# -*- mode: org ; ispell-local-dictionary: "british" -*- * xkcd 0.0.6 ** External Updated to be used with ggplot2 version >=3.0.0. Mayor changes in aesthetics functions. - xkcdline: - Aesthetic specifications change: aes(x,y,xend, yend) (Originally, it was aes(xbegin,ybegin, xend, yend)). Example: ggplot() + xkcdline(mapping=aes(x=x1 +y1, y=y1, xend =xend, yend= yend, color = model), data=data) ** Internal - pointssegment: replaced xbegin and ybegin by x and y. - xkcdline: New form to work with aesthetics - createdefaultmappinganddata: New form to work with aesthetics - mappingjoin2: Removed unknown aesthetics - xkcdman: xbegin and yend removed. - xkcdrect: Border lines are updated * xkcd 0.0.5 ** External - DESCRIPTION: Title field in title case - change NEWS file ** Internal - ggplot 2.0 does not like ... I disable this option in xkcdline