TO AVOID HAVING TO CHANGE ANY OF THE FILE'S OWNERS OR GROUPS, UNZIP THESE FILES AS ROOT. There are three versions of the update notifier available. Each is represented by its name on the .zip file. 1. Basic Update Notifier - It simply lets the user know that updates are available...nothing more. Clicking the icon in the system tray will close the system tray notification. It's then left up to the user to perform updates manually via a terminal or synaptic. 2. Synaptic Update Notifier: uses the Synaptic Package Manager to perform upgrades. There are two modes available. One mode opens the main Synaptic window, and upgrades are performed in the floating windows on top of the main window. The other mode only uses the floating windows. 3. Terminal Update Notifier: uses a terminal (xterm) to perform upgrades. If you don't want to use xterm, it can be changed to your terminal of choice. Installation instructions are included for each version and offer some basic instructions for how to possibly change some of the default features more to your liking. ________________________________________

To the extent possible under law, MiyoLinux has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to MiyoLinux Update Notifier (2021). This work is published from: United States.