2015-03-06 * Version 1.0.0: first major release, submitted to CRAN 2015-03-06 * Version 1.0.1: small fix * DESCRIPTION: change in Title and Description field 2015-03-13 * Version 1.0.2: doc fix in function pointer.norm 2015-09-18 * Version 1.1.0: new function lowpass13 * small fix in function pointer.rgc + small doc fixes (thanks to Gottfried Jetschke) * NAMESPACE: 'stats' and 'graphics' added as imports * CITATION file added 2016-02-28 * Version 1.1.1: small bug fix in function res.plot * updated import tags for 'gridExtra', 'plyr' and 'TripleR' 2016-03-31 * Version 1.1.2: small bug fix in function pointer.norm * additional argument 'sign' in function event.plot and pointer.plot * vignette on basic package functionality added 2016-12-11 * Version 1.1.3: additional argument 'post' in function res.comp * Citation to data s033 added 2021-08-06 * Version 2.0.0: new functions pointer.zchron and interval.trend; res.comp extended after Thurm et al. (2016) and Schwarz et al. (2020) * rgc.plot and norm.plot: will be removed in the next version of the package. At current, both functions are deprecated. * pointer.rgc and pointer.norm: have a new argument make.plot to create a plot (replacement for rgc.plot and norm.plot) * pointer.norm: the arguments N.thresh1, N.thresh2 and N.thresh3 were combined in one argument N.thresh * res.plot: updated according to extension res.comp * small doc changes in several functions * vignette adapted to new functionalities of the package * NAMESPACE: 'DescTools' added as import, 'dplR' as depends * CITATION file: Jetschke et al. (2019) added 2022-05-07 * Version 2.0.1: small doc fixes * rgc.plot and norm.plot: were now removed (in previous version deprecated) * CITATION file: Van der Maaten-Theunissen et al. (2021) added 2023-05-04 * Version 2.0.2: small fix in pointer.rgc to circumvent warning message of ggplot2:" 'guides («scale> = FALSE)' is deprecated. Please use 'guides («scale> = "none")' instead." * CITATION file: Jetschke et al. (2023) added