We are pleased to announce addition of two new documents to our collection:
We can't stress this enough: try to use a mirror! These are the new once since our last announcement:
Saqib Ali sent in a tip to make modifications to your Document written in DocBook online. http://www.datamech.com/xmlform/formgenerator4.html can be used to do the same by pasting either a link to the XML document or the entire document in the "XML data" text input.
The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining <discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org>.
Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at <feedback@en.tldp.org>.
The LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.