%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: ctib.tex % Author: Sam Sirlin % Modified by: Oliver Corff % Date: October 10th, 1999 % Version: \CtibVersionRelease % % Description: The ctib.tex file provides access to all % commands necessary for writing Tibetan % in TeX documents, making use of a modified % version of Sirlin's Tibetan fonts. % % Many definitions were actually taken from % Sirlin's tibdef.tex (and occasionally modified). % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- main code ------------------- % % \TibTeX creates the TibTeX logo % \def\TibTeX{{cTib\TeX}} % % % s.w. sirlin 11/24/94, modified by o. corff, 1999-10-10 % definitions for tibetan fonts \font\tibetanzero=ctib scaled\magstep0 \font\tenrmzero=cmr10 scaled\magstep0 \font\tibetanone=ctib scaled\magstep1 \font\tenrmone=cmr10 scaled\magstep1 \def\tsize{% \def\tibetan{\tibetanzero}% \def\tenrm{\tenrmzero}} \def\tsizei{% \def\tibetan{\tibetanone}% \def\tenrm{\tenrmone}} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Now Tibetan paragraph properties % %\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \def\tspace{{\hskip\fontdimen7\font}} % inter-sentence space \def\notsheg{\noboundary} % elimininates tsheg \def\K{\noboundary\tspace} % Space after k, g % % Helps build additional stacks % \def\V#1#2{\noboundary% \ooalign{\noboundary#1\noboundary\cr \lower1.15\fontdimen5\font\hbox{#2\noboundary}}% x} % `x' which has no value in ctib generates automatic tsheg %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Now typical Tibetan identities % % Bad: would not cooperate with MonTeX! \ifx\om\undefined \def\om{{\tib\char254}} % `<' \fi \def\visarga{{\tib\char58}} % `:' \def\swasti{{\tib\char64}} % `@' % % special characters % \def\dme{\V{de}{ma}x} %% \def\ai{\V{a}{\raise0.85\fontdimen5\font\hbox{\hskip0.25em`}}x} %% \def\hung{\ooalign{{\raise0.7\fontdimen5\font\hbox{\hskip0.15em0}} \cr\V{h}{'u}}x} %% \def\hrih{\V{hri}{\raise0.50\fontdimen5\font\hbox{`}}x} %% \def\achung#1{\vtop{% \baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1\noboundary}% \hbox{\lower0.15\fontdimen5\font\hbox{`}}} } %% %% %% % operators - new vowels %% %% % m as o above next letter %% %\def \altm{{\tibsp\accent0}} %% %\def \altm{ \tibsp\accent0\tibetan} %% % expect that tfilt will add junk which we need to junk %% \def \altm#1{ \tibsp\accent0\tibetan #1} %% %% % m as o above, u below %% \def\altmu#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox %% {\tibsp\accent0\tibetan #1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}} %% %% % m as o below - emphasis %% % \def\subm#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char0}}} %% \def\subm#1{ %% \vtop{\ialign{\hfil##\hfil\cr %% \hbox{#1}\cr %% \noalign{\kern1pt\nointerlineskip} %% \hbox{\tibsp\char0}\cr}} %% } %% %% % below %% %ready to start, default size is 0 \tsize % end of ctib.tex