Tibetan Transliteration Character Set}\label{table:ManTibTrans} \end{center} \end{table} This allows to spell out the Tibetan alphabet in Manju writing, as used in the Pentaglot dictionary for Tibetan (see table~\ref{table:ManTibTrans}) and Uighur transliterations. The following rules apply: \begin{enumerate} \item \MT{nga}{ng'a} (ma. \textit{ng'a}) is used for Tibetan initials and subscripts while finals are expressed as \mabosoo{*ng} (ma. \textit{*ng}); \item While \MT{ha}{h|a} is used for Tibetan initial {\tib ha}, a different form is taken for subscripted \textit{ha}, as in \MT{lha}{l'|a} (ma. \textit{l'a}). \end{enumerate} \subsection{Special Characters} \enlargethispage*{4ex} Manju shares with Mongolian the complete set of numbers and punctuation marks as well as a few special characters used for influencing the presentation of the writing. See also section~\ref{section:SpecialMLSCharacters}. Provided a word should end with a non-final glyph shape then the Environment Marker \mabosoo{**} is used which is entered as an asterisque \verb-*-. This is helpful for writing abbreviated words or marking non-final vowels, like \mabosoo{o*} which is entered as \verb-o*-. Whenever the plethora of diacritics used in Manju writing causes ugly clashes between adjacent letters, then the `backbone' (mong. \textit{nirugu}), entered as \verb'|', can be used to stretch the distance between clashing letter elements, like in \mabosoo{h|a} which should be entered \verb-h|a- rather than \verb-ha- resulting in \mabosoo{ha}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Display Commands\label{chapter:DisplayCommands}} Depending on the size of the Mongolian or Manju material to be displayed, the user can choose between various commands and environments which have a similar structure for both Mongolian and Manju. \section{Small Portions of Mongolian and Manju in Running Text} For displaying short Mongolian snippets in running text use \cmd{bicig}\verb|{...}|. For displaying short Manju snippets in running text use \cmd{bithe}\verb|{...}|. \exa This is \bicig{munggul bicik}. That is \bithe{manju bithe}. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \bicig{munggul bicik}. That is \bithe{manju bithe}. \end{verbatim} \exc \section{Horizontal Paragraphs of Mongolian or Manju Text} If one needs more than a few words of Mongolian or Manju but does not want to change the line orientation, then the environments \cmda{bicigtext} for Mongolian (which should be entered in Mongolian Simplified Transliteration) and \cmda{bithetext} for Manju are useful. \exa \begin{bicigtext} uindur gegen zanabazar. 17..18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncukui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen.% \end{bicigtext} \exb {\mdoublehyphenon \begin{verbatim} \begin{bicigtext} uindur gegen zanabazar. 17..18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncukui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen. \end{bicigtext} \end{verbatim}} \exc \exa \begin{bithetext} han-i araha sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe. abkai so\v{s}ohon. emu hacin. nadan meyen.% \end{bithetext} \exb \begin{verbatim} \begin{bithetext} han-i araha sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe. abkai so\v{s}ohon. emu hacin. nadan meyen.% \end{bithetext} \end{verbatim} \exc \section{Vertical Capsules} %% \section{Text in Vertical Capsules\label{VerticalCapsules}}\label{bosoo} %% %% With PostScript support, it is possible to create vertical capsules %% containing short portions of text (typically one or two words); %% the commands \verb"\bosoo{...}" does not change the current encoding %% and can be used for non-Mongolian words whereas \verb"\mbosoo{...}" %% sets the encoding temporarily to \LMS. Accepting the same input as %% \verb"\bcg{...}", writing \verb"\mbosoo" is simply a shortcut for writing %% \verb"\bosoo{\bcg{...}}" and facilitates the printing of individual %% Mongolian words in vertical appearance. %% %% %% capsules containing one word or a short series of words, %% See chapter \ref{VerticalCapsules} %% for the necessary commands. Vertical capsules like these \mbosoo{mongGol} %% \mbosoo{bicig} (\textit{mong\g ol bicig}) can appear anywhere in your %% text; line spacing etc. will adapt automatically. It is also %% possible to create margin notes with Mongolian Script. %% %% Individual Mongolian and Manju words can be placed vertically anywhere in otherwise horizontal text like in the keyword entry of dictionaries.\footnote{Famous dictionaries with a mixture of vertical and horizontal printing are I.~J.~Schmidt's Mongolian-Russian-German dictionary (1835) and F.~Lessing's Mongolian-English dictionary (1960).}. The capsule containing the Mongolian or Manju word will automatically request sufficient space so that ugly overlaps with neighbouring lines will not happen. For presenting text given in broad (or MLS) transliteration, use the command \cmd{mbosoo}\verb|{...}|; when writing in Mongolian Simplified Transliteration, use \cmd{mobosoo}\verb|{...}|; likewise for Manju, use \cmd{mabosoo}\verb|{...}|. All these commands are derived from a command \cmd{bosoo}\verb|{...}| which places text in vertical capsules but leaves the contents untouched as far as the encoding is concerned.\marginpar{% \mbosoo{mongGol}\mbosoo{bicig} \vspace{2.54mm} \raggedright\small without PostScript support Mongolian text enclosed in vertical capsules will be printed \emph{horizontally}!} \begin{figure} \exa This is \bosoo{vertical} \bosoo{text}. This is \mbosoo{mongGol} \mbosoo{bicig}, this is \mobosoo{munggul} \mobosoo{bicik}, that is \mabosoo{manju} \mabosoo{bithe}. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \bosoo{vertical} \bosoo{text}. This is \mbosoo{mongGol} \mbosoo{bicig}, this is \mobosoo{munggul} \mobosoo{bicik}, that is \mabosoo{manju} \mabosoo{bithe}. \end{verbatim} \exc \caption{Vertical Text Capsules}\label{figure:VerticalTextCapsules} \end{figure} \section{Vertical Text Boxes} For presenting individual paragraphs of Mongolian or Manju text in vertical manner in an otherwise horizontal text, there are the box commands \cmd{mobox}\verb|{...}{...}| for Mongolian% \footnote{Mongolian input \emph{must} be coded in Mongolian Simplified Transliteration; MLS input won't work.} and \cmd{mabox}\verb|{...}{...}| for Manju. These boxes take two arguments. The first argument indicates the \textit{vertical depth} of the box, or its line length. The second argument contains the desired text. An example is shown in figure~\ref{figure:VerticalTextBox} for Mongolian, and below for Manju. \begin{figure}[h] \exa \mobox{7.5cm}{% % uindur gegen zanabazar. % 17..18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncukui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen.% } \exb %\vskip-9cm {\mdoublehyphenon \begin{verbatim} \mobox{7.5cm}{% 17..18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncukui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen.% } \end{verbatim}} \exc \caption{A Vertical Text Box}\label{figure:VerticalTextBox} \end{figure} %\begin{figure}[h] \exa \mabox{3.75cm}{% \noindent\raggedleft han-i araha sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe. abkai so\v{s}ohon. emu hacin. nadan meyen.% } \exb %\vskip-5.25cm \begin{verbatim} \mabox{3.75cm}{% \noindent\raggedleft han-i araha sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe. abkai so\v{s}ohon. emu hacin. nadan meyen.% } \end{verbatim} \exc %\caption{A Manju Vertical Text Box\label{example:VerticalTextBox}} %\end{figure} \section{Full Vertical Text Pages} If you need several pages of Mongolian output, enclose your text in an environment \cmda{bicigpage}, and use \cmda{bithepage} likewise for Manju texts. Note that Mongolian must be entered in Simplified Transliteration. Finally, if you want the whole document and its basic language to be Classical, or Uighur Mongolian, say \verb|\usepackage[bicig,...]{mls}|. Likewise, complete Manju documents are produced with \verb|\usepackage[bithe,...]{mls}|. If you start a document with a \verb|\usepackage[bicig]{mls}| declaration you can still switch back to Latin by issuing an \verb|\end{bicigpage}| command. Likewise, if you start a document with a \verb|\usepackage[bithe]{mls}| declaration you can still switch back to Latin by issuing an \verb|\end{bithepage}| command. The following snippet of Mongolian text is presented in full page mode on the next pages, first in Simplified Transliteration form, then in Uighur form; in order to achieve this result the text had to be included in the environment \texttt{bicigpage}. \noindent \begin{figure} \begin{verbatim} \begin{bicigpage} uindur gegen zanabazar. 17||18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncugui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen. badumÖngke daiyan xagan-u 6-d'aki uiy=e-yin kuimun. gurban nasudai-d'agan num ungsizu enedkek gazar tuibed kele-yi xar=a ayandagan surcu, keuked axui cag-aca erdem num-un duiri-tei bulugsan zanabazar 15 nasu-tai-dagan baragun zuu (lhasa) uruzu tabudugar dalai lam=a-d'u shabilan saguzu, ulamar zebCundamba-yin xubilgan tudurazei. uran barimalci, zirugaci, kele sinzigeci, uran barilgaci, kuin uxagandan zanabazar ulan zagun zil-un daiin tululdugan-d'u nerbekden suliduzu, zugsunggi baiidal-d'u urugsan dumdadu zagun-u munggul-un suyul uralig-i serkun manduxu-d'u yeke xubi nemekuri urugulugsan yum. tekun-u abiyas bilig nuiri yeke kuidelmuri-ber munggul-un uralig nigen uiy=e tanigdasi uigei uindurlik-tu kuiruksen azei. xarin 1654 un-d'u neiislel kuiriyen-u tulg=a-yin cilagu-yi tabilcagsan zanabazar-un uran barilg=a-yin buidugel-ece uinudur-i uizeksen zuiil barug uigei ni xaramsaldai. zanabazar uindesun-u bicig uisuk-i kuikzikulku-d'u beyecilen urulcazu, suyungbu uisuk-i zukiyazu ene uiy=e suyungbu ni man-u tusagar tugdanil-un belge temdek bulugsagar baiin=a. tere-ber <> gedek silukleksen zukiyal-d'agan arad tuimen-u-ben engke amugulang, saiin saiixan-i imagda kuisen muirugedezu yabudag sedkil-un-iien uige-i ilerkeiileksen baiidag. uindur gegen duirsuleku uralig-un xubi-d'u uirun=e-yin sunggudag-ud-tai eng zergeceku buidugel-tei kuimun abacu basa xari ulus-un buzar bacir arg=a-d'u abdagdan yabugsan nigen. ... ... more text ... ... \end{bicigpage} \end{verbatim} \caption{Input Example of a Mongolian Text}\label{figure:InputMongolianExample} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{bicigpage} uindur gegen zanabazar. 17||18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du uncugui ekurge kuiicedgeksen uindur gegen zanabazar, cinggis xagan-u aldan urug-un izagur surbulzidan abadai saiin nuyan xan-u kuiu tuisiyedu xan gumbudurzi-yin ger-tu 1635 un-du tuiruksen. badumÖngke daiyan xagan-u 6-d'aki uiy=e-yin kuimun. gurban nasudai-d'agan num ungsizu enedkek gazar tuibed kele-yi xar=a ayandagan surcu, keuked axui cag-aca erdem num-un duiri-tei bulugsan zanabazar 15 nasu-tai-dagan baragun zuu (lhasa) uruzu tabudugar dalai lam=a-d'u shabilan saguzu, ulamar zebCundamba-yin xubilgan tudurazei. uran barimalci, zirugaci, kele sinzigeci, uran barilgaci, kuin uxagandan zanabazar ulan zagun zil-un daiin tululdugan-d'u nerbekden suliduzu, zugsunggi baiidal-d'u urugsan dumdadu zagun-u munggul-un suyul uralig-i serkun manduxu-d'u yeke xubi nemekuri urugulugsan yum. tekun-u abiyas bilig nuiri yeke kuidelmuri-ber munggul-un uralig nigen uiy=e tanigdasi uigei uindurlik-tu kuiruksen azei. xarin 1654 un-d'u neiislel kuiriyen-u tulg=a-yin cilagu-yi tabilcagsan zanabazar-un uran barilg=a-yin buidugel-ece uinudur-i uizeksen zuiil barug uigei ni xaramsaldai. zanabazar uindesun-u bicig uisuk-i kuikzikulku-d'u beyecilen urulcazu, suyungbu uisuk-i zukiyazu ene uiy=e suyungbu ni man-u tusagar tugdanil-un belge temdek bulugsagar baiin=a. tere-ber <> gedek silukleksen zukiyal-d'agan arad tuimen-u-ben engke amugulang, saiin saiixan-i imagda kuisen muirugedezu yabudag sedkil-un-iien uige-i ilerkeiileksen baiidag. uindur gegen duirsuleku uralig-un xubi-d'u uirun=e-yin sunggudag-ud-tai eng zergeceku buidugel-tei kuimun abacu basa xari ulus-un buzar bacir arg=a-d'u abdagdan yabugsan nigen. munggul-d'u urcigulxu uxagan yeke delgerezu baiigsan ni man-u erden ba dumdadu uiy=e-yin suyul-un nigen uncalig azei. erden-u enedkek-un kuin uxagan-u iragu naiirag, kele bicik-un sudulul, anagaxu uxagan, uralaxu uxagan zerge tabun uxagan-u zukiyal-i bagdagagsan buikude 334 budi <>, <>-i num-un mergen bagsi kuinggaudsar terikudei 64 erdemden lama urcigulun neiideleksen baiin=a. 400 zil-un terdege urcigulg=a-yin iimu eke kuiriyeleng munggul-d'u azillazu baiigsan-i tuisugelen buduxu-d'u baxadai. munggulcud erden-ece inagsi daguu xugur-tai buizik nagadum-tai xurdun kuiluk murid-tai. er=e-yin gurban nagadum-i erkimelen kuikzilduzu, ide xabu-ban bulgazu ireksen baiin=a. munggul-un zirgalang ni buizik, xurim bile. xudala-i xagan-d'u erkumzileged xurxunag-un sagalagar mudun-u duur=a xabirg=a gazar-i xalcaradal=a, ebuduk gazar-i uilduredel=e debkecen buiziklezu xurimlaba gesen uige <>-d'u bui. munggul arad-un medelge uxagan erde-ece inagsi mal azu axui, udun urun, gazar zuii, anagaxu uxagan, baiigali, neiigem-un ulan salburi-bar kuikzizu irebe. <>, <>, <>, <> medu teuke-yin ulan arban zukiyal gargazei. manzu nar <>-i muikugeku-yi kedui-ber uruldubacu uyun bilikdu, cecen celmek, erdem uxagandan tuduran garugsagar baiiba. 19-d'uger zagun bul iragu naiiragci dangzirabzai. yeke zukiyalci inzinasi dangzigvangzil nar-un amidurazu, buidugezu baiigsan uiy=e bile. \end{bicigpage} \section{Pure Uighur Mongolian and Manju Documents} Writing a complete document in Mongolian or Manju is as simple and straightforward as writing a document in English or Xalx Mongolian. The example file, \texttt{zanabazr.tex} (shipped together with this documentation and located in the directory \texttt{../examples/}) demonstrates how a pure Mongolian Bicig document can be created. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[bicig]{mls} \begin{document} uindur gegen zanabazar. 17||18 d'ugar zagun-u munggul-un neiigem, ulus tuiru, shasin-u uiiles-tu, ilangguy=a uralig-un kuikzil-du ... ... more text ... ... \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{figure} The concept is the same for Manju documents: instead of \verb|bicig| one would use the \verb|\usepackage[...]{mls}| option \verb|bithe| and enter Manju text. \section{Font Selection Commands} There are two distinct styles of Mongolian script: one style is typically used for modern print, whereas the other style appears in old block prints and stone inscriptions. Since there is no proper correspondance between Latin and Mongolian typographical features, a somewhat arbitrary assignment was made to the effect that the block print style can be activated by setting the font family sans serif with \cmd{sffamily}. In contrast, setting the roman default family with \cmd{rmfamily} switches back to the modern style. \begin{figure} \exa \mobox{2cm}{\noindent munggul\\ \sffamily munggul\\ \rmfamily munggul } \exb \begin{verbatim} \mobox{2cm}{\noindent munggul\\ \sffamily munggul\\ \rmfamily munggul} \end{verbatim} \exc \caption{Mongolian Font Styles}\label{figure:MongolianFontStyles} \end{figure} The same two commands can be applied to Manju, too. In this context it makes sense to assign, e.\,g., \verb|\sffamily| to Mongolian and \verb|\rmfamily| (which is the default anyway) to Manju. At one glance one can tell which writing represents which language. \textbf{Nota Bene}: The MLS-related Mongolian display commands are internally limited to the sans serif, or block print style, so that there is always a clear visual distinction possible which input mode was chosen. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{\MonTeX\ Software Internals} \section{\MonTeX\ System Layout} \MonTeX\ consists of many files each performing dedicated functions. These files are listed here in systematical order. \subsection{Main Package} The main package is \texttt{mls.sty}. The RL capabilities are provided by \texttt{rlbicig.sty}. \subsection{Hyphenation Patterns} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/mnhyphen.tex # Modern Mongolian texinput/mnhyphex.tex # Modern Mongolian Exceptions \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Transliteration Engines} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/mlstrans.tex # Main Transliteration Engine texinput/mlsgalig.tex # Latin Presentation Engine \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Input Encodings} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/cpctt.def texinput/cpdbk.def texinput/cpibmrus.def texinput/cpkoi.def texinput/cpmls.def texinput/cpmnk.def texinput/cpmos.def texinput/cpncc.def \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Output or Font Encodings} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/lmaenc.def # Manju texinput/lmcenc.def # Cyrillic texinput/lmoenc.def # Mongolian (Simplified Input) texinput/lmsenc.def # Mongolian Script (deprecated) texinput/lmuenc.def # Traditional Mongolian Glyph Container \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Caption Translations} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/bicig.def # Mongolian texinput/bithe.def # Manju texinput/buryat.def # Buryat texinput/english.def # English texinput/kazakh.def # Kazakh, implementation pending texinput/russian.def # Russian texinput/xalx.def # Modern Mongolian \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Font Definitions} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/lmabthhs.fd # Manju horizontal 'steel' texinput/lmabthhw.fd # Manju horizontal 'wood' texinput/lmabthvs.fd # Manju vertical 'steel' texinput/lmabthvw.fd # Manju vertical 'wood' texinput/lmccmdh.fd # Cyrillic Dunhill texinput/lmccmfib.fd # Cyrillic Fibonacci texinput/lmccmfr.fd # texinput/lmccmiss.fd # texinput/lmccmr.fd # Cyrillic CM Roman texinput/lmccmss.fd # Cyrillic CM Sans Serif texinput/lmccmssq.fd # Cyrillic CM Sans Serif Quotes texinput/lmccmtt.fd # Cyrillic CM TeleType texinput/lmccmvtt.fd # Cyrillic CM Variable TeleType texinput/lmclcmss.fd # texinput/lmobcghs.fd # Mongolian horizontal 'steel' texinput/lmobcghw.fd # Mongolian horizontal 'wood' texinput/lmobcgvs.fd # Mongolian vertical 'steel' texinput/lmobcgvw.fd # Mongolian vertical 'wood' texinput/lmsbcgh.fd # texinput/lmsbcgv.fd # texinput/lmubxghs.fd # Glyph container horizontal 'steel' texinput/lmubxghw.fd # Glyph container horizontal 'wood' texinput/lmubxgvs.fd # Glyph container vertical 'steel' texinput/lmubxgvw.fd # Glyph container vertical 'wood' \end{verbatim}} \subsection{Miscellae} {\parindent=0pt \begin{verbatim} texinput/mtdocmac.tex # Macro collection for this document texinput/TODO # The Author's To Do List \end{verbatim}} \section{\MonTeX\ Mongolian Font Layout} \begin{sloppypar} Mongolian and Manju fonts are generated from common sources in \texttt{mfinput/bcgbase}. Mongolian-specific material is kept in \texttt{mfinput/bicig}, Manju-specific material is kept in \texttt{mfinput/bithe}. All Mongolian fonts can be used for RL \emph{and} for LR typesetting. Individual font names are best described by the following regular expression: $$ (bcg|bth|bxg)[hv][sw][mb] $$ Here, \emph{bcg} stands for Mongolian, \emph{bth} for Manju and \emph{bxg} for the generic Mongolian glyph container. The next letter indicates whether the material is to be typeset \emph{h}orizontally or \emph{v}ertically. The next letter indicates the typeface: \emph{s}teel or \emph{w}. The last letter indicates a \emph{m}edium or \emph{b}old font. \end{sloppypar} \section{\texttt{bxg}: A Generic Mongolian Glyph Container} Besides dedicated fonts for Mongolian and Manju, the \MonTeX\ font system offers a generic glyph container which is accessible through the \LMU\ encoding. The name of this glyph container is \texttt{bxg}, and all glyphs (the superset of Mongolian and Manju) are available in both font families (block print and modern print styles) of the \LMO\ and \LMA\ encodings. Please note that at present there is no working ligature mechanism associated with \texttt{bxg}; hence it cannot be used for general-purpose text at the moment. In the future, the \texttt{bxg} generic glyph container will manage the Unicode interface. \section{Unicode Mongolian and \MonTeX\label{Unicode}} In the present version, a first attempt was made to provide Unicode compatibility. Please note that at this stage the Unicode of \MonTeX\ is purely experimental! Unicode-encoded Traditional Mongolian is located at plane \texttt{U+1800} and contains canonical characters for Mongolian, Sibe, Manju and Todo. There is also a rich collection of Ali Gali (or Galig) characters used for transliterating Sanskrit, Tibetan and other languages into Mongolian, Manju etc. \MonTeX\ covers a subset of Unicode Traditional Mongolian which is sufficient to typeset modern Mongolian and Manju texts as well as a choice of Tibetan words transliterated in Manju (as in the Pentaglot dictionary, e.\,g.). At the moment, language-specific groups of Unicode characters are mirrored into the related encodings. It is therefore necessary to tag the desired language with the \texttt{SetDocumentEncoding<...>} command in order to achieve the appropriate ligature behaviour. The availability of individual Unicode Mongolian characters and their canonical names are shown in table~\ref{table:UnicodeMongolian}. The astute observer will note several discrepancies between the official Unicode standard documentation and this particular, \emph{experimental} implementation: \begin{enumerate} \item Canonical letter shapes differ from those shown in the standard documentation. In context, however, the characters behave as they should. \item There is not yet a third MVS in \MonTeX. \item The Mongolian front vowels are not yet treated properly. \item The complete Todo range of characters is missing. \item Most of the Mongolian Ali Gali (Galig) characters are missing; there are, however some Manju Galig characters. \item Unicode decided to choose a special space to separate morpheme boundaries; this character is \emph{not} part of the Traditional Mongolian plane (sic!). Also, this character is defined as a non-breaking space, which contrasts with the understanding of the \MonTeX\ authors. \end{enumerate} This list of differences between Unicode Traditional Mongolian and \MonTeX\ Mongolian and Manju is incomplete. % % Key: 0 no language % 1 available in LMO % 2 available in LMA % 3 = 1 + 2 -> available in LMO and LMA % 4 available in Todo % 8 available in Symbols % \newcommand{\UM}[5]{% % 1. Unicode Code Position \texttt{U+#1}& % 2. Availability in MonTeX; key see above \ifcase#2 % 0 \or\mobosoo{\csname #4\endcsname\noboundary}% 1 \or\mabosoo{\csname #4\endcsname\noboundary}% 2 \or\mobosoo{\csname #4\endcsname\noboundary}% 3 \else \fi & % 3. Unicode Name \texttt{\small\ifnum#2=0(\fi#3\ifnum#2=0)\fi}\newline % 4. MonTeX Name \texttt{\small\char92 #4}& % 5. MonTeX Encoding \ifnum#2=0 (n.\,a.)\else #5\fi\\ } \noindent \begin{longtable}{rcp{8cm}l} Code &Character&Unicode Name\newline\MonTeX\ Name& \MonTeX\ Encoding\\ \hline \UM{1800}{0}{MONGOLIAN BIRGA} {textmongolianbirga}{} \UM{1801}{3}{MONGOLIAN ELLIPSIS} {textmongolianellipsis}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1802}{1}{MONGOLIAN COMMA} {textmongoliancomma}{LMO} \UM{1803}{1}{MONGOLIAN FULL STOP} {textmongolianfullstop}{LMO} \UM{1804}{3}{MONGOLIAN COLON} {textmongoliancolon}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1805}{3}{MONGOLIAN FOUR DOTS} {textmongolianfourdots}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1806}{0}{MONGOLIAN TODO SOFT HYPHEN} {textmongoliantodosofthyphen}{} \UM{1807}{0}{MONGOLIAN SIBE SYLLABLE BOUNDARY MARKER} {textmongoliansibesyllableboundarymarker}{} \UM{1808}{2}{MONGOLIAN MANCHU COMMA} {textmongolianmanchucomma}{LMA} \UM{1809}{2}{MONGOLIAN MANCHU FULL STOP} {textmongolianmanchufullstop}{LMA} \UM{180A}{3}{MONGOLIAN NIRUGU} {textmongoliannirugu}{LMO, LMA} \UM{180B}{3}{MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR ONE} {textmongolianfreevariationselectorone}{LMO, LMA} \UM{180C}{3}{MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR TWO} {textmongolianfreevariationselectortwo}{LMO, LMA} \UM{180D}{0}{MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR THREE} {textmongolianfreevariationselectorthree}{} \UM{180E}{3}{MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR} {textmongolianvowelseparator}{LMO, LMA} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \UM{1810}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT ZERO} {textmongolianzero}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1811}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT ONE} {textmongolianone}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1812}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT TWO} {textmongoliantwo}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1813}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT THREE} {textmongolianthree}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1814}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT FOUR} {textmongolianfour}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1815}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT FIVE} {textmongolianfive}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1816}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT SIX} {textmongoliansix}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1817}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT SEVEN} {textmongolianseven}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1818}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT EIGHT} {textmongolianeight}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1819}{3}{MONGOLIAN DIGIT NINE} {textmongoliannine}{LMO, LMA} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \UM{1820}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER A} {textmongoliana}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1821}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER E} {textmongoliane}{LMO} \UM{1822}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER I} {textmongoliani}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1823}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER O} {textmongoliano}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1824}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER U} {textmongolianu}{LMO} \UM{1825}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER OE} {textmongolianoe}{LMO} \UM{1826}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER UE} {textmongolianue}{LMO} \UM{1827}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER EE} {textmongolianee}{LMO} \UM{1828}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER NA} {textmongolianna}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1829}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ANG} {textmongolianang}{LMO, LMA} \UM{182A}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER BA} {textmongolianba}{LMO, LMA} \UM{182B}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER PA} {textmongolianpa}{LMO} \UM{182C}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER QA} {textmongolianqa}{LMO} \UM{182D}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER GA} {textmongolianga}{LMO} \UM{182E}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MA} {textmongolianma}{LMO, LMA} \UM{182F}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER LA} {textmongolianla}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1830}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SA} {textmongoliansa}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1831}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SHA} {textmongoliansha}{LMO} \UM{1832}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TA} {textmongolianta}{LMO} \UM{1833}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER DA} {textmongolianda}{LMO} \UM{1834}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER CHA} {textmongoliancha}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1835}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER JA} {textmongolianja}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1836}{3}{MONGOLIAN LETTER YA} {textmongolianya}{LMO, LMA} \UM{1837}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER RA} {textmongolianra}{LMO} \UM{1838}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER WA} {textmongolianwa}{LMO} \UM{1839}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER FA} {textmongolianfa}{LMO} \UM{183A}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER KA} {textmongolianka}{LMO} \UM{183B}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER KHA} {textmongoliankha}{LMO} \UM{183C}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TSA} {textmongoliantsa}{LMO} \UM{183D}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ZA} {textmongolianza}{LMO} \UM{183E}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER HAA} {textmongolianhaa}{LMO} \UM{183F}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ZRA} {textmongolianzra}{LMO} \UM{1840}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER LHA} {textmongolianlha}{LMO} \UM{1841}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ZHI} {textmongolianzhi}{LMO} \UM{1842}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER CHI} {textmongolianchi}{LMO} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \UM{1843}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO LONG VOWEL SIGN} {textmongoliantodolongvowelsign}{} \UM{1844}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO E} {textmongoliantodoe}{} \UM{1845}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO I} {textmongoliantodoi}{} \UM{1846}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO O} {textmongoliantodoo}{} \UM{1847}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO U} {textmongoliantodou}{} \UM{1848}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO OE} {textmongoliantodooe}{} \UM{1849}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO UE} {textmongoliantodoue}{} \UM{184A}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO ANG} {textmongoliantodoang}{} \UM{184B}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO BA} {textmongoliantodoba}{} \UM{184C}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO PA} {textmongoliantodopa}{} \UM{184D}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO QA} {textmongoliantodoqa}{} \UM{184E}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO GA} {textmongoliantodoga}{} \UM{184F}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO MA} {textmongoliantodoma}{} \UM{1850}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO TA} {textmongoliantodota}{} \UM{1851}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO DA} {textmongoliantododa}{} \UM{1852}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO CHA} {textmongoliantodocha}{} \UM{1853}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO JA} {textmongoliantodoja}{} \UM{1854}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO TSA} {textmongoliantodotsa}{} \UM{1855}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO YA} {textmongoliantodoya}{} \UM{1856}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO WA} {textmongoliantodowa}{} \UM{1857}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO KA} {textmongoliantodoka}{} \UM{1858}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO GAA} {textmongoliantodogaa}{} \UM{1859}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO HAA} {textmongoliantodohaa}{} \UM{185A}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO JIA} {textmongoliantodojia}{} \UM{185B}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO NIA} {textmongoliantodonia}{} \UM{185C}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO DZA} {textmongoliantododza}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \UM{185D}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE E} {textmongoliansibee}{LMA} \UM{185E}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE I} {textmongoliansibei}{} \UM{185F}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE IY} {textmongoliansibeiy}{} \UM{1860}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE UE} {textmongoliansibeue}{LMA} \UM{1861}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE U} {textmongoliansibeu}{LMA} \UM{1862}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE ANG} {textmongoliansibeang}{LMA} \UM{1863}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE KA} {textmongoliansibeka}{} \UM{1864}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE GA} {textmongoliansibega}{LMA} \UM{1865}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE HA} {textmongoliansibeha}{LMA} \UM{1866}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE PA} {textmongoliansibepa}{LMA} \UM{1867}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE SHA} {textmongoliansibesha}{LMA} \UM{1868}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE TA} {textmongoliansibeta}{LMA} \UM{1869}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE DA} {textmongoliansibeda}{LMA} \UM{186A}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE JA} {textmongoliansibeja}{} \UM{186B}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE FA} {textmongoliansibefa}{LMA} \UM{186C}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE GAA} {textmongoliansibegaa}{LMA} \UM{186D}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE HAA} {textmongoliansibehaa}{LMA} \UM{186E}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE TSA} {textmongoliansibetsa}{LMA} \UM{186F}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE ZA} {textmongoliansibeza}{LMA} \UM{1870}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE RAA} {textmongoliansiberaa}{LMA} \UM{1871}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE CHA} {textmongoliansibecha}{LMA} \UM{1872}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER SIBE ZHA} {textmongoliansibezha}{} \UM{1873}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU I} {textmongolianmanchui}{} \UM{1874}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU KA} {textmongolianmanchuka}{LMA} \UM{1875}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU RA} {textmongolianmanchura}{LMA} \UM{1876}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU FA} {textmongolianmanchufa}{LMA} \UM{1877}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ZHA} {textmongolianmanchuzha}{LMA} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \UM{1880}{1}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI ANUSVARA ONE} {textmongolianaligalianusvaraone}{LMO} \UM{1881}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI VISARGA ONE} {textmongolianaligalivisargaone}{} \UM{1882}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DAMARU} {textmongolianaligalidamaru}{} \UM{1883}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI UBADAMA} {textmongolianaligaliubadama}{} \UM{1884}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI INVERTED UBADAMA} {textmongolianaligaliinvertedubadama}{} \UM{1885}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI BALUDA} {textmongolianaligalibaluda}{} \UM{1886}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI THREE BALUDA} {textmongolianaligalithreebaluda}{} \UM{1887}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI A} {textmongolianaligalia}{} \UM{1888}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI I} {textmongolianaligalii}{} \UM{1889}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI KA} {textmongolianaligalika}{} \UM{188A}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI NGA} {textmongolianaligalinga}{} \UM{188B}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI CA} {textmongolianaligalica}{} \UM{188C}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI TTA} {textmongolianaligalitta}{} \UM{188D}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI TTHA} {textmongolianaligalittha}{} \UM{188E}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DDA} {textmongolianaligalidda}{} \UM{188F}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI NNA} {textmongolianaligalinna}{} \UM{1890}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI TA} {textmongolianaligalita}{} \UM{1891}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DA} {textmongolianaligalida}{} \UM{1892}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI PA} {textmongolianaligalipa}{} \UM{1893}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI PHA} {textmongolianaligalipha}{} \UM{1894}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI SSA} {textmongolianaligalissa}{} \UM{1895}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI ZHA} {textmongolianaligalizha}{} \UM{1896}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI ZA} {textmongolianaligaliza}{} \UM{1897}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI AH} {textmongolianaligaliah}{} \UM{1898}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO ALI GALI TA} {textmongoliantodoaligalita}{} \UM{1899}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER TODO ALI GALI ZHA} {textmongoliantodoaligalizha}{} \UM{189A}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI GHA} {textmongolianmanchualigaligha}{} \UM{189B}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI NGA} {textmongolianmanchualigalinga}{LMA} \UM{189C}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI CA} {textmongolianmanchualigalica}{LMA} \UM{189D}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI JHA} {textmongolianmanchualigalijha}{} \UM{189E}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI TTA} {textmongolianmanchualigalitta}{} \UM{189F}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI DDHA} {textmongolianmanchualigaliddha}{} \UM{18A0}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI TA} {textmongolianmanchualigalita}{} \UM{18A1}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI DHA} {textmongolianmanchualigalidha}{} \UM{18A2}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI SSA} {textmongolianmanchualigalissa}{} \UM{18A3}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI CYA} {textmongolianmanchualigalicya}{} \UM{18A4}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI ZHA} {textmongolianmanchualigalizha}{LMA} \UM{18A5}{2}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI ZA} {textmongolianmanchualigaliza}{LMA} \UM{18A6}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI HALF U} {textmongolianaligalihalfu}{} \UM{18A7}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI HALF YA} {textmongolianaligalihalfya}{} \UM{18A8}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALI GALI BHA} {textmongolianmanchualigalibha}{} \UM{18A9}{0}{MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DAGALGA} {textmongolianaligalidagalga}{} % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %\hline \caption{Unicode Mongolian Code Positions and Associated Commands% }\label{table:UnicodeMongolian}\\ \end{longtable} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{External Support Software} \section{MLS Software} With \MonTeX, it is still possible to process documents generated with the MLS software package. The MLS converter produces Cyrillic and Mongolian Script texts out of transliterations using the MLS codepage. Documents encoded in MLS can be directly processed, no further conversion is necessary. \section{Simplified Transliteration Converter} The directory \texttt{../source/} contains a small MLS to Simplified Transliteration converter written in Perl. This file can be used directly if Perl exists on your system. Perl is available under a Public Licence for a huge variety of platforms. Consult CPAN (\texttt{www.cpan.org}) for information and downloads. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Shortcomings, Bugs and Desiderata} \section{Hyphenation Patterns} The Mongolian hyphenation patterns delivered with \MonTeX\ are still under development, so please expect occasional hyphenation errors. It must be also noted that for proper hyphenation of critical words \sh\ should be entered as \verb|\sh|, not as \verb|sh| since the first is a character command processed by \LaTeXe\ while the latter is a ligature processed by Metafont. If a wrong hyphenation is spotted please check first whether the word in question contains ligature statements (\verb|sh|, \verb|ya|, \verb|yu| etc.) which should then replaced by the proper character commands. It is usually sufficient to add a leading back slash and include the entity in braces: \verb|{\ya}| is as good as \verb*|\ya |. Hyphenation patterns for Russian exist but are still to be re-encoded in \LMC\ encoding; Buryat hyphenation rules are still to be defined. \section{Retransliteration Problems} Apart from being incomplete as far as some arcane writing variants are concerned, the MLS (Broad Romanization) retransliteration engine provided with \MonTeX\ has two serious shortcomings. Firstly, the input can only consist of letters, punctuation marks and numbers. Any \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ command (including \verb|\"a| for \emph{\"a} and friends) makes the retransliteration engine fail. Secondly, for large quantities of text, the retransliteration system is agonizingly slow. The Simplified Transliteration is incorporated into a fontencoding, \LMO, which can be selected as default encoding. This allows for complete freedom of all \LaTeX\ commands but requires an initial amount of practise. \section{Missing Caption Definitions} The translated captions provided with \MonTeX\ are not completely translated at the moment. Notably \tttt{ccname} and \tttt{headtoname} are missing in Mongolian and Buryat, mainly due to grammatical reasons. This will be fixed in later versions. \section{Page Headers and Text Encodings} In rare cases it is possible that a \verb|\section| text appearing in a header or footer which is supposed to be typeset in Cyrillic letters is output in Latin letters. This happens if the text on that very page contains encoding selection commands which happen to fall near the page boundary. The only remedy is to enclose the argument text in an additional \verb|{\mnr ...}| command (or vice versa for Latin). \section{The \texttt{kminch} Font} The Cyrillic typefaces of \MonTeX\ are completed by inch-high sans serif capital letters good for book titles etc. Unfortunately, they cannot be used orthogonally with the other fonts in \Tone\ (Latin characters) and \LMC\ (Cyrillic characters) encoding since their definition is based on \TeX\ primitives rather than \LaTeXe's NFSS font selection scheme. %% \section{The \emph{gamma} and its Shape} %% %% The original \TeX\ environment only provides an italic gamma %% which is intended for the math mode. This gamma is used for %% transliterating Mongolian; it does not perfectly blend into roman %% text. The \texttt{LGR} Greek font provides a gamma which blends better %% with roman text. If \texttt{LGR} Greek is installed on your system then %% \MonTeX\ will automatically pick the appropriate fonts. %% %% \begin{quote} %% \begin{verbatim} %% \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} %% %\usepackage[T3,LMS,LMC,T1]{fontenc} % <- Uncomment these lines %% \usepackage[latin1]{mls} % if you use the TIPA %% %\usepackage[noenc]{tipa} % <- package. Check line 42 %% [...] %% % %% % You obtain a nicer `gamma' by uncommenting the following line %% % but if you do so make sure the TIPA package gets included. %% % You should then uncomment line no. 18 of this file. %% % %% %\renewcommand{\g}{\textipa{\textgamma}} %% %% \end{verbatim} %% \end{quote} %% %% %% \section{Error Message \texttt{option clash}} %% %% The interaction of \MonTeX\ with other language support packages for %% \LaTeXe\ has not been thoroughly tested and problems may well arise %% from using conflicting commands, character presentations etc. One known %% constellation causing concern is the \texttt{tipa} package. This %% package calls \texttt{fontenc} with its own options with the %% potential of producing an option clash. In this case follow the %% instructions given in the \texttt{tipa} manual and start the %% \texttt{tipa} package with the %% \texttt{noenc} option. The following excerpt from a document %% preamble is known to work: %% \begin{quote} %% \begin{verbatim} %% \usepackage[T3,LMS,LMC,T1]{fontenc} %% \usepackage[latin1]{mls} %% \usepackage[noenc]{tipa} %% \end{verbatim} %% \end{quote} %% %% \section{Problems with PostScript Fonts} \begin{sloppypar} Any attempt to compile this document with \texttt{pslatex} or declare \tttt{usepackage\{pslatex\}} in the preamble works for the bulk of the document but reduces the Cyrillic typefaces to Roman only (see tables~\ref{table:SpecialCyrCharacters} and ~\ref{table:typeface}) and eliminates some of the transliteration symbols (see table~\ref{table:shortcuts}). A solution has not yet been defined. \end{sloppypar} \section{Error Message regarding \tttt{selectlanguage}} There seem to be differences in the nature of installed \LaTeXe\ platforms; emtex shows a behaviour different from teTeX with regard to pre-loaded language options. On teTeX systems, no error message concerning the redefinition of the \texttt{selectlanguage} command occurs, on emtex systems such a message may occur if no other language support packages are loaded. This error message can be safely ignored but the author hopes to find a solution later. \section{Printer Memory Overflow} Depending on the printing system it may happen that a Printer Memory Overflow message is generated when attempting to print this text. So far, this happened only on emtex systems running on plain \textsf{DOS}. This is an exceptional situation caused by the very high number of fonts used for this document. The error message never occurred on systems with PostScript postprocessing of the DVI file. It is very simple and straightforward to reduce the number of typeface examples of this document. Near the beginning of the source file of this very text, the lines \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} % If emtex goofs with (printer) memory overflow % when attempting to print this document then % set the following number to "1", recompile and % increase the number step by step until all % examples are printed. The maximum value is 6. \newcounter{FontSamples} \setcounter{FontSamples}{6} % <--- Modify this number! \end{verbatim} \end{quote} can be found. It is now possible to increase the number of printed typeface samples step by step until either memory saturation is reached or the system manages to print all fonts. In addition, it should be noted that printing this documentation for the first time may take some time until all fonts are computed. \section{Error Reports} Time is a most precious resource and one of the main reasons why the authors decided \emph{not} to support other environments than \LaTeXe. If \MonTeX\ does not work for you because you use a \LaTeX% 2.09 installation, or expect to find a working system for plain \TeX\ support, then the author cannot assist you beyond the advice to install the most recent version of \LaTeXe. If you find a bug or think a feature is missing which you'd like to see included then your comments are most welcome. One of the authors can be reached by e-mail (\texttt{corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de}), and available updates will appear in Infosystem Mongolei (\texttt{http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/\~{}corff}). Please check the MLS directory for available releases and patches. \section{Outlook and Desiderata} Unfortunately, some code positions in the Metafont sources of \MonTeX\ haven't been frozen yet. In addition, the authors are not happy yet with some of the interaction performed by certain glyph combinations. This will have to be refined definitely! Last but not least, some of the font metrics will undergo further tuning which all implies that documents containing Mongolian or Manju text should be recompiled once a new version of this software is issued. With $\Omega$mega lurking around, \MonTeX\ should actually be obsolete work. A unified encoding comprising all Mongolian writings has been integrated into Unicode 3.0 and ISO 10646. The author needed a quick solution for ongoing lexicographical work (the Pentaglot database, that is) and will merge Unicode support with the existing Mon\TeX\ system later. At a future point, there will also be full-featured $\Omega$mega support. Anyway, whatever the mistakes and the shortcomings are that have crept into this system, I can only kindly ask you to blame me. \vspace{1cm} \hfill\parbox{6cm}{\kit{Migj"ad Janra"isig Burxny m"almi"i n"a"as"an o"in "olzi"it"a"i "od"or biqiw.}} \vspace{1cm} \hfill\parbox{6cm}{\it Now go forth and create beautiful Manju text!\\ Oliver Corff, Shenyang, April 1st, 2001} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part{Commands in Alphabetical Order\label{CommandReference}} \chapter{Alphabetical Command Reference} All user level commands available in \MonTeX\ are given here in alphabetical order. Every entry in the following list has up to seven sections which are only present if necessary: \begin{description} \item [Synopsis] shows the usage of the command; \item [Function] states its purpose and function; \item [Limitations] in functional range, allowed input etc. are stated here; \item [Comments] and additional information about purpose and nature of the command; \item [Related commands] in the command reference; \item [See page] of the main text; \item [Example] shows a typical application. If several related commands have the same usage and command syntax, then only one example is given which is typically found at the first place a command is mentioned. One example is the command for numbering by letters: The commands \verb|\Asbuk|, \verb|\Useg| and \verb|\Uzeg| are similar, and an example is only given under \verb|\Asbuk|. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{Asbuk} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by upper case Cyrillic letters, Russian style.} % Function {+} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 28.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92asbuk \char92Useg \char92useg \char92Uzeg \char92uzeg} % See also {cmd:Asbuk} % See page \exa Position 25 is \Uzeg{25}) in Buryat, \Useg{25}) in Xalx Mongolian and \Asbuk{25}) in Russian. \exb \begin{verbatim} Position 25 is \Uzeg{25}) in Buryat, \Useg{25}) in Xalx Mongolian and \Asbuk{25}) in Russian. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{asbuk} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by lower case Cyrillic letters, Russian style.} % Function {-} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 28.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92Asbuk \char92Useg \char92useg % \char92Uzeg \char92uzeg} % See also {cmd:asbuk} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{bcg} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Generates Classical Mongolian out of \MonTeX-ified MLS transliteration.} % Function {+} % Example {\emph{} can only consist of unexpandable characters; any \TeX\ or \LaTeXe\ command sequence (even those for dotted vowels like \tttt{{}"{}a}) make the system derail.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92glyphbcg \char92PrettyMLS} % See also {cmd:bcg} % See page \exa \emph{mong\g ol bicig} is \bcg{mongGol bicig}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{mong\g ol bicig} is \bcg{mongGol bicig}. \end{verbatim} \exc %% \MyCommand{blr} % Command Name %% {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments %% {-} % Function %% {-} % Example %% {-} % Limitations %% {Implemented, but not yet functional} % Comments %% {-} % See also %% {-} % See page %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{bicig} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Generates Classical Mongolian out of Simplified Transliteration.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bcg \char92bithe}% See also {cmd:bicig} % See page \exa \emph{munggul bicik} is \bicig{munggul bicik}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{munggul bicik} is \bicig{munggul bicik}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bicig} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets document language to Uighur, or Bicig Mongolian.} % Function {-} % Example {Cooperates well only with Simplified Transliteration as its underlying encoding is \LMO.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bithe buryat english russian xalx} % See also {a:bicig} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bicigpage} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \texttt{bithepage}, it provides full pages of vertical Mongolian text.} % Function {-} % Example {Like all commands of the vertical output family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical display. In addition, a functional e-\LaTeX\ environment is mandatory. Mongolian must be entered in Simplified Transliteration.% } % Limitations {-} % Comments {bithepage bicigtext bithetext} % See also {a:bicigpage} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bicigtext} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \texttt{bicigpage}, it provides full paragraphs of Uighur Mongolian text, but in horizontal line orientation.% } % Function {-} % Example {Mongolian must be entered in Simplified Transliteration, and a functional e-\LaTeX\ environment is mandatory.% } % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicigpage bithepage bithetext} % See also {a:bicigtext} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{BicigToday} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the date in Uighur Mongolian.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {Internal command. Authors should use \tttt{today} which is redefined automatically by the \texttt{bicig} option when calling the \texttt{mls} package.} % Comments {\char92BitheToday \char92BuryatToday \char92RussianToday \char92XalxToday}% See also {cmd:today} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{bithe} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Generates Manju out of transliterated material.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bicig}% See also {cmd:bithe} % See page \exa \emph{manju bithe} is \bithe{manju bithe}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{manju bithe} is \bithe{manju bithe}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bithe} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets document language to Manju.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicig buryat english russian xalx} % See also {a:bithe} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bithepage} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \texttt{bicigpage}, it provides full pages of vertical Manju text.} % Function {-} % Example {Like all commands of the vertical output family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical display. In addition, a functional e-\LaTeX\ environment is mandatory.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicigpage bicigtext bithetext} % See also {a:bithepage} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{bithetext} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \texttt{bithepage}, it provides full pages of Manju text, but in horizontal line orientation.} % Function {-} % Example {A functional e-\LaTeX\ environment is mandatory.% } % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicigpage bithepage bicigtext} % See also {a:bithetext} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{BitheToday} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the date in Manju.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Internal command. Authors should use \tttt{today} which is redefined automatically by the \texttt{bithe} option when calling the \texttt{mls} package.} % Comments {\char92BicigToday \char92RussianToday \char92XalxToday}% See also {cmd:today} % See page \marginpar{\mabosoo{\BitheToday}} \exa \exb \begin{verbatim} \marginpar{\mabosoo{\BitheToday}} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{bosoo} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Prints text in vertical capsules.} % Function {+} % Example {PostScript support is required for presenting the output. The \texttt{rotating} package must be installed. If \MonTeX\ cannot find \texttt{rotating} encapsulated material will be printed horizontally.}% Limitations {Line spacing etc. adjust automatically. Useful for dictionaries etc.} % Comments {\char92mabosoo \char92mbosoo \char92mobosoo} % See also {cmd:bosoo} % See page \exa A \bosoo{vertical} word. \exb \begin{verbatim} A \bosoo{vertical} word. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{buryat} % Command Name {} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets document language to Buryat.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicig bithe english russian xalx} % See also {a:buryat} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{BuryatToday} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the date in Buryat.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Internal command. Authors should use \tttt{today} which is redefined automatically by the \texttt{buryat} option when calling the \texttt{mls} package.} % Comments {\char92BicigToday \char92BitheToday \char92RussianToday \char92XalxToday}% See also {cmd:today} % See page \exa \BuryatToday\par \RussianToday\par \XalxToday\par \exb \begin{verbatim} \BuryatToday\par \RussianToday\par \XalxToday\par \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ch} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Creates a \emph{ch} which is used for Mongolian transliterations.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92g \char92sh} % See also {table:shortcuts} % See page \exa \emph{\Sh agdar} and \emph{\Ch adraa} are transliterations for {\mnr\Sh agdar} and {\mnr\Ch adraa}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{\Sh agdar} and \emph{\Ch adraa} are transliterations for {\mnr\Sh agdar} and {\mnr\Ch adraa}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{cminch} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Produces inch-high bold sans serif latin letters for book titles etc.} % Function {-} % Example {Only capital letters and numbers available.} % Limitations {This command bypasses the NFSS font setup, hence deprecated since the font provided by this command does not orthogonally follow with the font changes of the main document.} % Comments {\char92kminch} % See also {cmd:cminch} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{CYR}% % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Allows writing of Cyrillic letters in non-Cyrillic environments without changing the document language.}% Function {-} % Example {\emph{letter name} must be one of A, B, V, G, D, E, % Limitations YO, ZH, Z, I, ISHRT, K, L, M, N, O, OTLD, P, R, S, T, U, Y, F, H, HSHA, C, CH, SH, SHCH, HRDSN, ERY, SFTSN, EREV, YU or YA.} {This set of letter names provides compatibility with the forthcoming T2 Cyrillic encoding designed to be the future \LaTeXe{} standard encoding for the extended Cyrillic alphabets.} % Comments {\char92cyr} % See also {cyralpha} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{cyr}% % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Allows writing of Cyrillic letters in non-Cyrillic environments without changing the document language.}% Function {+} % Example {\emph{letter name} must be one of a, b, v, G, D, e, % Limitations yo, zh, z, i, ishrt, k, l, m, n, o, otld, p, r, s, t, u, y, f, h, hsha, c, ch, sh, shch, hrdsn, erevy, hrdsn, erev, yu or ya.} {-} % Comments {\char92CYR} % See also {cyralpha} % See page \exa \CYRM\cyro\cyrn\cyrg\cyro\cyrl \exb \begin{verbatim} \CYRM\cyro\cyrn\cyrg\cyro\cyrl \end{verbatim} \exc %% \MyCommand{CyrLHStyle}% % Command Name %% {\texttt{(true|false)}} % Synopsis, number of arguments %% {Allows writing of Cyrillic letters in non-Cyrillic %% environments without changing the document language.}% Function %% {-} % Example %% {Only the letter names %% \texttt{w e j ij oe ue h x q qh xat y zln e} %% are affected.} % Limitations %% {The default is \texttt{false}.} % Comments %% {\char92CYR \char92cyr \char92CyrLHStyle} % See also %% {cyrlhstyle} % See page %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{g} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Creates a \emph{gamma} which is used for Mongolian transliterations.} % Function {+} % Example {Only a limited number of typefaces is available in standard \MonTeX.} % Limitations {More \emph{gamma} shapes are provided by the Modern Greek package which is loaded automatically by \MonTeX\ if available.}% Comments {\char92ch \char92sh} % See also {table:shortcuts} % See page \exa mong\g ol-un \g azar nutu\g \exb \begin{verbatim} mong\g ol-un \g azar nutu\g \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{glyphbcg} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Accepts MLS glyph transliteration as input for Mongolian.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Comments {Inconvenient for anything longer than five glyphs.}% Limitations {\char92bcg} % See also {cmd:glyphbcg} % See page \exa \glyphbcg{@moaNnnoL @aoloS} \exb \begin{verbatim} \glyphbcg{@moaNnnoL @aoloS} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ImplementationLevel} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Shows the Implentation Level of \MonTeX.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Only for administrative purposes.} % Comments {\char92Version(Date|Kirill|Mongol|Release)}% See also {-} % See page \exa This is \MonTeX\ \ImplementationLevel \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \MonTeX\ \ImplementationLevel \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{kbf} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic boldface capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \kbf{kirill b\"ud\"u\"un} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \kbf{kirill b\"ud\"u\"un} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{kit} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic italic capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \kit{kirill biqm\"al} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \kit{kirill biqm\"al} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{kminch} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Produces inch-high bold sans serif cyrillic letters for book titles etc.} % Function {-} % Example {Only capital letters and numbers available.} % Limitations {This command bypasses the NFSS font setup, hence deprecated since the font provided by this command does not orthogonally follow with the font changes of the main document.} % Comments {\char92 cminch} % See also {cmd:kminch} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{krm} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic <> capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \krm{kirill shuluun} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \krm{kirill shuluun} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ksc} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic small caps capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \ksc{kirill jijig tom \"usgi\"in} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \ksc{kirill jijig tom \"usgi\"in} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ksf} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic sans serif capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \ksf{kirill ogtolson} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \ksf{kirill ogtolson} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ksl} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic slanted capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \ksl{kirill naluu} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \ksl{kirill naluu} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ktt} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Cyrillic typewriter capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa This is \ktt{kirill biqgi\"in mashiny} writing. \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \ktt{kirill biqgi\"in mashiny} writing. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lat} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin capsule.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92xalx} % See also {capsules} % See page \exa {\mnr Mongol ba \lat{English}} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr Mongol ba \lat{English}} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lbf} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin boldface capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lbf{latin boldface} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lbf{latin boldface} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lit} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin italic capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lit{latin italic} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lit{latin italic} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lrm} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin roman capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|sc|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lrm{latin roman} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lrm{latin roman} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lsc} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin small caps capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sf|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsc{latin small caps} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsc{latin small caps} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lsf} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin sans serif capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sl|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsf{latin sans serif} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsf{latin sans serif} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{lsl} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin slanted capsule.}% Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|tt)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsl{latin slanted} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \lsl{latin slanted} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ltt} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Latin typewriter capsule.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92k(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl|tt) \char92l(bf|it|rm|sc|sf|sl)}% See also {typefacecapsules} % See page \exa {\mnr \"An\"a bol \ltt{latin typewriter} shrift.} \exb \begin{verbatim} {\mnr \"An\"a bol \ltt{latin typewriter} shrift.} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%% \MyCommand{mbc} % Command Name %%%% {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments %%%% {-} % Function %%%% {-} % Example %%%% {-} % Limitations %%%% {-} % Comments %%%% {bcg} % See also %%%% {-} % See page %%%% %%%% \exa %%%% \ImplementationLevel %%%% \exb %%%% \begin{verbatim} %%%% \ImplementationLevel %%%% \end{verbatim} %%%% \exc %%%% %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mabosoo} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \char92mobosoo, it provides vertical capsules of text, but \emph{} is treated as Manju.} % Function {+} % Example {Like all commands of the \tttt{bosoo} family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical display.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bosoo \char92mbosoo \char92mobosoo} % See also {cmd:mabosoo} % See page \exa \emph{manju} \mabosoo{manju} writing \mabosoo{bithe} looks beautiful indeed. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{manju} \mabosoo{manju} writing \mabosoo{bithe} looks beautiful indeed. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mabox} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \char92mobox, it provides boxes of vertical text, but \emph{} is treated as Manju.} % Function {+} % Example {Like all commands of the \tttt{box} family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical display.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92mobox} % See also {cmd:mabox} % See page \exa \mabox{1.5cm}{% \noindent manju\\bithe. } \exb \begin{verbatim} \mabox{1.5cm}{% \noindent manju\\bithe. } \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mbosoo} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \char92bosoo, it provides vertical capsules of text, but \emph{} is converted to Mongolian.} % Function {+} % Example {Like \tttt{bosoo}, this command requires PostScript support. Like \tttt{bcg}, the input text may only contain letters, transliteration symbols and numbers but no \TeX\ commands. The command is internally defined as \tttt{bosoo{\char92bcg\{...\}}}.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bosoo \char92mabosoo \char92mobosoo} % See also {cmd:mbosoo} % See page \exa \emph{mong\g ol} \mbosoo{mongGol} writing \mbosoo{bicig} looks beautiful indeed. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{mong\g ol} \mbosoo{mongGol} writing \mbosoo{bicig} looks beautiful indeed. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mobosoo} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \char92mbosoo, it provides vertical capsules of text, but \emph{} is converted to Mongolian using the Simplified Transliteration.} % Function {+} % Example {Like all commands of the \tttt{bosoo} family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical output.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bosoo\char92mabosoo \char92mbosoo } % See also {cmd:mobosoo} % See page \exa \emph{mong\g ol} \mobosoo{munggul} writing \mobosoo{bicik} looks beautiful indeed. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{mong\g ol} \mobosoo{munggul} writing \mobosoo{bicik} looks beautiful indeed. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mobox} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Similar to \char92mabox, it provides boxes of vertical text, but \emph{} is treated as Mongolian.} % Function {+} % Example {Mongolian must be entered in Simplified Transliteration. Currently, LMS input is not accepted. Like all commands of the \tttt{box} family, this command requires PostScript support for proper vertical display.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92mobox} % See also {cmd:mobox} % See page \exa \mobox{2cm}{munggul\\bicik} \exb \begin{verbatim} \mabox{2cm}{munggul\\bicik} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mnr} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Switches the current stream to Xalx transliteration of Latin characters.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {\tttt{mnr} can be understood as Mongolian New Romanization.} % Comments {\char92rnm} % See also {mnrnm} % See page \exa First \mnr kirill, \rnm then latin. \exb \begin{verbatim} First \mnr kirill, \rnm then latin. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{MonTeX} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Produces the \MonTeX{-} logo.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {-} % See also {-} % See page \exa You are using \MonTeX, a \LaTeXe\ package providing Mongolian. \exb \begin{verbatim} You are using \MonTeX, a \LaTeXe\ package providing Mongolian. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{MyTogrog} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the Mongolian currency denominator.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Matches the typeface of the environment.} % Comments {\char92mytogrog \char92Togrog \char92togrog} % See also {cmd:MyTogrog} % See page \exa \kit{\"Un\"a 200 \MyTogrog}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \kit{\"Un\"a 200 \MyTogrog}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{mytogrog} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the Mongolian currency denominator, lower case variant (not considered standard).} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {Matches the typeface of the environment.} % Comments {\char92MyTogrog \char92Togrog \char92togrog} % See also {cmd:mytogrog} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{PrettyMLS} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Replaces some of the Mongolian transliteration shorthands with nicer output.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92glyphbcg \char92ShowSpecialMLS} % See also {table:PrettyMLS} % See page \exa \emph{SaGdur} \bcg{SaGdur} is \emph{\PrettyMLS{SaGdur}}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \emph{SaGdur} \cbg{SaGdur} \emph{\PrettyMLS{SaGdur}}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{om} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Used for Tibetan transliterations.}% Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {-} % See also {mnrnm} % See page \exa \mobox{3cm}{\noindent\sffamily \om uva\\ \ ma'=a\\ \ n'i\\ \ badmi'\\ \om huu} \exb \begin{verbatim} \mobox{3cm}{\noindent\sffamily \om uva\\ \ ma'=a\\ \ n'i\\ \ badmi'\\ \om huu} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{rmfamily} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets normal Mongolian or Manju font family.}% Function {+} % Example {Works only for \LMA\ and \LMO\ encodings.} % Limitations {There is no good equivalent between \emph{Roman} and Mongolian typographical styles.} % Comments {-} % See also {cmd:rmfamily} % See page \exa \mobox{2cm}{\noindent munggul\\ \sffamily munggul\\ \rmfamily munggul } \exb \begin{verbatim} \mobox{2cm}{\noindent munggul\\ \sffamily munggul\\ \rmfamily munggul} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{rnm} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Disables transliteration of Latin characters to Xalx in the current stream.}% Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {\tttt{rnm} can be understood as Return to NorMal.} % Comments {\char92mnr} % See also {mnrnm} % See page \exa \mnr Odoo kirill daraa \rnm latin \exb \begin{verbatim} \mnr Odoo kirill daraa \rnm latin \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{russian} % Command Name {} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets document language to Russian.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicig bithe buryat english xalx} % See also {a:russian} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{RussianToday} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the date in Russian.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {Internal command. Authors should use \tttt{today} which is redefined automatically by the \texttt{russian} option when calling the \texttt{mls} package.} % Comments {\char92BuryatToday \char92XalxToday}% See also {cmd:today} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{SetDocumentEncodingBicig} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets the document encoding to Classical Mongolian, also known as Uighur.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {The romanization used for this encoding is a simplified system with an emphasis on graphical, not phonetical properties of the Uighur writing system.} % Comments {\char92 SetDocumentEncodingBithe} % See also {cmd:SetDocumentEncodingBicig} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{SetDocumentEncodingBithe} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets the document encoding to Classical Manju.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {The romanization used for this encoding is, with a few simple exceptions, a close match of Hauer's system which is the \emph{de facto} standard.} % Comments {\char92SetDocumentEncodingBicig} % See also {cmd:SetDocumentEncodingBithe} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{SetDocumentEncodingLMC} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets the document encoding to Modern Mongolian (Xalx in Cyrillic writing).}% Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Used for writing Mongolian texts on Latin-only platforms.} % Comments {\char92SetDocumentEncodingNeutral} % See also {cmd:SetDocumentEncodingLMC} % See page \exa \SetDocumentEncodingLMC Kirill \"us\"ag, mongol x\"al\\ \SetDocumentEncodingNeutral Latin \"us\"ag, mongol x\"al \exb \begin{verbatim} \SetDocumentEncodingLMC Kirill \"us\"ag, mongol x\"al\\ \SetDocumentEncodingNeutral Latin \"us\"ag, mongol x\"al \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{SetDocumentEncodingNeutral} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Resets the document encoding so that Latin appears as Latin again and is not anymore converted to Cyrillic automatically.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92SetDocumentEncodingLMC}% See also {cmd:SetDocumentEncodingNeutral}% See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{sffamily} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets Block Print Style Mongolian or Manju font family.}% Function {-} % Example {Works only for \LMA\ and \LMO\ encodings.} % Limitations {There is no good equivalent between \emph{Roman} and Mongolian typographical styles.} % Comments {-} % See also {cmd:sffamily} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{sh} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Creates a \emph{\sh} which is used for Mongolian transliterations.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92ch \char92g} % See also {table:shortcuts} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{ShowSpecialMLS} % Command Name {\texttt{(true|false)}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Controls the behaviour of \tttt{PrettyMLS} and either reveals or hides FVS and other codes for input of \texttt{-'*} etc.} % Function {-} % Example {This function accepts only character tokens as input, no \TeX\ commands.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92bcg \char92glyphbcg \char92PrettyMLS} % See also {cmd:PrettyMLS} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{Togrog} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the Mongolian currency denominator.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Never changes the typeface. If you want to match \tttt{Togrog} with the environment use \tttt{MyTogrog} instead.} % Comments {\char92togrog \char92MyTogrog \char92mytogrog} % See also {cmd:Togrog} % See page \exa \xalx{\"Un\"a 200 \Togrog}. \exb \begin{verbatim} \xalx{\"Un\"a 200 \Togrog}. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{togrog} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the Mongolian currency denominator, lower case variant (not considered standard).} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {Never changes the typeface. If you want to match \char92Togrog with the environment use \char92MyTogrog instead.} % Comments {\char92Togrog \char92MyTogrog \char92mytogrog} % See also {cmd:togrog} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{Useg} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by upper case Cyrillic letters, Xalx Mongolian style.} % Function {-} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 31.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92Asbuk \char92asbuk \char92useg \char92Uzeg \char92uzeg}% See also {cmd:Useg} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{useg} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by lower case Cyrillic letters, Xalx Mongolian style.} % Function {-} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 31.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92Asbuk \char92asbuk \char92Useg \char92useg \char92Uzeg} % See also {cmd:useg} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{Uzeg} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by upper case Cyrillic letters, Buryat style.} % Function {-} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 32.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92Asbuk \char92asbuk \char92Useg \char92useg \char92Uzeg} % See also {cmd:Uzeg} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{uzeg} % Command Name {\{\textit{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides counting by lower case Cyrillic letters, Buryat style.} % Function {-} % Example {\emph{} must be between 1 and 32.} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92Asbuk \char92asbuk \char92Useg \char92useg \char92Uzeg}% See also {cmd:uzeg} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{VersionDate} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the release date of of the current version} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Only for administrative purposes.} % Comments {\char92Version(Kirill|Mongol|Release) \char92ImplementationLevel} % See also {-} % See page \exa This version was officially released \VersionDate. \exb \begin{verbatim} This version was officially released \VersionDate. \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{VersionKirill} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the version number of the \MonTeX\ code related to Cyrillic.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Only for administrative purposes.} % Comments {\char92Version(Date|Mongol|Release) \char92ImplementationLevel} % See also {-} % See page \exa Cyrillic version: \VersionKirill \exb \begin{verbatim} Cyrillic version: \VersionKirill \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{VersionMongol} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the version number of the \MonTeX\ code related to Mongolian.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Only for administrative purposes.} % Comments {\char92Version(Date|Kirill|Release) \char92ImplementationLevel} % See also {-} % See page \exa Mongolian version: \VersionMongol \exb \begin{verbatim} Mongolian version: \VersionMongol \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{VersionRelease} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Comprehensive version information.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {Only for administrative purposes.} % Comments {\char92Version(Date|Kirill|Mongol) \char92ImplementationLevel} % See also {-} % See page \exa This is \MonTeX\ \VersionRelease \exb \begin{verbatim} This is \MonTeX\ \VersionRelease \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyEnvironment{xalx} % Command Name {} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Sets document language to Xalx, or Modern Mongolian.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {bicig bithe buryat english russian} % See also {a:xalx} % See page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{xalx} % Command Name {\{\emph{}\}} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Creates capsules with Modern Mongolian transliteration for including Xalx words in other languages.} % Function {+} % Example {-} % Limitations {-} % Comments {\char92lat} % See also {cmd:xalx} % See page \exa English and \xalx{mongol} \exb \begin{verbatim} English and \xalx{mongol} \end{verbatim} \exc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \MyCommand{XalxToday} % Command Name {-} % Synopsis, number of arguments {Provides the date in Xalx Mongolian.} % Function {-} % Example {-} % Limitations {Internal command. Authors should use \tttt{today} which is redefined automatically by the \texttt{xalx} option when calling the \texttt{mls} package.} % Comments {\char92BuryatToday \char92RussianToday}% See also {cmd:today} % See page \end{document}