logcondens_2.1.8: --------------------------------- - Minor update to comply with CRAN policies. logcondens_2.1.7: --------------------------------- - Minor updates to prettify help files. - Fixed bug that prevented activeSetLogCon to run also for n = 2. logcondens_2.1.6: --------------------------------- - Updated references to JSS paper. logcondens_2.1.5: --------------------------------- - Minor updates. logcondens_2.1.4: --------------------------------- - Properly import globals. logcondens_2.1.3: --------------------------------- - Added proper S3 exporting. logcondens_2.1.2: --------------------------------- - Updated dependency for c2hat. - Updated webadress for Lutz Duembgen. logcondens_2.1.1: --------------------------------- - Updated logConCI to compute a confidence interval. logcondens_2.1.0: --------------------------------- - Reorganized vignette to conform. - Updated references. logcondens_2.0.9: --------------------------------- - Added seed to logConCI.Rd. - Changed handling of pmax in logConCI(). logcondens_2.0.8: --------------------------------- - Corrected a wrong link in evaluateLogConDens. - Added the function logConCI, contributed by M. Azadbakhsh and H. Jankowski. - Updated references. logcondens_2.0.7: --------------------------------- - Updated package to pass new checks on CRAN. - Updated references. logcondens_2.0.6: --------------------------------- - Modified function logConROC (option "smooth"). - Added function confIntBootLogConROC_t0(). logcondens_2.0.5: --------------------------------- - Added NAMESPACE. logcondens_2.0.4: --------------------------------- - Updated some references. - Corrected minor typos. logcondens_2.0.3: --------------------------------- - Contains final JSS paper version. logcondens_2.0.2: --------------------------------- - Added functions ROCx() and logConROC() - Added dataset 'pancreas' logcondens_2.0.1: --------------------------------- - Revision according to reviewer comments for JSS paper. - Replaced 'vectorToString()' by 'paste()' using option 'collapse' - Added JSS paper as a vignette to the package logcondens_2.0.0: --------------------------------- - Substantially reworked version according to revision of paper Duembgen and Rufibach (2010). - Updated Taylor approximations according to technical report Duembgen et al (2010). logcondens_1.3.5: --------------------------------- - Added 'reliability' and 'brightstar' datasets. - Added 'logconSmoothed'. - Added 'rlogcon'. logcondens_1.3.4: --------------------------------- - Included vignette in the package. logcondens_1.3.3: --------------------------------- - Updated references. - Updated vignette. logcondens_1.3.2: --------------------------------- - Updated references. logcondens_1.3.1: --------------------------------- - Updated contact informations. logcondens_1.3.0: --------------------------------- - Modified quantilesLogConDens. Value for p0 > 1 is set to +Inf. - Added the functions intF and intECDF. - Updated references. logcondens_1.2: --------------------------------- - Simplified evaluateLogConDens and quantilesLogConDens. Therefore, J00 was slightly generalized to variable upper endpoint and the function qloglin was introduced. - Replaced the variable name F for the estimated distribution function by Fhat. - Shortened title. logcondens_1.1: --------------------------------- - Specified affiliations. - Indicated that MatLab files are available upon request from Lutz Duembgen. - MLE: printed only L, but needs to print L_new; and print = 1 replaced by print = TRUE. - icmaLogCon: replaced ambiguous option "robust" by "robustif" (there is already a function called "robust") - LocalMLE: replaced explicit calculations by function call to LocalConvexity. - Help files: reformulated and complemented some entries. - Vignette: corrected some typos. logcondens_1.0 (initial version): --------------------------------- - Provide functions to estimate a log-concave probability density.