%%%% email-fr.dmp %%% %%% Laurent Siebenmann, November 1993 %%% Master Posting in 1993: anonymous ftp matups.matups.fr %%% (perhaps) in directory TypingTeX.dir %%% Support: lcs@matups.matups.fr %%% %%% Description: This file is a %%% format compilation utility for email-fr.fix. %%% Run under initex, it dumps a format %%% which has the following magical property. %%% If email-fr.fix is run under this format %%% with the "automatic" option on, it is able to %%% AUTOMATICALLY correct the one characteristic %%% typing error one makes in email-fr typing, %%% namely the use of 'e (e-accute) for /e (apostrophe e). %%% Otherwise email-fr.fix needs %%% lots of dialog with the user. %%% emailFR hyphenations %%% Educate virgin TeX about catcodes \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode9=10\relax% tab is space \catcode`\#=6 % hash mark is macro parameter \def\temp{\immediate\write16} \temp{}% \temp{ **********************************************}% \temp{ *** Taper pour cr'eer un format emailFR}% \temp{ *** qui sert pour email-fr.fix}% \temp{ **********************************************}% \show\courage %%%% Quickly input Plain without US hyphenation \let\primimmediate\immediate \def\immediate#1#2#3{} %% suppress \immediate\write16 for now \let\priminput\input \def\input hyphen{\relax} \priminput plain.tex %% lplain must be standard \let\immediate\primimmediate %%% Have Plain TeX without any language or patterns defined. %%% Now define language emailFR %% along with pattrns suitable for %% email-fr.fix %%%% \LoadEmailFRpatterns below can be added to other \begingroup \catcode`\@=11 \gdef\InstallEmailFR{{ % {\catcode32=12\relax\gdef\OtherSp@{ }} % \catcode`\'=12 \catcode`\?=12 \catcode`\-=12 % \lccode`\'=`\' % \lccode`\?=`\? % \lccode`\-=`\- % \lccode32=32 % %%% use special language for compatibility with other formats \csname newlanguage\endcsname\l@emailFR \language=\l@emailFR %% \patterns{% %%.c3? .d3? .j3? .l3? .m3? .n3? .qu3? .s3? .t3? %% not needed %% but could be used with "three syllable" criterion ?3eff ?3ect ?3ecze ?3edel ?3eid ?3einst ?3elb ?3eld ?3ell ?3emb ?3emm ?3emp ?3en. ?3en- ?3enc ?3end ?3enf ?3eng ?3enh ?3enivr ?3enj ?3enk ?3enl ?3enn ?3enq ?3enr ?3ens ?3ent ?3env ?3enz ?3erb ?3erg ?3erm ?3erp ?3err ?3ers ?3esb ?3esc ?3esg ?3esk ?3esp ?3ess ?3est ?3ethn ?3eu ?3evzone ?3ex ?3ey %% ecceptions from Greek ?3ego ?3egos- %% exceptions from Computer Sci ?3email ?3emacs ?3e- %% Proper names .S?4ego. %% Quandry in French: signal by >>2 syllables (not yet) %.n3?3e3s. %% test zz3zz } % \let\Install@EmailFR\relax}} \endgroup \InstallEmailFR \dump