;ELC ;;; compiled by jwz@thalidomide on Thu Apr 14 03:47:59 1994 ;;; from file /th/jwz/emacs19/lisp/prim/syntax.el ;;; emacs version 19.10 Lucid (beta14). ;;; bytecomp version 2.23; 22-dec-93. ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19.")) (fset 'modify-syntax-entry #[(char spec &optional table) " !  D\"    GW  ʜ=  T b! \"   GWb   T U \" ^U \" ^U \" ^U \" ^U \" ^U \" ^U \" ^U \" U ʜU \"  ʜU \" U ʜU \"   ʜU \"  U\"\"U! \")T  ʜU \"  ʜU \" , GV U \" \"#I-LJ" [syntax-table-p table syntax-table signal wrong-type-argument " .w_()'\"$\\/<>" codes nil code bflag 0 b3 i spec error gettext "Invalid syntax description letter: %S" 2 ch 49 logior 128 50 32 51 8 52 53 64 54 16 55 4 56 1 97 60 62 98 t 112 lsh 7 "Invalid syntax description flag: %S" char] 9 "\ Set syntax for character CHAR according to string S. The syntax is changed only for table TABLE, which defaults to the current buffer's syntax table. The first character of S should be one of the following: Space whitespace syntax. w word constituent. _ symbol constituent. . punctuation. ( open-parenthesis. ) close-parenthesis. \" string quote. \\ character-quote. $ paired delimiter. ' expression quote or prefix operator. < comment starter. > comment ender. Only single-character comment start and end sequences are represented thus. Two-character sequences are represented as described below. The second character of S is the matching parenthesis, used only if the first character is `(' or `)'. Any additional characters are flags. Defined flags are the characters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, p, a, and b. 1 means C is the first of a two-char comment start sequence of style a. 2 means C is the second character of such a sequence. 3 means C is the first of a two-char comment end sequence of style a. 4 means C is the second character of such a sequence. 5 means C is the first of a two-char comment start sequence of style b. 6 means C is the second character of such a sequence. 7 means C is the first of a two-char comment end sequence of style b. 8 means C is the second character of such a sequence. p means C is a prefix character for `backward-prefix-chars'; such characters are treated as whitespace when they occur between expressions. a means C is comment starter or comment ender for comment style a (default) b means C is comment starter or comment ender for comment style b." "cSet syntax for character: \nsSet syntax for %c to: "]) (byte-code "MM" [describe-syntax-table #[(table stream) ">ªljǜ \n \nGU\nS\nS\"̪ \n= \nS\"\n \n \nT\nG-" [ctl-arrow (t nil) 256 160 limit #[(first last) " !G\n \" V \"!\n \" \nG\\\\ \" TWs* \"" [text-char-description first tem pos princ stream last " .. " 4 write-char 32 16 describe-syntax-code table] 4] describe-one 0 table code i range nil] 5] describe-syntax-code #[(code stream) "!  \n  \"\nGV !\n \" \"\" \"\"U?\"U?\"U?\"U?\"U? \"U?\"\"U?$\"U?& \"U?'UU*!U۪!*!!! *!!$!*!!!\"*!!&!'!!! \"H!U!!!!*!!!!!! *!!!!$!!*!!@!!A!!\"*!!B!!&C!!'D!!. E !-" [" .w_()'\"$\\/<>" gettext "**invalid**" "" stream standard-output #[(string) "!\n!" [princ ",\n " string] 2] in empty invalid codes code logand 127 princ spec lsh -8 255 match -16 b3 128 0 start1 64 start1b 32 start2 16 start2b 8 end1 4 end1b 2 end2 1 end2b prefix 60 62 single-char-p write-char 49 50 51 52 98 53 54 55 56 112 " meaning: " ["whitespace" "punctuation" "word-constituent" "symbol-constituent" "open-paren" "close-paren" "expression-prefix" "string-quote" "paired-delimiter" "escape" "character-quote" "comment-begin" "comment-end"] ", matches " text-char-description ", style A" "first character of comment-start sequence A" "second character of comment-start sequence A" "first character of comment-end sequence A" "second character of comment-end sequence A" ", style B" "first character of comment-start sequence B" "second character of comment-start sequence B" "first character of comment-end sequence B" "second character of comment-end sequence B" "prefix character for `backward-prefix-chars'" terpri] 5]] 2)