% Save file as: APP-D.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET \input fontsize.tex \input D.tex \nopagenumbers \headline={\hfill} \twelvepoint \centerline{\twlbf APPENDIX D: Some Sample Pages From a Survey Typeset in \TeX} \bigskip\par\noindent This appendix consists of \TeX\ output for several selected pages of a survey recently conducted by a University of Oregon graduate student. It is included as an example of how to use \TeX\ to typeset typical survey instruments. \bigskip\par\noindent A machine-readable copy of the raw \TeX\ commands used to typeset these pages is available to OREGON VAX users as: \bigskip\par\noindent\hglue 0.5truein {\twltt TEX\$DISK:[TEX.SAMPLES]SURVEY.TEX} \bigskip\par\noindent On other systems get a copy of that file via anonymous FTP. \bigskip\par\noindent FTP to {\twltt DECOY.UOREGON.EDU (} and see directory {\twltt pub/tex/samples}. \bigskip\par\noindent \vfill\eject %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input survey2.tex \end