%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: lctctib.fd % Author: Oliver Corff % Date: July 1st, 2002 % Version: 0.6 % Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin % % Description: Local Tibetan (LCT) % Sirlin's Modified Tibetan Font Definition % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- identification ------------------- \ProvidesFile{lctctib.fd}% [2002/07/01 v0.6 Tibetan Font Definitions based on Sirlin's Glyphs] \DeclareFontFamily{LCT}{ctib}{} \DeclareFontShape{LCT}{ctib}{m}{n}% Medium Weight { <-> ctib }{} % % There is no BW version at present! % \DeclareFontShape{LCT}{ctib}{b}{n}% Bold Weight { <-> sub*ctib/m/n }{} % % There is no BE version at present! % \DeclareFontShape{LCT}{ctib}{bx}{n}% Bold Extended { <-> sub*ctib/m/n }{} \endinput %% %% End of file `lctctib.fd'.