\documentstyle[twoside,newcen,12pt]{article} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.01pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{.01pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{-40pt} \setlength{\parskip}{4pt} \pagestyle{empty} \input /mit/hkbui/huyen/new-viet-macro.tex \begin{document} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{1.0in} \vspace*{1.0in} \Large\bf\it Song of the Crow \normalsize\it (Ancient folk song)\\ \hspace*{2.5in}Collected, arranged by Pham Duy \bigskip \noindent Crow o o the crow. Crow o o the crow.\\ The crow he calls, the bride and the groom.\\ From the two homes, come in one room.\\ The bride so shy, all day she cries.\\ Until the night...\\ The bride so shy, is nice at night.\\ The shy young bride, is fine tonight!\\\\ \bigskip \vspace*{0.5in} \Large\bf\it Drum of Love \normalsize\it (Ancient folk song)\\ \hspace*{2.5in}Collected, arranged by Pham Duy \bigskip \noindent My love he has a drum\\ He plays so well lovely sound drum drum...\\ A band of boys and girls\\ A band of boys and girls...\\ Now they dream, swim, dream, swim, fly\\ Just to look for love\\ With their half closed half opened eyes...\\ The spiders spin all day\\ Oh oh oh spin a web\\ I look for you\\ My love so far away...\\\\ \end{document}