=============== # TNRS 0.3.6 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * A new functions, TNRS_synonyms, has been added. This returns all synonyms for a single species from a single source. * Added tests for TNRS_synonyms ## Bug Fixes =============== # TNRS 0.3.5 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * A new source has been added, "cact", which contains only species within the Cactaceae. ## Bug Fixes * Updated tests per new API options * removed documentation for '...' from TNRS_core, as we aren't using this anymore. * Updating to reflect new sources * Fixed bug in TNRS.R where additional parameters weren't being passed to internal functions * Updated documentation =============== # TNRS 0.3.4 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Updated default settings per a pending TNRS API update. ## Bug Fixes =============== # TNRS 0.3.3 =============== ## NEW FEATURES ## Bug Fixes * Updated to fix a bug that occurs with TNRS_metadata if there are issues making API connections, but not internet connections =============== # TNRS 0.3.2 =============== ## NEW FEATURES ## Bug Fixes * Fixed problems with testing causing CRAN checks to fail =============== # TNRS 0.3.1 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Added progress bar when downloading multiple batches of records * Added an option to skip checks for internet when running functions * TNRS "..._score" columns now returned as numeric (rather than character) ## Bug Fixes * Removed a few non-ascii character in the example file which were causing errors in vcr * Used new "skip_internet_check" option to fix bug with vcr when hitting the internet multiple times (once to check the connection, again to run the query) ## Misc. * Ran styler to make the code a bit neater =============== # TNRS 0.3.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Revised code to make maintanence and testing easier * Testing now makes use of the vcr package where possible * Added the option to specify a threshold for match scores ## Bug Fixes * Package should no longer produce errors in the event of API connection issues (e.g. server problems). =============== # TNRS 0.2.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Added Spanish language vignette * Multiple sources now specified by character vector. * Updated taxonomic sources and classifications. * Added checks of inputs. ## Bug fixes * Fixed error in naming metadata elements * A server upgrade rendered RCurl incompatible with our api, so we switched to httr * Modified functions to fail gracefully if the internet or API are unavailabile * tests will now be skipped if offline =============== # TNRS 0.1.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * released to CRAN